Does Tiering matter?


Old Alpha
Jan 15, 2015
Homeless as Spinas took my peds
Team Varyag
Avatar Name
Louise Ranavolana Brooks
I enjoy using a [Castorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)]. I use it as often as I can & I look for ones that have high tiering rates & tier them up with enhancers.

I have two one tiered up for damage, another tiered up for economy (and another in reserve). I use the economy one as often as possible to tier it up & the damage one for when its necessary.

When the "damage" knife is just about used up, I TT it, transfer the enhancers to my economy knife & start to use the reserve as the new "econ" knife.

I have now heard that enhancing weapons is a waste of time unless they are really powerful.

Noob free zone apparently & my carryings on have not really achieved anything other than prove my noobishness :(

It there any sense in what I am doing, or should I just give up & hunt punys.

If I can, I hunt without armour, it usually goes like this
me "sorry mob, lets take 5 while I just use the fap for a bit :"
mob "grower?" GROWER, (translated as fk u take that)'
me oooooOOOOOooo back 2 revive & then back 4 round 2
For a short answer - dont ever use any enhancers on low low level limited gear. Consider using enhancers at maybe level 40 and above unlimited gear. (Depends from item to item ofcourse)

For a bit more in detail answer, read below:

Economy enhancer has 1ped tt value right? So everytime it breaks u lose 1ped tt + whatever MU you paid
- this however improves economy of ur weapon but is it worth breaking an expensive enhancer? Not sure but it could be that one such enhancer costs u more than one enblade ELM edition?
Damage enhancer has a tt value of 0.8 ped with Current MU at 300%, it will cost you 2.4 ped when one such enhancer breaks.
-It does add extra damage (10% per each slot), but it also increases decay and ammo burn (again 10%)
An important thing to remember is that L gear decays very fast most of time and when u add an enhancer that increases the decay of such item, well i think u can do the math yourself.

From some tests i have done breakage rate of enhancers is somewhere between 1300-1600 uses on a weapon. For example if u use 10 enhancers then roughly after 1500 uses u will lose 10 enhancers (24ped if u used damage enhancer for example)

For higher level weapons the cost itself is already great, decay or ammo burn or both are very high and adding extra decay for extra damage output makes more sense than for an item that has very low stats and added damage can not justify the breakage rate. Same logic to economy enhancers, they dont add decay, they improve it, but breakage rate is still great and you just need to weight yourself if you can justify the cost of it.

Hope this helps

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Thanks Duncis.
Not the answer I was looking for, but the answer I needed to have I guess.

Aah well, I have the choice of using my enhancers till they break, or putting them in storage till I reach L40 :(
If you actually stand a chance to win an event with nice prizes, then it would probably make sense to use enhancers. At least as it is now...I remember when Accuracy Enhancers were selling for ~150% MU. At that MU, it made sense to use them on most weapons. Now...not as much. Economy Enhancers are and have been pretty much always have been an oxymoron for quite a while considering their MU is very steep, and yet their purpose is to make weapons cheaper to use.

My short answer to this is that if you have an (L) bp to craft them for whatever reason and you already have the mats/skill to make them, it might make sense to see what you get out of it. But in most cases I just can't see the benefit in buying enhancers.
ECO enhancers on (L) is great if the tier rates are good...helps make sure you can stretch it to a t10, and have fun/experiment with. They cost a bit but break a lil less from my experience. A full rack can make an average weapon insanely eco if that is your thing. Though with melee....most of em decay wise are pretty bad to be honest, but that is good for the modification effect the enhancer will have. (more decay per hit will give bigger boost with eco enhancer than one with less base decay)

Ultra-eco weapons simply will not be affected after a point with ECO enhancers as well. So there is a cap to be wary of.

Skill Mod enhancers are broken....

Damage enhancers will shorten the life of the weapon for sure, so using those on (L) can be wasteful depending.
The more the base damage the more the effect of the enhancer, low damage becomes negligible and wasteful to use.

Range enhancers no need on that knife, and really unless your base range is very high, or you have gear you are looking to synchronize for maximum efficiency (the true eco play, and key to good results..a good overall cohesive system of gear), the modification wouldn't be worth it on most things.

Accuracy enhancers are pretty nice with a full rack, and crit pills/gear, and probably more ideal with (L) as they give you more fire power without the heavier decay to the weapon/shorter life like damage will do.

With (L) you are basically paying markup to use on a marked up item...its like double taxation, as long as you are comfortable with the result thats fine, but it certainly could add up if not paying attention to the actual value of the effect.

Enhancers tend to have a better benefit overall for an UL weapon in most cases, that said I use em all on all my weapons in different situations. (L) typically holds eco.
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Maybe I can just add to this tread with a few questions on the same subject...

With eco enhancers do you actually save money? (in this universe this isn't necessarily obvious and would like clarification before I tier :laugh:)

I mean does the reduced decay rate mean that you spend less in repairs than the cost of the enhancers? Does this hold true in you have multiple tiers all with eco enhancers attached?

If we are talking about damage enhancers is it cheaper/better to tier my weapon and achieve a higher dps at the same ammo consumption or cheaper/better to just buy a better weapon with a larger ammo consumption?

My gun is the EP-40 merc so my options are tier this thing and add damage enhancers or upgrade to the EP-41 (i guess there are other options but lets keep it simple)... I like the EP-40's 900 ammo a shot consumption but could do with a little more firepower, if I can get the same dps cheaper from a weapon with say 1200 dps then I guess I might as well not tier... Hope this makes sense. Thanks.
Damage enhancers are counter intuitive... to work out if they are worthwhile, you need to look at your defence costs - if you save 2.4ped in defence per enhancer spent (at 300%) then they are worthwhile. Therefore, it's normal that they're good for high hit mobs (feffox, aurli) but not for low-hit mobs (atrox, feffoid).

Also useful if you're short of time to cycle your normal hunt amount ;)

Accuracy enhancers were worth it, now they're too high MU to bother with.

Eco enhancers only make sense on the more expensive (to use) and high MU items.. again, does that 1% eco reduction add up for the cost of the enhancer+MU when it breaks?

Skill mod enhancers don't work, so forget those.

Range enhancers... well, for your tagger yeah... I can't imagine you'd save the defensive costs but the same logic applies as damage enhancers.
Damage enhancers are counter intuitive... to work out if they are worthwhile, you need to look at your defence costs - if you save 2.4ped in defence per enhancer spent (at 300%) then they are worthwhile. Therefore, it's normal that they're good for high hit mobs (feffox, aurli) but not for low-hit mobs (atrox, feffoid).

Also useful if you're short of time to cycle your normal hunt amount ;)

Accuracy enhancers were worth it, now they're too high MU to bother with.

Eco enhancers only make sense on the more expensive (to use) and high MU items.. again, does that 1% eco reduction add up for the cost of the enhancer+MU when it breaks?

Skill mod enhancers don't work, so forget those.

Range enhancers... well, for your tagger yeah... I can't imagine you'd save the defensive costs but the same logic applies as damage enhancers.

I'm not much of a hunter but this is where my logical assumptions led me for the most part.

Only thing I've been wondering about is if damage enhancers are also worth it against fast regen mobs. I know regen is supposedly returned in loot but I don't think it's returned in it's entirety. This would be a much tougher question to answer I suppose.
I'm not much of a hunter but this is where my logical assumptions led me for the most part.

Only thing I've been wondering about is if damage enhancers are also worth it against fast regen mobs. I know regen is supposedly returned in loot but I don't think it's returned in it's entirety. This would be a much tougher question to answer I suppose.

Nop, still simple. More dps = less hits on armor, faster ped cycle, more skills and more kills :)