FYI: Vehicle fuel consumption (unscientific test)

For jumping I suggest someone who owns a Valkyrie Mk.II tests it, thats the fastest car right?
My car dont jump that long, and still no suggestions about long nice hills to drive down?? really hard to find :/

I know quite a few long down hills, but not that are free of mobs and or obstacles. It's hard to find anything you can drive straight down that is smooth enough to that you are not jumping quite a bit. One spot to try might be north of Shinook Jungle - from the top of the mountain down to the river (heading north) is pretty steep, pretty long, and just low aggro mobs (Nexnecis and Molisk)- that might work for you.

There are plenty of cliffs to jump off of, buy you don't really cover any distance, you just fall. Athena Space port has some nice high cliffs

I might take my Mk 2 to This Jump, but the Mk 1 has I higher top speed, so I don't know if the increased power of the Mk 2 will come in to play on the run up to the jump or not. I also doubt it is long enough to measure fuel consumption.


One spot to try might be north of Shinook Jungle - from the top of the mountain down to the river (heading north) is pretty steep, pretty long, and just low aggro mobs (Nexnecis and Molisk)- that might work for you.
Was there today, but unfortunately the bumps made me go backwards pretty quick lol
So decided to make another test just across the river.

Thought it would be good to know if the vehicles use any fuel at all while only rolling if you never even touch the "gas pedal" (aka "W")

I had only 1pec of oil in it as you will see in the screen shots but it was still possible to start the engine (as it always does when you climb in, but dont consume any fuel)
Put it on a steep hill facing down(du'h) and let it roll all the way into the river where I got ejected, not sure how many rolls I did but somewhere around 15-20 on this hillside.

Coords for the test here

Run out of fuel here

As long as the car isn't moving there is no fuel consumption, but as soon as it starts to move no matter if it rolls down a hill or you actually drive it it will consume fuel
another thought, possibly crazy but then just ignore it :D

Since we can only fill it up with even ped/pecs and once it run out of fuel normally(for me at least) it states 1pec as fuel left, but once it was 0pecs of fuel left when it went dry.
Doesn't that suggest it use different amounts too and not a fixed value? (it's late and I been looking for the last 128brukites for hours so I might be completely off too lol)
I can't remember exactly when I last time filled the tank, maybe about 2 moths ago when I got spare 4 peds to put in. Still running. Maybe I'm not so much into the driving business (as I certainly am not IRL)? :D