Question: who is the most skilled sweater?

Im sry but mmm ppl are geting a bit personal here.

The sweating economy used to be the foundation of PE, not anymore EU does'nt care. MA have proven over and over again that it cares less and less about the bottom end players (non depositers). Fruit means nothing and sweat is worthless. The only free item worth geting is dung but even then LA's are going down in price aswell.

You all gota remember if ya haven fun keep doing it, it is a game.
Having fun, macking freinds and helping out your fellow entropian is what its all about.

Be well and prosper:)
Ok sorry to necro a bit this post
But i found this today and with no doubts i think he is top 1 now

Ok sorry to necro a bit this post
But i found this today and with no doubts i think he is top 1 now

That is just insane.... wow... I will never get a high profession level as I only do sweating and no other MF. But damn, that is just light years ahead.