711 stupid reasons

Definitely not going to donate to EF now. Sold to some some unknown. Jesus, you know EU is is trouble when even the third-party forum is starting is falling apart...
Da Snake said:
Definitely not going to donate to EF now. Sold to some some unknown. Jesus, you know EU is is trouble when even the third-party forum is starting is falling apart...

You obviously didnt read the whole thread including 711's reply earlier, here, let me quote it again...

711 said:
Interesting thread. I am always open to hearing feedback from EF members, even if it is not all postive toward me or the forum. Negative feedback can be very valuable, as it indicates some things that might need to be changed or improved. I hope all members know that Mindbuster and I, along with the moderators, are paying close attention to this feedback.

It seems there are a few misconceptions raised in this thread, and I would like to address some of those, and hopefully clear the air.

1. Profitability of EntropiaForum: As it stands now, EF does not make enough revenue from Google ads to even pay the webhosting fees. For quite some time in the past, Mindbuster supported this site out of his own pocket, and the community respected him for that. Several months ago, Mindbuster solicited donations from the community to help move EF to a more robust (and expensive) server that had room to grow along with the future growth of EF. I intend to remove the donations ticker very soon. If members want to donate in the future, they can of course do so, but I will not request this.

2. My reasons for purchasing EF: As stated above, EF is hardly a money-making machine. As an active and passionate member of both the EF and EU communities, and my experience with owning and running many different types of websites in the past, I thought I could really do some great things to enhance the forum (with feedback from other members), by adding features and enhancements to make it an even more effective and enjoyable place to discuss EntropiaUniverse. Considering the initial cost of buying the forum, monthly costs to maintain the forum (hosting, etc.), additional money I expect to spend on programming and software to improve the forum, and time spent developing these things, it will take no less than 2 years to "make a profit" from EF. So why did I buy EF? Because I enjoy developing and being involved in things I am passionate about. Despite what you may hear, not every thing that people do is about money.

3. Secrecy: Many people here speculate that because I have chosen to remain anonymous, that I "must" have shady or nefarious intentions. If that were true, then don't you think I would have just quietly and secretly bought the forum, and made no announcement whatsoever? Why would I raise members defense level and alert them, if I had planned to do nasty things? This theory makes little sense to me. When MB first announced me to the forum, in my first post, I stated that while I considered how to handle that issue, I never said this was a permanent decision, only a temporary one during the transition. I intend to make an announcement of my identity shortly, in a separate thread.

The past four days have been quite exciting (and tiring) for me, trying to do all I can to get EF moving in the right direction (unfortunately this has also limited my time in EU, but I expected that). Members expressed concern over privacy, so I worked very hard to quickly develop a comprehensive Privacy Policy to address those concerns, and then edited it appropriately after members had a chance to review it. I also initiated a thread for EF members to brainstorm their ideas of how to make EF more effective and enjoyable, which has resulted in some very good ideas, and I hope more members will contribute to this thread.

Our next step is to make a clearer set of Forum rules (actually, this project had already begun before I had any involvement in EF). This will allow members to have a better idea of what types of topics, posts and behavior are acceptable at EF, and will hopefully create a more user-friendly, positive environment in which to discuss EntropiaUniverse. Also, my hope is that a clearer set of rules will make the job of moderating the forum a fairer, more efficient one, as members will know exactly WHY their posts were edited or deleted (rules cited). On the other side of the coin, Moderators will have very clear boundaries, and we will know if they overstep those boundaries, and become too "heavy-handed". I am hoping to have this completed within the next few days.

The one thing I ask that all members remember (and the main thing I regret in all of the distracting buzz surrounding my new ownership) is that EntropiaForum is a forum about EntropiaUniverse. I do not want the spotlight, we should be focusing on the wonderful virtual Universe that has brought us all together in the first place. That is the mission of this forum: to remain a fair, effective and enjoyable environment to discuss the one thing we ALL have in common, and that we all, at times, love and hate: EntropiaUniverse.
711 said:
3. Secrecy: Many people here speculate that because I have chosen to remain anonymous, that I "must" have shady or nefarious intentions. If that were true, then don't you think I would have just quietly and secretly bought the forum, and made no announcement whatsoever? Why would I raise members defense level and alert them, if I had planned to do nasty things? This theory makes little sense to me. When MB first announced me to the forum, in my first post, I stated that while I considered how to handle that issue, I never said this was a permanent decision, only a temporary one during the transition. I intend to make an announcement of my identity shortly, in a separate thread.

What are you waiting for ... Xmas :laugh: ?
Da Snake said:
Definitely not going to donate to EF now. Sold to some some unknown. Jesus, you know EU is is trouble when even the third-party forum is starting is falling apart...

i find it quite amusing that 711 is such a big unknown, I personally dont know MB and only got to know him from his admin of EF? I suggest you give things time.
I realy think it's funny not knowing who 711 is :D
And I guess he wins by not saying it yet. As you see many threads were created since this issue came up and all kinds of opinions have been said (or writen) maybe because his identity is not known.
Many people who left because of this will come back when He tells everybody who he his.

And, as someone said here once: we only miss the ones who are here (That's a bad translation of a portuguese saying).
i was angry riled and emotional when i first head about ef being sold

but.... thats only because i spend so much time here and feel attached to it, if i didnt care, it would be a sign that i had no interest in this forum

i am big enough to hold my hands up and say i over-reacted. i jumped the gun. I am looking forward to seeing how everything works out now.

Of course there are little issues to be addressed, and there are some bigger ones too, but thats all wrk in progress

so i urge ppl to chil and wait, lets see how it goes, and lets give 711 and his alter-ego a chance
The truth is that people who leave like to control who tells them the riddles too.

Without a secret to find there is no riddle.

If you don't like riddles I assure you that you won't enjoy a MMPOG all that much.

You still can find it intertaining and fun, but I have a feeling that under proper education you would spend much more time with your family and friends doing what trully moves you, if you don't like riddles and like UE, I feel sorry for you since you don't know what you are seeking (or you must live in a very poor country and had the luck with you in the beginning).

I think that 711 might do an interesting job, since as a fair riddle teller he already agreed that he will tell the answer once those who wish to seek it for themselves have enough time to achive it, but not too much time to make too much anxious those who never learned how to be patient.

I don't go to a place because of what I can find there, I go there because of what I can get from it after I return to where I wished to go before I went there.

If I don't post all that much from now on is just because my riddles in UE are almost all answered.
I thank MA and you all for allowing me to achive this and hope that you can create some new ones that I enjoy also.
(I didn't find yet reasons to leave UE or EF totally, I like to see things that I've found what I was trully looking inside of them to remember me that those that I'm looking for now might also be achievable).
Lighterthief said:
i was angry riled and emotional when i first head about ef being sold

but.... thats only because i spend so much time here and feel attached to it, if i didnt care, it would be a sign that i had no interest in this forum

i am big enough to hold my hands up and say i over-reacted. i jumped the gun. I am looking forward to seeing how everything works out now.

Of course there are little issues to be addressed, and there are some bigger ones too, but thats all wrk in progress

so i urge ppl to chil and wait, lets see how it goes, and lets give 711 and his alter-ego a chance
Guilty as charged. +rep

711 seems to be showing us a bit more of his intentions and hopefully in the near future his identity.

I think the whole changeover has been done in a very MA style secretive way and as has been mentioned many times this community doesn't like this. So a lesson should be learnt here.

I think within a couple of weeks there will be a little more idea of where EF is heading and we can call get on with MA bashing, crap loot whining etc like we always have done :laugh:

PS: Nice to see a bit of MB modding back again, I'm not always a great fan of how it is done sometimes and I am really unsure about Mindstar's modding sometimes (IMHO). However, I think MS has been doing a great job lately almost single handedly policing the most controversial posts probably in the history of EF.
I am constantly amazed by the insecurity and suspicion shown by a great number of people here on EF. I don't know MB, but I did/do appreciate what a great forum he has set up here. It is a valuable source of information to new players and a fun place for older one to chat/show off skills or loots or even faces and holiday snaps if they so choose.

MB made a personal decision to sell on the forum to another EU player. I don't know the reasons that he did this for.... (if they have been explained please forgive me for not knowing them)... but he did it in full knowledge of who he was selling to.

The privacy issues people have been bemoaning here are in my opinion pathetic. Everytime you log in to the interweb your ISP knows more about your activities than I'm sure most comprehend. The fact that evil cookies may be installed on your computer to allow for ease of log-in has not changed from the MB era. The new owners privacy policy doesn't say to me "i'm going to sell your e-mail address to every spam mailer in the known universe... " It doesn't even suggest he's going to come round your house while you're out and drown your pet goldfish.

Like I say it does seem to me that some look for excuses to have a moan just for the sake of exercising their typing skills.

Has your electricity provider been taken over lately? Are the new owners spying on you? Has your local shop been taken over by a Tesco Express? Are they putting chips in your bread to track your movement around the kitchen?? Did the garage mechanic put something in the petrol tank to record your conversations to more accurately target the junk mail that the postman delivers every day?? We'll never know.

Give the new owner time and we may know..... but even then we'll only know his name, not his intentions..... let's face it most of you won't believe a word he says anyway.
Life is a mystery!

Gratz ! 711 for taking over EF . You have my support :thumbup:
And if i might quess as to who you are i would have to say its .....its .... ITS
gotta be Neomaven ??
Cause he seems to buy all the best stuff EU has to offer. :beerchug:
711 said:
Interesting thread. I am always open to hearing feedback from EF members, even if it is not all postive toward me or the forum. Negative feedback can be very valuable, as it indicates some things that might need to be changed or improved. I hope all members know that Mindbuster and I, along with the moderators, are paying close attention to this feedback.

It seems there are a few misconceptions raised in this thread, and I would like to address some of those, and hopefully clear the air.

I been away from EF for an few days but its seemed like an life time with so much going on.

At first I became very alarmed with an new owner that did not want to reveal his / her identity but the way you think in such logical ways .... and I agree that being an silent owner would have been best if you where just in it for the money!

After reading your post I got an few feelings about you.. You seem intelligent, you seem to have a passion for EF and EU....

While I will have to see threw your actions if EF is heading in the right way... I find your words very comforting :)

MB wanted to say thank you for an great service you have ran for the longest time, I am a little disappointed that you sold out the way you did... But I think this was most likely part of the terms for the buy out .......... So for this I really don’t blame you.

Once again thanks for the great times and services you provided I hope you stick around for an long time and not vanish into the dark!
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I allways hate changes. When those changes are on the hidden side... the more. When behind a change there is something that do not want to be shown, worst.
I bet it is Neverdie.
He will own everything. And then he will enjoy years & years of happy playing in EU. Alone.
That´s it.
Hmm.... I think Safari suggested this earlier, but I'd be willing to bet money (like 5 PECs) that 711 is Donald.

Anyway +Rep to 711 (whoever he is) for taking on what seems to be a very difficult job.
grats to mb for the sale and grats to the new owner...lets just keep the info flow the same, great forum. :)

All I know about 711, is they have good slurpies. :D
Euroman said:
Have noticed that some people have so much problem with not knowing who 711 is that they have actualy left EF.

I really can't see what the problem is, do people only come here and share info becourse of who owns the board, or do they come here to share info and post screenies of their latest uber loot ?

To the people who left due to not knowing who owns the board - Take care.

To the people who stay and share info with the rest of us, good call :) Now lets have some fun and watch the board develop into something we all can benefit from :)

well i guess is no problem for you since you know who 711 is ... an by this thread you confirm the rumours that 711 is neomaven since he is your friend and you must stand for him
BUT you can't blame people for expressing theyr freedom rights and not accepting to live in the dark and the reasons are not stupid at all ... i agree with everyone who can't accept to be ruled by a secret force

ok i must admit i had few moments when i thought i'm gonna leave EF but since 711 stated that this secret identity is just temporary i guess it's ok to wait a bit
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When I found out MB had sold EF I was "=O"... and then I was like "srsly? =O"... and everyone was like "lal yaya.. srsly keke"... and I was like "omg hawt lal.. how arousing" and then I went for ice cream and made some posts to celebrate and got a strange feeling that MB cringed when he saw I was online ;O

As long as MB isnae going anywhere then I am happy because I <3heart<3 MB and I'm going to marry him one day. =|
Tzest0s said:
well i guess is no problem for you since you know who 711 is ... an by this thread you confirm the rumours that 711 is neomaven since he is your friend and you must stand for him
BUT you can't blame people for expressing theyr freedom rights and not accepting to live in the dark and the reasons are not stupid at all ... i agree with everyone who can't accept to be ruled by a secret force

ok i must admit i had few moments when i thought i'm gonna leave EF but since 711 stated that this secret identity is just temporary i guess it's ok to wait a bit

HOw come I confirm something by making this thread :confused:

I made this thread becourse I think it's sad that the PE board community is being divided into 2 groups with all this - And I made this thread becourse I'm a board whore who makes alot of usefull and not so usefull posts and threads from time to time :D

True, Neomaven is a friend of mine, and I'm very happy to be able to call him that, knowing that he would most likely call me the same - But if I knew that he was the one who bought the board, and I knew that he didn't want it to get out - Don't you think that I would just butt out of all of this, when people know that we are friends and by that then could put 2 and 2 together ?

Or maybe I just wrote that last part to confuse you even more, and that I know it's neomaven and don't wanna admit it - But what the fuck does it even matter ?

I just wanted to see/hear what everyonce problem was with all of this.

And for the record, I didn't make this thread to help out anyone but the board and the people wanting answers about why people have such a big problem with this issue.
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How about this - 711 renames his own account to Superman, and we can call him our board super hero - And every super hero has an alternative identity, so they can run around being goofy and not allways have to be their super hero persona :D

I like that idea - 711, go change your name to Superman or something like that :D
ultimababe said:
When I found out MB had sold EF I was "=O"... and then I was like "srsly? =O"... and everyone was like "lal yaya.. srsly keke"... and I was like "omg hawt lal.. how arousing" and then I went for ice cream and made some posts to celebrate and got a strange feeling that MB cringed when he saw I was online ;O

As long as MB isnae going anywhere then I am happy because I <3heart<3 MB and I'm going to marry him one day. =|

:rofl: You are cracking me up girl!! keep rawking! :headbang:
Euroman said:
How about this - 711 renames his own account to Superman, and we can call him our board super hero - And every super hero has an alternative identity, so they can run around being goofy and not allways have to be their super hero persona :D

I like that idea - 711, go change your name to Superman or something like that :D

NO WEI! If he gets to be Superman. Then GOD DAMN IT I wanna be Batman!

ultimababe said:
When I found out MB had sold EF I was "=O"... and then I was like "srsly? =O"... and everyone was like "lal yaya.. srsly keke"... and I was like "omg hawt lal.. how arousing" and then I went for ice cream and made some posts to celebrate and got a strange feeling that MB cringed when he saw I was online ;O

As long as MB isnae going anywhere then I am happy because I <3heart<3 MB and I'm going to marry him one day. =|

MB is a lucky lucky man. lol
love the highschool girly aim chat goin on there. and : ( our icecream convo got mindstar'd lol

but hey just so long as the 711 conspiracy thingy is temp and we find out eventually its cool with me. but it is annoying. hell if they didnt want all the commotion they shoulda just said...."711 is the new admin/owner, and then like a month later gone *tada* 711 is "insert name here" and everything would have been smoother.
Viper81883 said:
hell if they didnt want all the commotion they shoulda just said...."711 is the new admin/owner, and then like a month later gone *tada* 711 is "insert name here" and everything would have been smoother.

Maybe Knuckles is 711 :eek:

hope he can come back now :girl:

First: If I had been the new owner of EF, for sure nobody would know. Imagine what a hassle ingame - no relaxed hunting anymore ever, because everyone and it's mother would want to be with you, asking questions about this and that and etc.! This might be no fun.

Second: I had made it better (I hope) - preparing a plausible story before the public announcement of the "take over", maybe creating and introducing a special ava for this reason. Would have saved much trouble - but all of us sometimes have a bad day and make a mistake.

Third: From what I see now I cannot say anything against 711 - maybe he has a funny name ... "4711" is, here in germany, a cheap perfume loved by elder ladies, and it might be very useful in EU, too, as kind of protection against those nasty insects - it would instakill 'em ;-)) So I always have to smile reading this name ...

There was some unfortunate acting introducing him, for sure. But sh*t happens, as we all know. I found, 'til now, nothing really bad of what he did. And I'm sure, MB wouldn't have given his baby to some guy with horns, tail and a he-goats foot ...

Resumee: I'd advice to stay cool and wait for things to happen. Would it, for instance, help anyone to know that I'd be 711 (what I'm not)? Well, he could be the owner of a debatable ava - but would this make this forum inevitably worse? Let's see his actions and judge by them. I think it's something we own MB, and our trust to him. Thank you.

Have fun!

Usual disclaimer: I'm no nativ english speaker, so you better check the meaning then the written word ... Thx!

Edit & PS: For sure, should there be something nasty with 711 or his actions, I'll be rather fast out of here. But at the moment I see no signs of it, and I trust in MB to have done right. Which doesn't mean that I'm not observing things a little more watchful. But there's still something like "in dubio pro reo"!
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Superman, SuperHero, SuperOwner, SuperAdmin :dunce: , SuperRoot :laugh: , Mr. Anonymous ;) ..

but :eek: :o: :confused: 711 does'nt make any sense
Xandra said:

First: If I had been the new owner of EF, for sure nobody would know. Imagine what a hassle ingame - no relaxed hunting anymore ever, because everyone and it's mother would want to be with you, asking questions about this and that and etc.! This might be no fun.

Second: I had made it better (I hope) - preparing a plausible story before the public announcement of the "take over", maybe creating and introducing a special ava for this reason. Would have saved much trouble - but all of us sometimes have a bad day and make a mistake.

Third: From what I see now I cannot say anything against 711 - maybe he has a funny name ... "4711" is, here in germany, a cheap perfume loved by elder ladies, and it might be very useful in EU, too, as kind of protection against those nasty insects - it would instakill 'em ;-)) So I always have to smile reading this name ...

There was some unfortunate acting introducing him, for sure. But sh*t happens, as we all know. I found, 'til now, nothing really bad of what he did. And I'm sure, MB wouldn't have given his baby to some guy with horns, tail and a he-goats foot ...

Resumee: I'd advice to stay cool and wait for things to happen. Would it, for instance, help anyone to know that I'd be 711 (what I'm not)? Well, he could be the owner of a debatable ava - but would this make this forum inevitably worse? Let's see his actions and judge by them. I think it's something we own MB, and our trust to him. Thank you.

Have fun!

Usual disclaimer: I'm no nativ english speaker, so you better check the meaning then the written word ... Thx!

Edit & PS: For sure, should there be something nasty with 711 or his actions, I'll be rather fast out of here. But at the moment I see no signs of it, and I trust in MB to have done right. Which doesn't mean that I'm not observing things a little more watchful. But there's still something like "in dubio pro reo"!

1- Do you mean, not even your employes ?
1-Now i understand why MB was SO hassled in game .
2-Is there anything special that makes you think that any of 711's actions are mistakes ? AFAIK EF is a business depending on how many ppls are accessing the site and depending on how EF contributes to EU interests.
3-I save some bandwidth.
4-MB begged for private donations while he was in dealing for sell the EF . But im glad you think MB is a nice guy, because afterall he is.

Resumee : this is my contribution to Google + EF , as a nice form of donation :)

edit&ps : for sure you are that kind of avatar wich everybody loves it ;or not;afterall, it's not about love but about money.
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Hi Jag,

I have to admit that I have a hard time trying to fully understand what you're telling me. Anyway, some points:

Jag Ly said:
1- Do you mean, not even your employes ?
I tend to answer "Yes". I'd prefer not to destroy my "gaming" experience revealing my avas identity. So I fully understand 711's concerns about revealing his avas identity.

Jag Ly said:
2-Is there anything special that makes you think that any of 711's actions are mistakes ?
I regard "the coming of 711" as not well done, starting with the locking of this one thread. Then not yet knowing if to reveal his ava - this all should have been better prepared, causing less irritation among the users. This was unneccessary, was foreseeable causing trouble and thus was what I meant with "mistake". Nothing serious, though. Can happen.

Jag Ly said:
afterall, it's not about love but about money.
This much money involved?
I have to admit that I didn't donate to EF yet. Just happy to be able to deposit something every now and then ...

Have fun!