True Enhancers - Selling/Crafting (Shops on Calypso, Next Island, Cyrene, Arkadia) - SERVICE SHUTDOWN

Get a hold of various cheap enhancers (6-10)

Check out this thread

Limited offer :)
Shops restocked :)
Some orders filled - dont be afraid to ask :)
- Calypso and Next Island restocked
- Troy Stall - Added new Island Bar with a 20 piece stacks of 1-10 damage :)
Fresh enhancers added :)
Some prices in Medusa modified :)
Bulks of different enhancers coming to a shop keeper :)
All shops restocked and prices updated :)
Forgot to post that I'm on vacation from 8.8 to 16.8 and the shops will not be restocked due to bad connection.

Thank you for understanding. 👍
Calypso restocked - will restock NI and other later tonight.
Bulks of 50 now available in shopkeeper at great prices :)

Finder Depth 1 to 4
Excavator Speed - 1 to 3
Defense 1 to 4
Durability 1 to 4
Medical Tool Heal 1 to 3
Medical Economy 1 to 2
All shops were restocked and prices updated yesterday :)
More improvements coming soon :)
Fresh enhancers ready :)
Some prices modified :)
BUMP for Shops :)
After some time - HUGE UPDATE to the THREAD
- locations added
- new updated pictures
- info added
- Buying/Selling status added
More upgrades coming soon

Medusa restocked, rest most likely tomorrow.
Arkadia restocked
Cyrene restocked
Nest Island restocked (Yesterday)
Will restock Medusa later tonight
Taking orders on bulks of:
- Defence
- Heal
- Depth
- Excavator

Medusa restocked.
Will try restock Next Island, Arkadia, and Cyrene tomorrow.

Demand very high so not easy to keep up.
Medusa restocked
Cyrene and Arkadia restocked
Next Island partially restocked
Medusa was just restocked.
Unfortunately, prices catching up to material increases.
Medusa restocked - prices lowered.

Cyrene, Next Island and Arkadia will be restocked later today. (Mayhem keeping me busy).
Restocked ALL SHOPS. :)
Next Island Shops - Restocked
Cyrene - Restocked
Arkadia - Restocked

Working on rest atm
Last edited:
Shops semi-stocked. Will try to restock later today 🙂
Let me know if you need higher lvl non-damage enhancers :)

Next Island Shops - Restocked

Modified Defense Stacks:
14 pcs in Medusa (7 armor pieces x 2)
35 pcs in Genesis (7 armor pieces x 5)

Will see how people like this and keep or modify based on that.
(Update made because of feedback from community).