Join us on the Normandie ! Crew and Passenger offer !

Jul 9, 2007
Titans of Space
Avatar Name
John Black Knight
Join us on the ToS Normandie ! Crew and Passenger offer !


The ToS Normandie's webpage is up and running, the basecrew is set and recruitment is closed but you can still sign up as temporary crewmate. Our schedules are listed there as well.

Subscribe to our space flatrate for just 100 Peds per month - see webpage for detailed info.

Advanced Subscription offer (1 month equalling 31days) (valid since 29th feb 12):

1 month crewrank - 100Ped
1 month VIP - 200Ped
6 month crewrank - 500Ped (gain 1 month for free)
6 month VIP - 1000Ped (gain 1 month for free)
12 month crewrank - 900Ped (gain 3 month for free)
12 month VIP - 1800Ped (gain 3 month for free)

The ToS Normandie is utilizing voicechat on its flights: Teamspeak 3 server:
channel Normandie / password is announced onboard after summon.

Our onboard radiostation is working 24/7 and is run by Mel Bossheart - tune in at

The ToS Normandie has been upgraded to the by far strongest ship in space totalling an outstanding 102,084.4 structural integrity !

The ToS Normandies scheduled warpflights -

As an update to the repeated requests on becomming a pilot or gunner on the ToS Normandie.

There is no way to join as a pilot or gunner.
Signing up for the ToS Normandie always means you start out in repaircrew contributing to the ships survival showing on most flights that you are an active member of the crew.
If you do this regularly and let the ships captain Alaina Bonnie Scotia or myself know that you would like to become a gunner you may get asked to join the gunners team to defend the ship when the need arrises and a spot is open.
Only regular members of the gunner team who defend the ToS Normandie on its passenger flights often - get to participate in hunting space horrors with mothership guns.
Only regular members of the gunner team who also show commanding abilities and have the intention of doing their best on every position that needs to be filled, will get the opportunity to become a commanding officer onboard.
Only commanding officers will get the opportunity to pilot the ToS Normandie when the need arrises and a spot opens up.
Only piloting commanding officers may get the opportunity to one day command their own ship as the Titans of Space Starfleet keeps growing.

Those rules are in place to ensure the highest level of customer care, trust and security to our passengers and other travelers in space to make sure the ToS Normandie never opens fire on a friendly target due to an unexperienced gunner or gunner with wrong intension.

Some space transport providers out there offer pilot / gunner rights to most or many of their crew who sign up / join their service - Titans of Space is not such a service provider for us safety and trust comes first - we deem it highly risky to give a ship of such power into the hands of someone who might be hired by pirates and therefor have a very progressive command chain in place to make sure our crew consists of highly trustworthy crewmates and the ship at all times obides by our rules of conduct and protective to peaceful travelers in space.
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Nice to see a well thought out plan for a mothership service, good luck with setting it up :)
1ped per shot, shooting no loot carrying pirates is really gonna pay well for ya (i mean for your gunners eh) ;) See you lot soon, and dont worry, you will know when we are near :yup:
1ped per shot, shooting no loot carrying pirates is really gonna pay well for ya (i mean for your gunners eh) ;) See you lot soon, and dont worry, you will know when we are near :yup:

Glad you are proud to attack out of financial safety ;-)
We will see how this plays out over time. Maybe you will soon have to buy another quadwing crafted by me ;)

Then i can pay my gunners the other way round *g
Until Motherships SI get to at least 30000 I can't see no usefulness in terms of space transportation for them besides support for pirate operations.

But in resume my thoughts all go the same way, it serves mainly support functions.
The other obvious usefulness (also support in its nature) to my disbelief nobody is even considering it.:eyecrazy:
(OK too high ambition might be the reason why they didn't figure it out yet)
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Until Motherships SI get to at least 30000 I can't see no usefulness in terms of space transportation for them besides support for pirate operations.

The other obvious usefulness to my disbelief nobody is even considering it.:eyecrazy:

Im already close to upgrade my motherships SI and you can be sure it will be upgraded when this services launches.
Grats on your solid thinking for this!
Do you expect crew to be there for full 6 hour shifts? I forecast a lot of sick notes and 'sorry can't make it' calls.
Still gl :)

Gunner payment/costs: You may indeed get more peds from making replacement quads - consider paying your gunners in (L)*mu decay from their hits, yes lol

and -Archangel-: maybe ppl aren't saying things out loud yet (although the support nature means ppl will have to find out sometime ;) ). I have also mentioned various 'types' of support not yet taken up more clearly...
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Until Motherships SI get to at least 30000 I can't see no usefulness in terms of space transportation for them besides support for pirate operations.

But in resume my thoughts all go the same way, it serves mainly support functions.
The other obvious usefulness (also support in its nature) to my disbelief nobody is even considering it.:eyecrazy:
(OK too high ambition might be the reason why they didn't figure it out yet)

It may be that MS's will also be able to server as mobile TP's to fav hunting and or mining ground in Space. I beleive there was mention of a "recall all crew from planet side to ship function" spoken about somewhere in these threads. Ie MS owners could then have a small charge to beam ppl straight off the planets to their fav space hunting grounds (but not beam them back) Guess we will see, im sure they will have many purposes though, besides the obvious :smoke:
Good luck :)

Now, send a support case to ask MA to change the "Knight" part of yer name to "Shepherd" and you'll have the full Mass Effect experience as Commander John Shepherd of the Normandie! ;)
An excellent plan, I hope it all works out for you as this will benefit everyone who wants to experience our universe to it's fullest extent.
Sorry if I misunderstand but your proposing people work six hour shifts for what is potentialy just a couple cents-to a couple dollars?

And Daisy does have a point, running regular scheduled routes makes you target practice, your gunners are going to go broke trying to defend your ship.

Well good luck anyway, if you can pull this off and keep everyone happy that will really be something to praise.
Sorry if I misunderstand but your proposing people work six hour shifts for what is potentialy just a couple cents-to a couple dollars?

And Daisy does have a point, running regular scheduled routes makes you target practice, your gunners are going to go broke trying to defend your ship.

Well good luck anyway, if you can pull this off and keep everyone happy that will really be something to praise.

Why should a mothership gunner actually go broke faster then a spacepirate, when it actually only takes 1 hit per gunner to dispatch the quad ?
Why do you think its bad to earn a few $ when there are so many people loosing a few $ in the same amount of time within entropia ?
Why do people sweat animals if a few $ per shift is not enough ?
In fact i think when NPC pirates and other space mobs should get introduced, mothership gunner may become a normal hunting profession.
Space and being part of a space crew working together to accomplish a goal can be as much fun as any other activity within entropia and there will always be people who like to stay planetside and fear pvp and those who like space.
Good luck :)

Now, send a support case to ask MA to change the "Knight" part of yer name to "Shepherd" and you'll have the full Mass Effect experience as Commander John Shepherd of the Normandie! ;)

I concur!

Also, this looks like a very solid plan you have here Commander.
I expect it will work rather well eventually, start up being rather slow of course.

Best of luck Commander Shepard.
Yeah, you got renamed
Why should a mothership gunner actually go broke faster then a spacepirate, when it actually only takes 1 hit per gunner to dispatch the quad ?
Why do you think its bad to earn a few $ when there are so many people loosing a few $ in the same amount of time within entropia ?
Why do people sweat animals if a few $ per shift is not enough ?
In fact i think when NPC pirates and other space mobs should get introduced, mothership gunner may become a normal hunting profession.
Space and being part of a space crew working together to accomplish a goal can be as much fun as any other activity within entropia and there will always be people who like to stay planetside and fear pvp and those who like space.

Right on the $ !!! :thumbup:

Best of luck... wish I could help out but the hours are not workin out for me :computer:
Interesting plan. Hope this works out for you.
Some questions:
Are we talking full 6 hour shifts, 7 days per week? (i think that would be impossible for most people, assuming we all have lives. I think you will need to split the jobs between 2 people)
Do crew members get free flights outside their working hours? (necessary, i should think, as it would really suck to find yourself on the wrong planet, and have to pay to get back to your "home planet", at the end of your shift)

jay :)
Interesting plan. Hope this works out for you.
Some questions:
Are we talking full 6 hour shifts, 7 days per week? (i think that would be impossible for most people, assuming we all have lives. I think you will need to split the jobs between 2 people)
Do crew members get free flights outside their working hours? (necessary, i should think, as it would really suck to find yourself on the wrong planet, and have to pay to get back to your "home planet", at the end of your shift)

jay :)

Currently the plan is to have shiftrotations happen in the orbit of calypso, as this is still the central hub of the universe.
Its a sure thing that crewmates dont have to pay for transport. Regarding the shifts i do prefer people who are willing to work 6 hour shifts, but if you can only cover 2 hour shifts you can still apply and i will consider where i think it fits.
Regarding day offs crewmembers have to talk with their captains and they will assign one of the fighter pilots/repairmen in training on their job during their absence. Captains will have to contacts myself to plan their days of work.
This doesnt mean that im not thinking about something like a vacation crew to allow for vacation and ays of for the whole crew. But this will come at a later stage. For now i just want to know your avaiability times and in which job you are interested.

Kind regards
Hi Normandie! :) I enjoyed the ship to ship dancing yesterday - slow, slow, quick?, quick?, slow...

I also like the suggestions for changes in the other thread:

back to the thread topic: I see the logistical problems, yes! The replies so far do indeed suggest people wouldn't commit to the shifts as formulated (for every mention of something there are normally others silently thinking the same). May I thus suggest re-asking for crew based on one or two flights a few days ahead instead as a starter?

Edit : yes, your 2 hour suggestion for ppl shorter on time will hopefully get you more applications :)
My basic slot would be 17-23MA time, but things fairly regularly depend on the day of the week for within that timeframe.
I'm also allied to the Kronan right now and trying to see what we can manage there, but I'm open minded to firmly helping out at short notice here if plans permit this :)

I actually think the mission/event system would be pretty perfect for setting up flights too actually. It could regulate bookings, payment, completion of task in set time etc... maybe it's too much to ask though.
One of the funny little things apart from the gunner seats being placed rather randomly is that the passenger compasses are 90 degrees out of alignment with the real front of the ship, so the poor repairers without a view will get the wrong idea about the direction too if they try and be even a little bit 'clever' ;).

Anyway, greeting from this Kronan crew member. maybe we can get it set up like football players and have players 'on loan' etc lol
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Hi Normandie! :) I enjoyed the ship to ship dancing yesterday - slow, slow, quick?, quick?, slow...

That was great fun! :D I doubt we will make ballerinas though.... ;)

Seems like a strong, sound structure you have devised John. I am sure there will be a lot to learn along the way - but thats the fun of it too :)

As you know, I am ready to help when ever I can. My Soc mates are up for it too :)
I think this is what MA envisioned for the MS's. Perhaps it will be difficult at first, but I think MA will make changes as needed overtime that will benefit the MS's. A few SI upgrades and those armor plates metioned for a future release and it will become quite difficult for quads to take a MS down. Not to mention the mothership can send out scout ships ahead of its flight path to identify pirate locations and take a safer path.

I'm sold. Do we get frequent flier miles? hehe
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hm, pretty well thought out plan that I think will bear fruit in the long run ...
but when will it be ... and how this all will be reshaped ... hard to say

my suggestion would be: investing in system first and only after in people, can be the solution ...

I would check out and think of several factors:

1. increasing the SI and adding plates [if they come] to decrease the need for gunners ... and to keep all data in secret ...
2. to have a system of suggesting the "jobs" to the passengers during the flight might work more ...
3. having 2-3 [or more] guarding interceptors
4. choosing the safest routes for lights

some other factors may also add up
I think this is what MA envisioned for the MS's. Perhaps it will be difficult at first, but I think MA will make changes as needed overtime that will benefit the MS's. A few SI upgrades and those armor plates metioned for a future release and it will become quite difficult for quads to take a MS down. Not to mention the mothership can send out scout ships ahead of its flight path to identify pirate locations and take a safer path.

I'm sold. Do we get frequent flier miles? hehe

If you are going to book many one-way tickets i will give you frequent flyer miles ;-)
But if that is your intention i would suggest to preregister for the monthly transport flat rate while i still do have room in the guest list ;)
Hi John
I am hovering next to your mothership, are you home?

10 min ago i still was planet side - you inbox is full bjorn ;) - now im on the mothership
How much and what types of damage does the gunner weapon do ?

Its a plasma weapon and it does around 600 damage per hit on a sleip mk2 and quadwing. Both were dispatched with 2 shots.
So considering the fighters protection value fire power of the mothership cannons needs to be somewhere around 650 i guess.
Thanks for the clarifications :)

Now, one reason why I'm attracted to being part of a Mothership crew is that I'm enjoying doing quite a bit of planet hopping atm. So..there's a bit of a drawback to starting and finishing on Calypso every time :D

Will crew be able to travel, gratis on the Normandie in between shifts, so that (with careful planning) they can spend some time on other planets without the expense of jetting back to calypso for the start of the next shift all the time?

jay :)
Thanks for the clarifications :)

Now, one reason why I'm attracted to being part of a Mothership crew is that I'm enjoying doing quite a bit of planet hopping atm. So..there's a bit of a drawback to starting and finishing on Calypso every time :D

Will crew be able to travel, gratis on the Normandie in between shifts, so that (with careful planning) they can spend some time on other planets without the expense of jetting back to calypso for the start of the next shift all the time?

jay :)

If you get in the crew you can always check with your crewmates and captain if someone will cover your tasks till the Normandie reaches your planet of choice to pick you up again.
I will also check with the whole crew when its set up if a planet rotation would be prefered over always the same location. Planet rotation means eg. that the planet where shift changes happen is another one every day.
Free travel for the crew will be avaiable.
Why should a mothership gunner actually go broke faster then a spacepirate, when it actually only takes 1 hit per gunner to dispatch the quad ?
Why do you think its bad to earn a few $ when there are so many people loosing a few $ in the same amount of time within entropia ?
Why do people sweat animals if a few $ per shift is not enough ?
In fact i think when NPC pirates and other space mobs should get introduced, mothership gunner may become a normal hunting profession.
Space and being part of a space crew working together to accomplish a goal can be as much fun as any other activity within entropia and there will always be people who like to stay planetside and fear pvp and those who like space.

Sorry, still not sure I understand, take the gunners out of it. But a six hour shift for the crew for such a low wage? In six hours work in Sask for min wage I would get 55.50$. Now I know it's harder to make money in EU then in RL but a six hour shift for a game? I understand that you paid a pretty penny for your ship and want to see a ROI on it but I just can't understand the six hour shift part for such a low return.
I mean for most people that would mean, go to work, come home, man their station, go to bed, repeat. Doesn't make much sense to me. But like I said, gratz if you can pull it off.
Sorry, still not sure I understand, take the gunners out of it. But a six hour shift for the crew for such a low wage? In six hours work in Sask for min wage I would get 55.50$. Now I know it's harder to make money in EU then in RL but a six hour shift for a game? I understand that you paid a pretty penny for your ship and want to see a ROI on it but I just can't understand the six hour shift part for such a low return.
I mean for most people that would mean, go to work, come home, man their station, go to bed, repeat. Doesn't make much sense to me. But like I said, gratz if you can pull it off.

With that argument at hand you should stop onlinegames altogether and just take on a second job ;)

I would have to charge customers 300 Peds single fee per trip and have the ship fully loaded every time to satisfy your income vision - but know what ? I guess noone in entropia would pay 300 ped for a normal space travel and i wouldnt feel good even asking for such an amount. I try to establish the cheapest way of transportation that will be avaiable within entropia and that wont work with your payment visions.
But you can still enjoy the service as a customer when its live ;)
Some people might already have noticed that i wrote that gunners can loot their 'targets' in the first post.
This of course is not related to just attacking players who may not carry loot with them but actually includes spacemobs too. Yes you will have expenses protecting the ship but you also get the oportunity for actual space loot using the largest space cannon that currently exists while a lot of 'healers' (repaircrew) got you covered.