UK meet up 2009


I offer one word of advice if you plan to attend.


Trust me, your peers will thank you.


I offer one word of advice if you plan to attend.


Trust me, your peers will thank you.


Ok, I'll try trousers. But I make no promises as to how long they will last. They will be restraining a ravenous beast and if I don't let him out at night he tends to bite the neighbours.

Blackjack :cowboy:
massive bumpy doodle!!!!!!!!
What hotel is everyone staying in? I'm looking at booking today.

All the best,

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What hotel is everyone staying in? I'm looking at booking today.

All the best,


Good point JH - I was going to look into this this week (may not be today, I have plans for a can of Beer today)

But probably the cheapest travel lodge type place closest to the center of town..

As long as they have decent locks on the doors......
Shall I just book then let everyone know where I am? Will that make other peoples decisions easier? Am I first to book? Oh wtf?!?

I'll ask my mates at


Jamhot :p
Can someone who knows the town of Worcester recommend a bar where we can all meet at? it should be a place with Beer, plenty of seating, food, reasonable prices, a willingness to put up with numbers of drunken loonies and topless serving girls.

Ok, maybe not the topless serving girls part.
But serioulsly, I took a quick glance at the interwebby and quickly realized that I have no idea of what is good, bad or indifferent! If you have been to Worcester or better yet live there, post up with your recommendations as to a good place for an EU meet and you will not only have my undying gratitude, but I'll toss ya 500 efd if we use your suggestion!:D

It would also be nice to have a place with a decent hotel within walking distance but thats not necessarily a requirement.

So come on people, throw me a bone here....

Btw, I did find a place called the Old Rectifying House that looks nice.
Tel. 01905 619622 if further investigation is required.

Blackjack :cowboy:
That hotel looks just fine by me Spike, I'll book in the next couple days as soon as i speak to She Who Must Be Obeyed about it.

Blackjack :cowboy:
Btw, I did find a place called the Old Rectifying House that looks nice.
Tel. 01905 619622 if further investigation is required.

Blackjack :cowboy:

Ooooo they sell Leffe and Hoegaarden Grande Cru! :yay: Looks a bit posh tho! :D Actually it looks pretty awesome, nice find BJ!

Ooooo they sell Leffe and Hoegaarden Grande Cru! :yay: Looks a bit posh tho! :D Actually it looks pretty awesome, nice find BJ!


Really? I love Hoegaarden....

This may have some real potential! Lets see what everyone else thinks.....

Now to figure out how to award myself 500 efd....

Blackjack :cowboy:
OK, RC and I are booked into the Travel Lodge place for the 11th July.

Looks central and they let you in at whatever time you rock in etc...
Really? I love Hoegaarden....

Do you have a slice in yours? :)

OK, RC and I are booked into the Travel Lodge place for the 11th July.

Looks central and they let you in at whatever time you rock in etc...
Ditto I'm booked in too now! Let's rock worcestershire!!!! :yay:

Hmmmm now travel arrangements?


Needs further work.

The wetherspoons looks big, which is good.

The Slug and Lettuce looks good as well

Also O'Niels -


Hmm, lets see if this link works... Zoom into Worcester, right of the bridge
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Ok, checked a bit more into the Old Rectifying House and it is located approximately 0.6 miles from the travellodge hotel that Spike found!:eek: I can pretty much crawl 1/2 a mile if I have to so I'm thinking that may settle it unless someone has any serious objections? They also offer free wireless interweb:D

We may want to get in touch with them and find out if tis going to be problem for 20-30 crazy people to show up on there doorstep tho....

Just checked out the Crown and that looks nice also, not much information on it but it does look to have a really cool conference room we could rent..... But hey, Im up for whatever, as long as you guys don't let the lovely and talented Ms. Silva use my scrotum for a hat.

Blackjack :cowboy:
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Needs further work.

The wetherspoons looks big, which is good.

The Slug and Lettuce looks good as well

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Hmm, lets see if this link works... Zoom into Worcester, right of the bridge
Looks great, everythings in very doable walking distance, although I've ammended it a little! ;)

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

added another one that looks really good actually
What a delightful little saturday morning we're having!

Well we're gonna need somewhere really good for wifi for the WoF, for whatever time it is on, I will be bringing lappy with me.

So we need to factor that into our schedule somewhere.

The travelodge we're staying at asks for money for their service. Buggers.


The Old Rectifying House offers free wifi, so Im still leaning towards that for the "Official" meet up. But I plan on hitting each and every one of those pubs during the three days Im in Worcester. And if ya dont join me your just a wee girl (as Fire would say).

Blackjack :cowboy:
Just did some phoning...

The Slug has no wifi
The oneils has no wifi

The wetherspoons does
Me and Lily are booked into the travelodge, with breakfast of course.....

***The car park is 1m85, so i cannot get the Stinky mobile in, will have to come down in Lilies lambourghini, so no space for lifts on Saturday:(***
(BJ, you of course, i will be delivering on the Friday, so no worries there....)

Wetherspoons is fine by me Spike. I do think that whichever one is picked, we should prolly get with Monkee and get her to edit her original post with the updated info tho....

Blackjack :cowboy:
Looks to me Wetherspoons will be the cheapest, but the one BJ suggests is open till 2.30am and has a DJ n stuff, so maybe Wetherspoons during the day and the one BJ suggested for the evening. :)

Ooooo they sell Leffe and Hoegaarden Grande Cru! :yay: Looks a bit posh tho! :D Actually it looks pretty awesome, nice find BJ!


Hoegaarden Grande Cru !!! :( i fucking love that beer

thank fuck i'm gonna be in belgium when the meet is on els i'd be well jalous

btw JH if you can find it Hoegaarden make a beer called " verboden vrucht" ( forbbiden fruit) = plonk's fave beer of all time
I have to take my name off the list of people attending:( due to work and going to Spain soon after so need cash. I would say hope you all have fun but i know thats guranteed;)
Have a gr8 meet and maybe i get there next year:D
Oh my word..... What a organizy sort day you have had :eek:

Well done :yay:

Woot nice map......

I was slightly disappointed that there is no Pubs with Chicken names, but on doing some research I found a list of Pubs in the area:

There is the:

Cock & Magpie‎ (They may let my Cockerel in there)
The Dog Inn (interesting name) :eek:

Any place with Wifi be good and then later on a place thats open late would be perfect.:wtg:
Booked at the travellodge (breakfst too so I get to watch stinky eat!)

C'mon people! Make those reservations while you can!!!

Blackjack :cowboy: