What's Wrong Whith Wiki !?

Likely a mix of
Microsoft's IIS
Site is ASPX
Database is probably on the same server

There's a WIP wiki if you change the url to .co.uk
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Meanwhile, it's possible to use the web cache of Bing. For example, typing "entropedia feffoids",
then clicking on the "triangle" (or arrow) at the end of the 2nd line.
It doesn't solve all problems but it's useful nonetheless.

Google used to cache the web pages but they've stopped doing that recently for all websites.
I've given up on using this site. Sad.
Likely a mix of
Microsoft's IIS
Site is ASPX
Database is probably on the same server

There's a WIP wiki if you change the url to .co.uk

Any junior engineer is capable of putting a CDN like Cloudflare in front of this website to make it perform more than fair.
It wouldn't even have to cost a single buck, it can literally run on the free tier forever.
They can continue to run on the same shitty server with the same shitty software as they are doing now.
Oops... something went wrong

Ha ha, you're fucked.
Any junior engineer is capable of putting a CDN like Cloudflare in front of this website to make it perform more than fair.
It wouldn't even have to cost a single buck, it can literally run on the free tier forever.
They can continue to run on the same shitty server with the same shitty software as they are doing now.
Just like I did for mine ( just needs community help now )
I found:

entropiawiki is a Wiki format based website about the virtual universe called Entropia Universe. The hosting and contents of the site are fully maintained by the EU comminity. Hosting is mostly payed from donations from users, so any donation is highly appreciated. entropiawiki is orginally created by Marcus Ehrenlans from Sweden, known as Minder Kingston in the virtual world of Entropia Universe. When Minder quit the universe, the maintaince and further development of the site was taken over by Pepijn, ingame know as Vlugge Witte Harrie. You can send comments, bug reports, suggestions or compliments via the form on the bottom of the page or you can send a message.

There is a send message button, but probably outdated.

The loading time is like that for me for years.

I use entropiawiki with archive.org only to counter that problem.
sad tool is sad
I just copy the pages I use often, like armor, weapons, mobs, and paste into an Excel sheet. I reckon I have saved hours by just calling up the excel file instead of waiting for Wiki to load. And, if I need to look up something while ingame, It isn't using resources churning away trying to load while the game is trying to run. also, I can make "condensed" versions of the charts that contain only the info I am concerned with. I just check the boxes on the items I am interested in, click 'show selected' , highlight the text, c+p into the excel file and voila! The chart conforms to the rows and columns pretty well ( some adjusting column width) and in addition, I can add personal notes. The comparison tool never worked for me. And, (no computer expert here) but I am guessing I can have 4 or 5 excel pages open and use less resources than 4 or 5 web tabs open while the game is running.