The Skill Boost Thread (the temporary one)


Jul 6, 2008
South of France
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Cobra Cob Guru
I regularly get temporary skill boost while hunting and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
I also got some in crafting.

But I was wondering if there was a limit of % the skill boost can give as today I just got the biggest single one I ever had (300% like indicated or it can go more if they cumulate ?) .

216% boost :eyecrazy:


anyone else ?
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There is an icon in the lower right corner of the screen that represents any buff's we have/get.
You can put your mouse cursor over this icon to see how much is possible to get.

Of course you already knew this, I just realized :)
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You can get a skillboost ontop of a skillboost you already have but as already mentioned the max is 300%.
I've gotten 300% boost before
The duration of boosts also seem to be determined by the str of the boost. You may get a 230% boost for 5 mins, or a 37% boost for 15. ive even had a 1% boost while crafting once.
Seems to be partially linked to the PED burn or "uptime" of the particular period. When in mayhem its rare to get one below 50% for me, with most being above 150%. When just dicking around most are lower %. Very low cycle rates like healing etc produce very low boosts on average, unless you have been shooting flat out also.
Conversely they also seem to appear once resuming cycling after an afk break, but usually not a great strength, so this indicates a time elapsed trigger also.
Seems to be partially linked to the PED burn or "uptime" of the particular period. When in mayhem its rare to get one below 50% for me, with most being above 150%. When just dicking around most are lower %. Very low cycle rates like healing etc produce very low boosts on average, unless you have been shooting flat out also.
Conversely they also seem to appear once resuming cycling after an afk break, but usually not a great strength, so this indicates a time elapsed trigger also.
I always get them just as my ammo is about to run out or the tt on my sword is almost gone. So i think there is something in the system that detects your are getting low and gives you a boost right as you go empty or right before it to get you to continue hunting/mining.
I always get them just as my ammo is about to run out or the tt on my sword is almost gone. So i think there is something in the system that detects your are getting low and gives you a boost right as you go empty or right before it to get you to continue hunting/mining.
I got this too countless times the same way.
20 minute 250% Translocation boost in the middle of a hunt, thanks MA I'll put it to good fucking use!
can only get it if you have the tp chip equipped in that moment i think - most common annoyance for me is when i stop shooting to repair and get the bonus for pet - yes i know i should despawn it for those few seconds lol