Suggestion: Increase logging verbosity


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Sep 25, 2016
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Detritus the Troll
Since I doubt that a proper plug-in API is even on the horizon, and AFAIK log parsers are acceptable within the EULA, it would be great if the logging verbosity was cranked the F up.

I feel this is a relatively easy task that would be a huge benefit to those of us who wish to develop loggers and similar utilities without having to resort to OCR, which can be clunky and inaccurate.

Here are a few things I would like to see:

  • Turn on solo loot - you already have the code for this since the loot is displayed on teams, just enable it for solo as well - if you do nothing else please do this
  • Add some kind of mob ID to the damage events, even if it's just a randomly generated UID, so that we can easily determine mob boundaries (e.g. mob 123XYZ deals 32dmg)
  • For mining, add logging when a probe is dropped (position, what types of drops, etc), and when a claim is found log the full details of the claim
  • For crafting, basically add every line you output in the crafting window to the logs, and dump the summary report upon completion
  • When viewing the AH, log the current result set - maybe a long shot but would be nice

Feel free to add to this list.
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Putting solo loot in System tab should be fairly simple
Good suggestion, as always.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Detritus again."
I fully agree and this type of thing has been asked for since a long time ago. I suspect they are hesitant to add it in fear of people using the more detailed data to crack the system.

The more trackable data they give us the easier it is for us to start breaking down the loot system.
I wonder why we can't see solo loot in "ordinary" chat box, since it already
can be displayed in a seperate textbox.
Is there something MA don't want us to see and log easily? :silly2: