The Riddle and Logic Problem Conglomeration

DevAng said:
You wanna see another one?

This one is waaaayy easy , if I dont have the awnser here in 10 minutes I'm gonna be very dissapointed with you guys :silly2:

You want to buy a gun from auction, and you have to place a bid of 50 peds. The problem is you don't have the money , you spent it all on ammoo and such :p So you go to a couple of friends of yours to ask for the money. Since both of them don't have that much , you borrow 25 peds from each, thus making the full 50 peds :)

When you are about to buy the gun , you realise there is one with slightly lower tt with a buyout of 45 peds :D So of course you buy that one. So now you have 5 peds left.

You talk to your friends and they agree you can pay your debt in instalments over time. Since you still have a little money , you start right away and give 1 ped to each of your friends.

So now you owe 24 peds to each and have yourself 3 peds left.

Since 24 + 24 + 3 = 51 ... :eek: were the hell did that extra ped came from?

(could it be a brand new way to make money in PE? :D )

the equation is wrong. it should be (24-1.5) twice.
Exactly , we should subtract and not add the money we have to obtain what we payed for the gun :)