Wolf's Diary


Mar 9, 2005
Buffalo, New York
Avatar Name
Tyr 'Wolf' Fenris
Hello Everybody...I'm Wolf....and I'm a PE-aholic.

Just kidding...trying to be different. Anyway, what was my day like in PE? I was hunting Armax with some soc. mates west of Minopolis the day before so, I logged back in at the shop container at the southern end of the penninsula that is nw of Minopolis. Nobody was in-game. :( Now, due to circumstances outside my control, I don't hunt alone very often. My society is very small but, very tight and everybody always wants to hunt in a team. This is fine but, it hasn't allowed me much opportunity to Global or HoF on my own while hunting. I have been involved in many team ones however and I also hold a soc. record for an individual mining HoF (253 ped worth of Alicenes Liquid). I've been playing for a year now and there are members of my soc. that have been playing half that long that have at least a solo global to their credit. As the second in command, this is a little embarassing. Anyway, seeing as nobody else was around, I decided to go north and hunt Cornundacacuda Guardians and Providers. I'm pathetically close to breaking 2000 in Rifle and was tired of the waiting for it to happen naturally so, I figured I might be able to get 2 monkeys off my back with a couple of intense hunting runs. :eureka:

For those of you interested in such things, my equipment consists of Full Vigi, FF BGH 4400, Justifier MKII, EWE EP-40 Mercenary and a FAP 50. I loaded up with ammo and headed out. I won't bore you with the details of my 3 hunting runs, lets suffice it to say that, I broke even until the last run. It was almost time for me to log out and I was trying to finish up my ammo. Things were going ok until my last 1000 rounds or so. Then things got really good! PED was dropping like crazy! Wool was flying off of them in huge piles, I actually got a couple of axes and some Goblin shins....things seemed to be building up to something...I couldn't stand it.....the pressure was intense, my palms were sweating......my fingers were becoming more cramped with each click.....I was almost out of ammo now.....the Globals and HoFs started scrolling in the chat window.....THIS IS IT! I thought......and then it happened..............................................................................

49 PED! :eek: Now don't get me wrong....I'm happy getting 49 ped. It's not that I'm dissapointed but, come on! So close! What's a poor hunter to do?I've not logged in yet today but, I will be shortly. When I do, I intend to hunt those cheating, rotten, no good, low down, cotton-picking, back-stabbing, PED munching, filthy, stinking Global robbers into EXTINCTION!!!!! :handgun: They owe me and intend to get what's mine. For those of you keeping score, my 'Weapons Handling' and my 'Aim' both broke 2000 during this hunt.....but not my 'Rifle'. I did make a slight profit after the last run so....I guess all's well that ends well.

This was my first attempt at anything like this. Hope you enjoyed the read about my pitiful exploits. If you didn't...too bad! :tongue2: You can't tell me about it...it's against the rules. Once again, just kidding. I'll post again when the mood strikes. Until then peace and may the PED be with you all. :wave:
Stuck in class today. Taking A+ training....boring! They actually start with DOS.... :eek: Don't they know I've tried to purge that from my brain. :cussing: Anyway...as usually when I'm not playing PE, I'm thinking about playing PE. I tried to wipe out the Cornundacacuda population last night.....no luck. :( Oh well....class is resuming. More to come later.
Ok....done with class for today. Finally learning about Windows XP. Of course, I'm at work now. Normally this is a bad thing...not for me....I'll be on Calypso soon. :D As previously stated, no Global or HoF on the Cornundacacudas last night so I may need to try something different today. My soc. mate Dogg Byte is in my class so, we were discussing possibilities. I think we finally settled on going and seeing an Eomon up close and personal like. :evilking: Then, after he (or she ;) ) kills us a few times, we might go find some Allophyls to kill. Plus, I still havn't been to Memorial Isle. We may run down there and do that. All in all I expect a huge waste of time and PEDs which is exactly what I need to pass the time at work. :rolleyes:

I'm the teeniest bit bummed that nobody voted for my siggy in the siggy competition. :( It's pretty gory and not my best work so I didn't expect any of the ladies to vote for it but, I thought some of the dudes might like it. Guess I'll have to work on a new one. I'm also working (half-assed) on a web site for my soc. It won't be nearly as nice as this one or Pioneers but, it's fun to tinker with. I guess I'm just a computer geek. Oh well....that's all I've got for now. Signing off...... :wave:
Well...it's been a long week. Worked a double shift on the saturday before Easter, 4pm til 8am sunday. Had class from 9am til 4:30pm then went to work until 12:00am (midnight) on mon, tues, and wed. Had class from 9:00am til 4:30pm on thu and fri and I'm working ANOTHER double today.... :( The check will be nice but, my God am I tired. Anyway, one good thing about a double shift is, it usually means more hunting time. :handgun: Not for me today however. The guy I'm working with isn't as cool as my normal co-workers so...I have to wait until he leaves and my next shift starts. On the bright side, I get to catch up on my blogging.

When last I wrote, I was bound and determined to exterminate every last Cornundacauda Guardian and Provider I could find until they coughed up my ever allusive 1st global or HoF. I'm living proof that perserverance pays off in this game. After only 3 days worth of hunting the dreaded beasties, I recieved this:


I know it's not an uber HoF but, I'll take it. :D I had several soc. mates in game with me at the time so, I recieved a gushingly large amount of "Gratzes". One goal down....now Evil Lootius, I'll be needing that uber!!! :evilking: Not sure what tonight will bring but, I can't wait to get in there.

Does anyone else have trouble remembering what life was like before PE? :scratch:

Think about it.....smell ya later. :wave:
Yesterday started the same as always. My soc mates are hunting as far away from my current location as possible and I'm not near a telleporter. :banghead: So...I run to a telleporter and hook up with Dogg on Amethrea. We're gonna hunt Allos down near Sakuma. Loots are average at best. Then something odd happened. One of our network engineers stopped in for no apparent reason. :eek: When he saw what I was doing he became very curious. He explained how he is currently hooked on CS but, what is that I'm playing? So I give him the 5 minute run-down. The next thing I know he is sprinting to his office to sign up for an account. :eek: Can you say...new disciple! :naughty: I know, I'm a pusher but, why shouldn't I share this wonderful world that we all live in? If it's good enough for me and good enough for all of you good people, why not for my new buddy Blaster! Anyway, I should be going...he may be in there dying right now. :D
Later.... :wave:
Sunday brought no thrills for me in PE. As it seems with everyone, I run in hot and cold streaks. One good thing was that I finally visited Memorial Isle. I hope that when I pass, I'm remebered in such a way. My soc mates and I ran around Amethera, hunting willy nilly and not collecting much of anything except debt and decay. :(
Today holds more promise. :) I've enough cash for a small deposit to bring my equipment back up to resonable condition and to purchase a moderate ammount of ammo. With the finding of the 1st truley unique item (Uber Gratz to SWAT! Don't listen to the whiners dude!) hope is rekindled! Perhaps I, the most humble of wolves, will someday be gifted with such loot as this virtual world has never seen. Evil Lootius willing of course. Until that day I shall endeavor to increase my skills, my items and of course my friends both old and yet to come. Cheers!

As a quick side note...I've been a member of EP for over a year. I love the site and have found a great deal of useful info and a ton of nice, helpful people. However, I feel that EP is very big and a small, insignificant ball of fur, such as myself, can get lost in the shuffle. Here in EF, I feel more significant...more a part of the whole. As I'm sure you are aware, wolves are pack animals. We take comfort from the pack. We share knowledge...what one member knows, we all know. We feel safe within the pack's domain...etc. Suffice it to say, I feel more at home here. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon. Well....I guess that wasn't very quick was it....later. :wave:
No PE for me yesterday, except to login and find out my Kobold armor face mask didn't sell...I knew I priced it too high. Anyway, I'll be in there soon basking in the glory that is Project Entropia. I think I posted more here yesterday than I've ever done before...anywhere. It was wierd...I was like possessed! :vampire: Anyway, it was fun. I also managed to shock a couple of young ladies. :dance: It's nice to know I can still do that once in a while. I'm trying to increase my postings so that I can get 'Old' out from under my name. I know I'm old. There's no need to tell everybody else. I can't think of anything else to say so I guess I'll wrap this up. I thought of a new way to end these diary entries. It's something I'll be calling 'Wolfucious Says'. Just little tidbits of wisdom or sayings that I've heard that I think are funny. When I can't think of anything new...maybe just one of the Smilies. Here Goes......

Wolfucious says:

He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins!


ps...I think putting the words 'In Bed' on the end will work on these. The same as with Chinese fortune cookies. Give it a shot. :naughty:
The evening started as it normally does. Login to our TS server...see who's on. Login to PE...see who's on. Then decide what to do. As usual, I decided to hunt. Thought I might hit up some berys west of Echidna. I never made it that far! There were Atrox everywhere! Guardians, Alpha's and Dominants oh my! I managed to take down one Guardian on my own but, that was it. I decided not to waste ammo and armor decay on mobs I can't handle alone. Then 2 of my soc. mates arrived in Echidna. We headed out east and killed a Troxie or 2 but, ultimatley decided to try something else. We headed down to Twin Peaks for an old fashioned Armax hunt. :) I love killing Armax! I don't know why, I just do. :evilking: We were doing fairly well when we were joined by 2 other soc mates. Now there was 5 of us in the team. Armax are not as profitable in a large team so, I suggested we try out the Longus. Again, not that profitable. How about some Ambulimax? Says I. Ok says the group. We head out east in search of Ambulimax Providers and Guardians. To our shock and surprise, on the 2nd Provider we dropped we recieved for our efforts, a 135 ped global!!!!! :headbang: .............. Well that's it. That was the high point of my day. How sad is that? :rolleyes: Well a global is better than no global I guess and I'll be hunting again in a little while. Maybe there's an uber HoF waiting for old wolfie and company today. :D

As promised....Wolfucious says:

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

Peace. :wave:
I'm back. What do you mean you didn't know I was gone! Just goofing. I was in 'The Big Apple' for the weekend. Saw some sights, spent some hard earned cash on something besides PEDs, had some fun with the family.

Havn't been in game or here since last wednesday. I'm pleasantly surprised to discover that I didn't die from withdrawl. :rolleyes: I'm also surprised to find how much I really did miss this forum. As previously stated, I'm very happy here.

I had stated in another post that I might upload a picture of myself irl. So as not to offend anybody who might be interested in viewing that post, I've decided to put my pic here instead. I believe the subject matter of the thread in question was concerning the most attractive men and women.....'nuf said. So without further ado.....tada!

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Yep...that's me. Sorry Svetlana...no Johnny Depp. :) Also, you can't see my scars very well. I have one across my forehead that you might be able to make out...hit my head on an oak headboard. I also have a nice bite mark from a dog on my right forearm. 2 clean puncture wounds. Kinda looks like a vampire bite. Finally, there is a stab wound on the back side of my right knee. Left-overs from a wilder time. Those are all the big ones. I've got assorted little scars all over. No...not there! :eek: Geez! Get your minds out of the gutter! :D Aw heck...who cares. That's where mine is most of the time anyway. At least I'll be in good company. ;)

Wolfucious Says:

"Do unto others, then run."
Benny Hill
Well...nothing PE related to talk about today. I guess I'll use the time to tell you a little more about me irl.

I'm 35 yrs old.....most of the time I think I'm still 18 though.
I'm married.
2 kids..both girls. Yep, serious lack of testosterone in my house.
I work for a large university in western new york in the CIT dept.
I've been playing video games since Space Invaders and I've loved every minute of it!
I like to read, watch movies, listen to music (almost constantly), fish, paint miniature wargaming models and now I can add blogging to my list. (ps. I just collect and paint the models, I don't actually play the games.) I also like to shoot pool, throw darts, play ping-pong, bowl...etc. In short, I'm not a TOTAL coach potatoe. Just part-time. :)

My top 5 dream jobs would be:

5.) Beer tester. This is no. 5 because after the 1st 6....who cares!
4.) Ice Cream tester.....mmmmmmmm....ice cream..... :tongue2:
3.) Web Designer. I love it but, I would have to make them the way other people want them.
2.) Video Game Tester. But, I would think that my fingers would hurt after a while.
1.) Computer Generated Special Effects Creator...or whatever it's called. That would be da bomb!

I'm gonna skip telling you about all the things that piss me off on a daily basis. There's already enough negativity going around these days. Let's keep things positive!

Well....hmmm...that's about it really. Now you know all there is to know about Wolf.

See ya tommorrow. :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

I once gave up drinking, video games and sex... :eek:
It was the worst 15 minutes of my life. :laugh:
Ok...back to good 'ole PE talk. Went hunting yesterday...didn't get shit!

The end.

Actually, as far as this particular day is concerned, I'm kidding. I actually did very well. While hunting east of Argus with a couple of soc. mates, Evil Lootius (may he/she be praised) decided to grace us with not 1 but 2 globals! :eek: The 1st one was on a Biff Bandit for 229 ped!!!! I got half of that one but, I have a confession...my team mate..SB1..actually felled the foul beastie on her own whilst I was pre-occupied with one of his cousins. The 2nd came later, after the addition of a 3rd team mate. Another Biff Bandit for 55 ped. A good night in general as I also went up another rank in Marksmanship. I also have to include that I was not planning on doing much hunting. I was out of ped, out of ammo and feeling a little blah... After I explained this to my soc mates, SB1 said to me, "I'll cover ya, get your butt up here and hunt with us." If not for the generosity of my soc mates, this game wouldn't mean nearly as much to me. We're a small bunch but, a very tight one. I'm very lucky to be a part of them. :grouphug:

Dammit...no, I'm not crying...there's something in my eye.... ;)

Anyway, that's all for now...end transmission..... :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

The PACK ROCKS!!!!!!!!! :headbang:
I don't believe it. :eek: After the back to back globals the previous day, I didn't think things could get any better. I logged back in the following day at the shop container east of Argus. I started working my way back to Argus, 1 fat bastard at a time, so I would be at the TP and ready to zip to wherever my wandering PACK was setting up shop for the evening. I killed 2 bimbos and then set my sights on a Biff Bandit....sham-a-lama-ding-dong another solo global for 87 peds!!!!!!! The rest of the night was just ok. I got back in the following morning (thursday) in Camp Echidna. I started out east to hunt bastards and chickens. My first red blip of the morning was a Diakaba Provider. What the heck says I. Bop-shoo-wop-dee-dop 27 ped, skins and pec. I hunted for another hour and made 101 ped from 70 ped worth of ammo. I guess I should praise Lootius more often. :rolleyes:

Working overtime today. Thank God for EF! I can't play PE here during the day so, if it weren't for this forum I may have to do some actual work. :scared:

My new disciple is coming along nicely. He's been in hunting as often as possibly and is waiting for his registration number to register his credit card for deposits. I think he may actually stick around.

That's all I've got for now....later. :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

You can do anything in life that you desire to do, as long as you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions.
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Nothing remarkable going on. Working 16 in a row today. Lot's of hunting time. :D But, it's also a Guild Wars beta weekend.....what to do....what to do. I suppose I've got enough time to do both. We'll see what the day brings.

One of my soc mates has joined us here at EF. If you see Ziggy Phree lurking about, give him a shout out. He'll be sporting a snazzy new siggy with matching avi made by yours truley.

Was anybody else shocked to find out that Devil Doll is really King Buzzo returned from the grave? :eek: There's a story that needs telling... :poke: DD.

Wow. I really got nothing. I guess that's it for today. See ya. :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

When a job is once begun,
Stick with it until it's done.
Whether the job be big or small,
do it right or not at all.
Howdy EF.

I didn't do much hunting yesterday...movie night ya know. ;) The movie ended with sufficient time to go and get in for an hour or so. Dogg and I decided to hunt armax south of Twin Peaks. After 3 or 4 bulls we recieved a 60 ped global! :)bowdown: praises Lootius) Is it just me or does it seem like globals are becoming more frequent? It seems like they are for me and my soc mates at least. If you monitor the forums here on EF, it also appears that KotBR are kicking ass and taking names too latley. Rock on Dudes and Dudettes!! :thumbup: I dunno..maybe Marko and crew are putting that lawsuit $$ in the loot pool. :) Just a thought..... I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Just a side note for Skam (in case she's reading)...Read about your dream the other nite...don't worry dear, I don't like rabbit. To fuzzy... ;)

See ya on the other side.... :wave:

Wolfucious Says:
"Old people don't need companionship. They need to be isolated and studied so it can be determined what nutrients they have that might be extracted for our personal use." Homer Simpson
Another global last night! 56 ped Ambulimax Provider. Followed by a 45 ped Tantardian Provider. As mentioned in my last entry, I think globals are becoming more common. Makes me wonder if the global/HoF system may be evolving. Maybe globals will become anything over 75 ped or 100 ped and maybe HoF's in the thousands will happen every 15 minutes and......whoa! Getting a little carried away there. Still, what evers going on here, I like it!

On a more rl note, spring is here! I can tell because my nose is running, I'm sneezing non-stop and my eyes are itchy and watering like crazy. My allergy meds do not appear to be cutting it this year so, time for something new. we'll see what the doc has to say.

Still, it's good to be alive. It's good to be in PE. It's good to be in EF. I guess I could sum that up by simply saying...It's good to be. :)

Cheers! :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that ...
George Carlin
Howdy Folks.
I'm sitting here at work all by me onesey, trying to think of something to blog about. I've got the music going..good and loud. I had a good lunch (homemade pizza...yummm.) I got some work done, did a little hunting. Nothing worth mentioning. Not a whole lot going on in EF tonight either. Hmmmm....Wolf's bored! I hate being bored! As an only child, I had to entertain myself from time to time and I got really good at it. Since I've gotten married and had kids, I don't get a whole lot of "me time" anymore. I enjoy the company of others but, I like to be alone sometimes too. Not to sit and brood and contemplate my navel but, to do the things I like to do by myself. However, here I am....alone...unfettered by human companionship and I'm bored silly! I guess I'll have to do something to correct this...If I come up with anything good I'll let you know. In the mean time, have a good one EF.

CU... :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

"Dost thou love life? Then do not sqander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."

- Benjamin Franklin
Heeeellllllooooooo EEEEEFFFFFF!!!

Been a couple of days without an entry...feel like I'm slacking. In fact, I felt so quilty about it, I just dropped 2 huge SPAM bombs in to the 'Off Topic' forum... :spam: Earned me some more rep though so, it's all good. Anyway, saturday was a total bust (see previous post) with one small exception, a pm that perked me up a little. Thanks to the individual responsible...they know who they are. Sunday was much better...did a deposit, slapped some much needed repair on my equipment. Purchased my first armor plating, we'll see how that works out. Went hunting. My new disciple showed up and we helped him get a couple of TPs. We were on our way to Camp Caravan when an Armax Cow Old kept trying to get our attention. We stopped to politley ask what she wanted and, as it turns out, she wanted to give us some ped! :D A 54 ped global...my disciples 1st ever. He left for the night more hooked than when he came in and it ended the night for us on a good note.

No PE last night. Movie night...Species 3...the end of that series. My turn next week. I'm not sure what to bring. Perhaps I'll go consult Svetlana's 'Good Movies' thread for inspiration.

I got a HUGE project dropped on me by our manager yesterday. It's good because it'll be setting me up for some 'opportunities' that we have been told are coming around but, it SUCKS because it's going to severly cripple my hunting time. :( Oh well....rl bites me in the ass again.

Well that's it for ol' Wolf today....
Peace. :wave:

Wolfuciuous Says:

Dreaming is free....
Been a couple of days since my last entry. I know you're all dying from anticipation of what I might write next... :rolleyes: Well...the wait is over!

Got a nice little 61 ped global the other day. I love the sound of blaring trumpets in the morning! It's weird...I went for a whole year with no individual globals or HoFs. Then I tried to force one and succeeded. Now, I've gotten several within a couple of weeks. It's like it needed to be goosed or something. "Oh...he really would like to global. Hmmm..imagine that. Ok, here you go Wolf." :tongue2: Hey, whatever! As long as it happens.

Guild Wars is finally out. Cool game. If anyone is looking for an alternative to PE, I would highly recommend GW. I only plan on playing when I'm broke or bored with PE. Maybe I'll hang there until the next VU. One thing GW will never have is a community like PE. Even if the game totally sucks (which it doesn't), you can't beat the people.

On that note...I bid you all a fond farewell. :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

With great power comes great responsibility.
Gonna keep this one short...hands still numb from typing in 'Music Question' thread. Havn't been in PE much... Anyway, I'm sure I'll get the itch to hunt before too long. Still coming here every day though. I'm kinda waiting for the new VU anyway. We'll see what happens. Nothing else to say except smell ya later. :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well be dancing. :dance:
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Me again.

But then, I guess it's always me..isn't it. Sorry for the booboo MB....won't happen again. :dunce:
Anyway...went hunting with Dogg yesterday. Started out east of Argus with the wild and wooly Maffoids. Dogg got himself a 79 ped global before I could find him and team up. :( I got him back later...I hit a 51 ped global while he was in the john...lol. I also got an A104 amp in a loot yesterday...are items making a come-back? We'll see...
I just finished giving rep to Skam and Svetlana for their revelation that they have penis envy. Men have known this for years. We've been eagerly awaiting the day when some highly evolved women would make this discovery and spread the word because, women don't listen to men...do they. I'm only making a big deal about this for 2 reasons. First, it's the ONLY thing men really know about women. The rest is just guess work. Second is because I've been looking for an excuse to write the word 'PENIS' in my diary and I finally have the opportunity. :silly2:

Wolfucious Says:
Be yourself...no one else knows how.
Upon re-reading my last entry, it is now plain to me that my comments concerning the ladies penis (that's 3!) envy, could portray me as a chauvinistic butthead.
I would therefore like to retract my previous statements and would also like to stress that men know absolutley NOTHING about women. :dunce:

Wolfucious Says:
Nobody's perfect.
Hello Faithful Readers. ;)
Wow...nobody has written in their diaries since I did yesterday. Is this blog thing dying out? I must admit, it's hard to keep coming up with stuff to write. I went hunting and got blah blah blah...I went mining and got blah blah blah. The few who have attempted to really RP their blogs were doing well but, seem to be busy or lost interest. :( Oh well....

I went hunting yesterday ( :laugh: ). I got a nice little 75 ped global off my new favorite mob...the Maffoids. Other than that...nothing much happened.

I think the novelty of saying the word 'penis' (4) has worn off. I wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I just realized that my daughter's birthday and Mudkicker's birthday are on the same day.... :eek: I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

I'm only writing here to waste time until Ultimababe posts the picture of her new hair color. Still waiting UB.... :tapfinger

Oh well...I guess I'll go hunt and get blah blah blah...

Peace EF.

Wolfucious Says:

Here's to alcohol, the cause of—and solution to—all life's problems.
Homer Simpson
Dear Diary.
IT FINALLY HAPPENED! Ultimababe finally posted pictures of her red hair! So now what? This was my quest...my Holy Grail. Now that's it's happened, I don't know what to do with myself. :( ummmmmm....hmmmm...I've got it! I'll play some kind of ...umm.... a video game ...or something....hmmmm. What should I play? Let me think. :scratch: I know....I'll play PE! Yes..that's the ticket! Wheeeeewwww...got out of that one. What a relief. :smoke:

I did do some hunting over the past weekend. SB1 and I got a 112 ped HoF off a Ambulimax Mature! First time in-a-long time on the HoF board. Nothing else noteworthy taking place in my PE life.

RL has been crazy as hell this month. All kinds of stuff going on. Parties...plays...track meets...awards assemblies....school functions...arggghhh! Most of it is good but, there is so much going on, I come to work to relax. :eek: Yep...come in and cool my heels in good 'ole EF. Ahhhhhhhhh............

Peace everybody. :cool:

Wolfucious Says:
When life hands you lemons....throw 'em back at the guy you got 'em from! :evilking:
Hey Everybody.

Sorry I've been neglecting my dear diary. It appears that most of us are infrequently posting at best...I predict that this will be one of my last entries as, I'm running out of things to say here.

Went out of town with the family for the holiday weekend. 5 days with no PE, no EF...what was I thinking! J/K, it was good to take a break. Now I'm back...watch out MoBs!

Hunted last night for a bit out east of Argus. Got a global...54 ped Maffoid Bandit. Later on some of my PACK mates joined and we took on some Armax and dropped a couple of Warriors and 2 Trooper Gen.4's. Nothing else really happened but, it's good to be back raoming Calypso with The PACK.

I guess I'll finish up this entry by taking care of some minor unfinished business. MB closed the "Boobs" thread before I had the chance to respond to these folks so, I'll do it here...

Shade - I meant the woman on the FAP. Please understand Svetlana and DD that the following smilies are meant with the uttmost respect. Svetlana would make any straight man go....

:dance: :love: :naughty: :hammer: :bowdown:

She is without a doubt one of the most beautiful women (inside and out) that it has ever been my pleasure to know. Really...I'm not just saying that...it's true.

Knuckles - I wasn't necessarily offended. However, as a father, I needed to point out that your comment was a little inappropriate. If I had been offended, you would have known it. I certainly would have bad repped you if nothing else. To answer you concerning what I was doing at my daughters age...At 16 I was :handjob: and thinking about much OLDER women.


Wolfucious Says:

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection.

Sigmund Freud

ps - I forgot 1 very important thing. I made a comment in the "3 Wishes" thread that I started that may be interpreted badly and I wanted to appologize in case it was. Ulti, I wasn't trying to be mean with the smoking comment. As a former smoker (7 years smoke free, after 15 years of smoking) I hate to see somebody I like making that same mistake. I'm sorry if that bothered you.
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Hey EF.

Well, I guess even Genies can't predict the future very well. Here I am writing in my diary again. :)

The 'Neverending' Chronicles of Dogg and Wolf.

Went hunting on the new continent. Bagging Allophyls down near Sakuma. After seeing 3 nice size globals go to others hunting Allo's...we decided to move. We went down to the southern island, now owned by the Universal Brotherhood, to hunt mermons. We were doing ok but, those @$#%&* Oculuses kept getting in our way and smoking us. We were forced to kill them. :evilking: Lootius works in mysterious ways. We globaled twice for 114 ped and 78 ped on Oculus Youngs. The ping-pong method seems to work quite well on them.

I almost have a complete set of 4C plates for my Vigi. That will hopefully keep me alive a little longer due to the added electric protection...we'll see.

That's all for now. May Lootius continue to smile upon you. :bowdown:

Wolfucious Says:

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Hello EF.

Since I've got nothing PE realted to tell you about today, I thought I would share a letter I wrote some time ago to an advice columnist. It concerns a little difference of opinion I had with my wife concerning bass fishing.....

(It's not really me, i just had to put this somewhere..teehee.)

Dear Abby,

I have been so blessed in my life. Great parents,
great wife and kids, great job, and great education.

When I finally retired, I could hardly wait to
spend time enjoying my favorite pastime -- bass
fishing. I got my own little fishing boat and
tried to get my wife to join me, but she just
never liked fishing.

Finally, one day at the Bait & Tackle Shop, I got to
talking to Sam the shop owner who it turned out
loves bass fishing as much as I do. We quickly became
fishing buddies. As I said the wife doesn't care about
fishing; she not only refuses to join us she always
complains that I spend too much time fishing.

A few weeks ago Sam and I had the best fishing trip ever.
Not only did I catch the most beautiful bass you've ever
seen, only a few minutes later Sam must have caught his
twin brother! So I took a picture of Sam holding up the
two nice bass that we caught and showed the picture to
the wife hoping that maybe she'd get interested. Instead
she says she doesn't want me to go fishing at all anymore!
And she wants me to sell the boat! I think she just
doesn't like to see me enjoying myself.

What would you do? Tell the wife to forget it and continue
my hobby or quit fishing and sell the boat as she insists?

Thanks, A fisherman

PS I have enclosed the picture of Sam showing off the bass
we caught.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Her reply was:

Dear Fisherman,

Get rid of that narrow minded wife.


Wolfucious Says:

A picture is worth 1000 words.
Hey EF.

I'm sitting here at work...freezing! I work in a computer room. It has to be kept at a steady temp so that the machines continue to run efficiently. In the summer time it's even colder because the AC units need to run more often to battle the warmer temps outside. Its 74 degrees fahrenheit outside and muggy and I'm sitting here with a sweatshirt on. :mad:

I did some hunting on the new continent last night. The team consisted of myself, Dogg Byte and his lady friend Flirt. We globaled twice on Estophyls! 50 ped and 152 ped. I also got a 4th GSI. I had 2 before, got a 3rd on my birthday (June 8th) and the 4th last night. All in all it was a good nights hunting.

On to EF stuff. I am going to return a favor here and give another die-hard blogger a plug. Svetlana's last entry in her diary was dead on how I feel concerning rl issues being brought into our virtual lives. Read it! This is not an option...do it...NOW! :wise: I come here and to PE to escape some of those rl things that cause people to put up walls and prevents us for just getting along as fellow human beings. Male or female, black or white, republican or democrat is all irrelevant here or at least they should be. That's it..I'm off my soapbox.

Peace EF.

Wolfucious Says:

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice and I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!! :boxer:
Sup Peeps!

First off...A big thanks to MB for the 'TPBM' game. It's a riot! I got a little carried away yesterday but, I was at work for 16 hours and it really helped pass the time.

Second...Another Amethera global for Dogg and Wolf! 84 ped Equus. Now don't go all animal rights on me for shooting 'The nice little horsies". :rolleyes: They knew what they were getting themselves into...

Finally...Now, this is just my opinion and does not reflect the opinions of the management. I personally think we should have the 'Rep' buttons back for off-topic threads. I realize the reasons behind the removal and of course, I respect MB's judgement on everything. He really does a bang-up job with this site and makes it a real pleasure to come here. However...(picture this said in a really whiney voice and really fast ok ;) )there's so much good stuff in there. I mean we're not just PE players are we? No...we're people too and people do things off topic that deserve rep and we should be able to acknowledge their efforts. If they don't deserve it, we won't give it to them...or we'll give them the evil, wicked, not-nice-at-all bad rep! :evilking: (end whiney voice) Ok...I'm done.

Wolfucious Says:

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or it gets banned permanently from EF. :dunno:

Not much PE for me yesterday. Movie night ya know. I did get out for a few quick solo hunts...nothing much to tell there.

One thing I neglected to mention before, I've recently met several EF people in game. A week or 2 ago I saw our illustrious administrator MB running east of Argus, heading for the Armax infested area out there. I only know this because he globaled or HoFed on one soon after. I bumped into Suicide and Mazzy187 is Argus a few days back and just the other day I ran accross Skam, Faustian, Wanda, Etopia and I forget who else was there, in Cape Corinth. I talked to Suicide and Mazzy for a bit but, in Corinth, I only talked to Skam in between her CTDs that is. She was too busy posting here and was Alt-Tabbing out of PE to do it. :eek: I often wondered, with so many people coming here, why I didn't see more people I know. Now I know part of the reason...you're all hanging out together! Looking forward to meeting some others as time goes on.

I'm considering going to the big dance event...not sure about it yet. Mostly for seeing some other EF'ers in game. Not much of a dancer...not skilled enuf to get anywhere in the dueling...I dunno we'll see. I did just pick up some actual clothes...been running around in my Vigi since I got it so I forgot I only had TT stuff on underneath.

Just another one of my insightful observations... :handjob: but, I really find this amazing. I find myself thinking of some of you as friends. I know, you're thinking, "What's so amazing about that?" I've never met any of you irl and probably won't ever. I don't know your rl names or phone numbers or anything else about you. I'll never hear your voices or notice your quirks or be in your presence in any sort of usual way. And yet, I feel a sense of anticipation when logging in here, hoping some of you are here. Hoping that some of you saw what I posted about that thing you said...etc. I only say 'some of you' because I don't know you all yet...as well as I know some of the others, which really kind of contradicts what I just got done saying about not really knowing anything about you...which is why I find this all so fascinating! Whew....that's enough for now...I'm getting a headache. :hammer:

L8R Friends. :D

Wolfucious Says:

A stranger is just a friend you havn't met.
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I don't know what I'm so happy about. Loots aren't there last couple of days. EF seems to be in a state of..zzzzzzzzzz :zzz: . I guess everybody is just enjoying the nice weather. I, as usual, am at work. It must seem to the people that read my diary, that I'm always working. This is not true. I have dial-up internet at home and EF is a little sssslllllllllooooooowwwwwww. So, all of my blogging and posting gets done while I'm working on our blazing fast OC3 internet connection. Anyway, despite the lack of excitment...I'm happy :D .

Uhoh...scratch that. I just remembered...I have a dentist appointment in the morning. After reading Shadow-Ale's dental debacle...I REALLY don't want to go. I H A T E the dentist. It's not the pain. I have a very high tolerance for pain. It's not the staff. My dentist is great and my dental hygenist is not only good...shes cute too... :naughty: What drives me absolutley wild is when they have 8000 fingers, 30 pounds of gauze, the sucky thing and God knows how many spinning, whirling, squirting doodads shoved into your mouth and they start asking you questions! :duh: Do you really think we can answer you in any way that you will be able to understand? NO! And when we try...you tell us to hold still or rinse! What kind of sick game are you playing with us? Is that what you learned to do in all those years of school? How to mess with people when you got their mouths crammed full of shit! FFS wait until you're done or ask before you start! Good googamooga! I really don't think it's that hard to figure out...............

Did I mention that I hate the dentist....

Oh well. I guess it's better than having all my teeth fall out. Hopefully, I'll make out better than Shadow-Ale. I feel your pain dude. Or rather I will be tommorrow. Hopefully at least the sun will be shining. Maybe it'll be a good day after all.

Good night Mrs. Kalabash...where ever you are. Sleep tight EF.

Wolfucious Says:

An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.