Info: How to balance universe? Read this to learn ! And act fast!


Nov 11, 2005
Soldiers of Fortune
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Ogi OgiMini Mini
Seen Ma acting like a guy drowning and debating lakc of air and excess of water.
No more no loots
New mission rewards
New mission mobs
Cld failing

etc etc

So i decided to teach a bit what u can do (and must do) to increase hapiness of player bass, and even raise ur revenue.

Its so easy.

In my country slot machines arent allowed unless in licenced casinos, not even going to discuss if thsi is a casini game or not (it is). I had one ilegal one in one cofee shop i had a few moths ago and very quiklie got the best position set to maximise profit, lower share taken by machine owner to 3% (minimum) intead of 30% (maximum).

What did i achieved? people forming line to play, custumers got a feel of the fun for the money, and didnt stop playing.

When i was on 30% some poeple played but as soon as losses were high it stoped and no coming back?

So i could configure machine to give less rounds with no prize (no loots), add a new icon to pop up to add a possiblitie of a new prize (new mission mobs), make that the big combinations (777) give more prize value (ath), or even could make some custumers my partneers and share some of my income in return of some investent (cld). I even could make soem nice question form to my custumers to learn why they dont play much anymore. (surveys)

SO what i dediced and what was my result?
lowered to minimum possible the stake for me, 3%.

All wer happy, i was much happy in day by day basis was not normal no earn so little. but in 3 moths i had more and more payers and making 6 times what i was doing when i was at 30%.

SO less is more!

forget all teh new measures u are taking, no one believes its result. no more loots??? u wil lower the avr loot. new missions? just to have the feel of mission acomlished? u wil deliver low low returns. clds? bad move since each day more and more people who have it dont hunt or mine or whatever.

3% !!!!??? Isnt that enought income, do like other companies, reduce expenses, start by dismision some senior staff that dont have a clue of whta they are doing. for example? New gfx etc? why, entropia gamers arent after good looks, this isnt sims or second life or whatsoever, this is a nich market and it wont ever change.

So act fast to mantain actual palyers, and get theold ones back. and start getting in fact new players after that.

When that happens or some planet act like that we wil have the magic solution.

I dare you!

Mindark and calypso and othe partneers input is very welcome.
Your slot machine returned 97% to every person, or, it returned less to most people and a few got big loots?
Your slot machine returned 97% to every person, or, it returned less to most people and a few got big loots?

exactly. stunning how many people dont understand this simple mechanism.

the players have determined there is a 90% return if you follow a certain behaviour pattern, which is taken now as a system criteria, so others then assume MA/planets take the other 10%. for all we know they take 0.1% or a fixed amount. actually we should be able to get an idea from the accounts, last time i recall analysis with a bunch of assumptions, it came out at somethnig close to the advertised $1-1.50 per hour per avatar.
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Who said they're drowning or don't know perfectly what they do? The more actions from MA I see, the more I'm in awe of their gamemaster or whatever this position is called (also bet it's a new guy, who came among all this fresh staff). Look how perfectly is timed the current bots event to prevent mass outflow to Cyrene AND to improve the CLD ROI for the upcoming report (they promised to provide reports every 6 months, so we're about to get one in May).

Now the rebalancing. If they found any unbalance [aka disadvantages for them] in the current system, they'd smash it in the next [and most likely nonscheduled] VU - look what happened with mission rewards on RT. Instead, they give you 4 months to exploit it. I have no idea if the changes will bring any benefits for them, but these 4 months surely will do. People may moan and groan, but the majority of them is nevertheless preparing to make the most use of the time left. With these shifting spawns MA's heightening the suspense even more, ensuring that you won't forget that the clock is ticking, right till the end of the August.

And what's going to happen then, when this carrot is eaten up? Ah, the annual migration, another decay fest!
I do agree with the suggestion. But it should be in balance with the mu system. When mu high, tt return lower, when mu low, tt return higher perhaps.

EDIT: Thanks Lugzan.
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