What is an uber, mid and noob?

for me the definition for these are

UBER : someone who has the knowledge of the game mechanics / the highest skills in their profession to help other players learn, as well as extract MU from mining/crafting/hunting, effectively and consistently.

Mid level : a player with moderate knowledge and skills that occasionally makes profit , is effective at their profession, but is still in the process of figuring what works best for them

NOOB: a player with highest or lowest skills, with potential to learn and make mistakes, to figure out the process of how the game works at different levels, using trial and error to enjoy and eventually profit if that is their goal.
I wish this would be true "to help other players learn, as well as extract MU from mining/crafting/hunting, effectively and consistently." It is not.
Uber is made up word. It isn't about having a lot at once, it is having just and keeping it or multiplying it. Mind is a person how just play for fun, do not put so much attention on coming and going. Now Noob is every single one of us. take care
Noob is someone who dont focus on game mechanic's, life of market, dont go deeper just pew pew.

Medium is someone who know mechanics and support market to gain profit.

Uber is someone who knows mechanic's, support market and give task's to gain profit.

RCE baby.
Uber: Sales thread 30 items deep 50k+ each. Most have been on sale for a year+

Mid. Posts sale thread every few months of their 500 - 5k lucky loot they got after months of after work casual hunting

Noob. “I’m gonna get rich playing a video game”
people always considered my avatar uber when i never was lol I considered Joda, Dan back in the days. Atm i say Messi, Evey and Failvrin got most bad ass avatars
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What is an uber, mid and noob?

Three words with no exact definition used to delineate levels of game players. As such, results may vary.
been a couple good measures so far. i think reicha and art jennifer probably are right or close

i think you could measure it based on total avatar skills minus sweat gatherer.

i think calling the lowest level "noob" is a misnomer. it implies newbie, or the uninitiated....but highly skilled and knowledgeable players might never breach what Art Jennifer defined as "mid level" if the cycle just isn't there

more like uber, mid-level, and low-level or maybe "economy class" ;)

a lot of this is subjective

imo i would consider anyone whose average yearly depo is under $750 is definitely in the low/eco class. i would venture a guess that $750-$12,000/yr would be mid. higher i would call uber. but even then there are ubers and then there are UBERS. wide continuum.
total avatar skills minus sweat gatherer.

Bones seem pretty knowledgeable about a lot of stuff...and he's one hell of a sweat gatherer... why minus sweat gatherer? I'm curious?
PLEASE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PMSL OMFG , this thread so funny a lot of the people here everyone calling UBER is so far from it its not funny ,

NUMBER 1 qualifier to be an "UBER" must never take "ADVANTAGE" of another player or the game itself . { ie, CHEAT,SCAM,EXPLIOT } now take all those low life scums bags out of it who would there be left.

uber = someone who has maxed the game , cannot get better can solo all mobs have top items top skills is a stand alone . not one person here is that

mid = mid what mid skilled high skilled low items mid skilled mid items set so many variables

noob ,, easy someone who has no clue .

in conclusion this is how i see it ..........

insanely skilled =anyone with like 1 million skills up

high skilled = over half a mill

med skilled = up to half a mill

learner = what is skill

unfortunately this still doesn't separate the scum bag cheaters from those who are actually gamers so for as far as uber is concerned name any player that holds there head high and can say they have never fuked someone over in game and also can say they have held there integrity in tact without cheating scamming or exploiting the game or any of its players ,, now that mutha fuker is an UBAH !
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{Says many true things, and also}....... name any player that holds there head high and can say they have never fuked someone over in game and also can say they have held there integrity in tact without cheating scamming or exploiting the game or any of its players ,, now that mutha fuker is an UBAH !

You can tell that FF has been around long enough to see some ish ;)
1)Noob: Oww a game where you can withdraw money to your bank account
2)Midlevel: Hmm, I am starting to doubt all these profit stories
3) Uber: Just keep pew pew, all will be revealed in time, your turn will come with enough turnover.
4) Investor: Keep playing peeps, I will just collect all your profits
5) Mindark
Funny story

Turns out I love WGT.com online golf
And I also love to sweat
and usually at the same time

and I am a NOOB
Ubers back in Project Entropia use to be Legendary.
They were the dudes/dudettes you wanted to be during WoF.

Badasses in Leaf Berets. Damn those were good times.

When WoF died...so did Ubers.

When did this game become just grinding? Often find myself wishing that damn dagger never dropped.
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OK, so as far as I can see there are couple of approaches to question.

First I would call community reputation.
Let's define it as: "Avatar is known to be reliable in trades and respectable to other players."

Second, let's call it economy savy.
Let's define it as:"General knowledge of EU economy and MU fluctuations throughout the year and events. Doesn't abuse economy with exploits."

Third, simply skill monster.
Simply defined as:"Avatar that has among highest skills overall or in their respected profession."

Let's see if something else pops out :tux:
The days of lvl100 hes uber is long gone. Its honestly not a term i hear used very much anymore as the years drag on. Just another label. Just play and enjoy the experience we dont need to fall into any group.
uber ("über") comes from the german word for "above"

What means someone who is above others

It got nothing to do with how helpfull or good guy he is, its all about the ability to understand the game and use the know how to simply be above others

What make the "uber" to a "pro gamer"
"One of the best players"
Very simple... In this game the more money you put in the more uber you are to MA, the more you get players to believe you "profit" the more the players think you are an uber. the more effectively you do both at the same time the more uber you become. In order to reach true uber one must believe it themselves no matter what the numbers say, if the math not mating just make it:ROFLMAO:
Depends on your outlook

I am an uber :)
I have withdrawn over twice the amount I have ever invested, managed 2x LAs, bought almost 500x CLDs when they came out and sold them for a lot more ...

I am a n00b :)
18+ years ingame, still not unlocked commando, 0 expensive gear to show and despite having been active the entire 18x years, still very limited knowledge of the things that are happening, just not interested in delving deeper

So subjectively there is no one answer in my book
Depends on your outlook

I am an uber :)
I have withdrawn over twice the amount I have ever invested, managed 2x LAs, bought almost 500x CLDs when they came out and sold them for a lot more ...

I am a n00b :)
18+ years ingame, still not unlocked commando, 0 expensive gear to show and despite having been active the entire 18x years, still very limited knowledge of the things that are happening, just not interested in delving deeper

So subjectively there is no one answer in my book
If profit is the metric, you are doing it super uber with the true secret of the EU. All the profit is in investment "deeds or land", working the market "reseller" or a service like flights. Hunting, mining and crafting are always a loss. The only question is how much is the %, how much of the loss you cover with one of the profitable activities and what value you give the skill gained for the ped paid.