Its exactly the same risk like leaving more then 100.000 Euro on a Bank Account, read the stuff thats written small
everything more then 100.000 invest them in what ever , enteopia , Rolex,cars,real estates, trade
Its even a risk to have that money in currency @ all
1. If you live in constant danger when people find out how much you have
2. Gov wants your money too
One of those two will come one day
But yeah i dont see the point to invest into deeds, maybe because i burned my ass on compet when they first came , and maybe because i did sell 500 moon deeds for 50 ped to the auction order
Edit *
One very importent thing i forgot , entropia does not tax your profit
If i invest 100.000 Euro i will have to pay 46% of my profit
Lets say i profit 100.000 then the gov taxes me 46.000 Euro
If i invest 1.000.000 into entropia the only tax i will have to pay is the fee they ask if i deside to take my money out
(Later on you will pay the 46% too) but meanwhile you can use the force of the profit to Generate more profit , leads to more potential.
I am ready to invest, the game is not ready for me, this means that the economy of entropia / its amount of players is not ready for big investments. Like you can have funn with it but its not rly profitable.
Turns a smart Person rather Puts his money into a Apartment or house, keep it for 10 years and sells it tax free for profit (profit from 150% up to 250% avarge) or put it into Gold and keep it for one year and one day , then sells it tax free
But in the end: entropia is a game and faaaaaaaaaaar away from real investments, thats not even pocket money in the World of Business
And it also depends where you live ,
If you live in a Land where 400 Euro is the avarge monthly, then entropia is profitable. While in the us or most of europe you get more working as dishwasher in a Pizza Shop that does not got dish to wash @ all.
I think entropia is a great way to learn Markets, finance and everything that Covers this Sector. Just dont play drunk