Some good people in Twin Peaks

David Joker

Dec 28, 2012
Avatar Name
David Joker Potanus
I logged on this morning to find my society mate with a little bit of trouble. Apparently he had been out dropping some rookie bombs (MA not been nice to any of us Exiles lately) NE of Twin Peaks and hit a XII oil. When I came online he had been trying to get his claim for a long time and had quite a large amount of argonaut around his claim rod. Apparently he had destroyed his car completely while trying to get to his claim. I suited up with what I can afford (sadly 20 peds ammo and my opalo) at the moment and took off to help. I quickly determined this was beyond anything I can help with; while flying over the claim rod with my sleipnir the radar was a solid red mass of argonaut. None of the big guns in our society have been very active lately, so it was just my friend and I (we were WAY out of our current league). I decided I would fly to Twins and see if we could locate some assistance. When I landed into town I stated we needed help and three people immediately jumped at the cause to do something for another player.
The three people who offered assistance were: Nikita of The Magisterium society, Aaadu of The Maniacs society and Verminaar of Les Potes society. These three made quick work of the huge swarm of argonaut and allowed my society mate to summon his claim. We offered to help pay for their losses, but they kindly refused and wished us a happy new year. I thought the best thing I could do is bring to light the awesome deeds of these amazing avatars and how well they represent what every society should stand for. So, here's to you guys and your society!! If you ever need anything, locate a member of Exile; we would be more than happy to return the favor.:smoke:
Thanks for sharing :)

Glad some good out there still.
Great story and Cheers to the 3 heroes of the day.

People like this make the game great!
Salutes to the rescue team! (Reminds me of the good old days!)

Well done! EU is proud of you all!
plus rep for these 3 do gooders. :yay:
Hey good to hear and see others helping out those in need,

Happy New Year!
this is how PE used to be.. waaaayyy back.

thx for the story, made me smile.
That was a very nice gesture indeed. Nice to see others help others.:yay:
Someone helped me like this some time ago, he killed mobs around my claim and... got global from them :yay:
Always good to hear things like this.

Those 3 outshine 30 jerkoffs in the game.

I had an encounter with a good sport/honest player last week (Broken al Angels) that reminded me why this game can be so great.

Such a sweet story :girl: There are some really great people out there :)
Cool that you were helped out :).

But next time, there's an easier way :).......... well easier to what you guys were doing...

Just fly in with sleip or quad, land next to claim (really next to the claim), jump out, extract once, jump in. Next vehicle seat. Wait for them to stop noticing you. Jump out, extract once, jump in, Next Vehicle seat.

Repeat until resource depleted.

If I can do this with a mob of Korwill on me. You can do it with a mob of argos on you too :D
I remember posting a similarish thread about a player back in 2005... Akiranblade. We ended up being good ingame friends and soc mates off the back of it.

Good deeds like this can prove to be far more valuable than just the initial deed !!
I love hearing about people doing things like this.

I will help anyone anytime, for one, because I am kind-hearted, and two, muhahahaha, because TWICE, while helping someone get to their claim, I HOF'ed on one of the mobs I was clearing for him or her, and I have globalled numerous times. It's happened so much I literally jump up and get excited when a soc-mate or friend has a swarm by their claim. So look me up if you ever need help, because apparently helping miners is the only thing I can do in this game where I don't lose ped :)
