Eomon Pheromone Levels Rising

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Calypso's Eomon Pheromone tracker system is reporting a steady increase in atmospheric pheromone levels. Scientists predict that the 2020 Eomon migration season will start on Thursday July 9.

The annual Eomon Migration spans the entire summer, offering a rare opportunity to hunt prized herds of the mighty Longtooth and Eomon. A number of other species also follow in the wake of the migrating herds making the migration season one of the most interesting events for both solo hunters and teams.

Originally Posted Here
markup to be looted is highly expected nom nom nom
High level ELMs please! Show players they have great reasons to skill up. M91 Stalker Perfected ELM:smoke:
High level ELMs please! Show players they have great reasons to skill up. M91 Stalker Perfected ELM:smoke:

Or just high level L gear in general. Doesn't have to be 1 PED tt. Please loot some level 110-200 L items that are actually WORTH USING (high enough efficiency and dps that they're better than most UL weapons), and not uneco trash like the bl1800/1950s. Ty ty
Armatrix xx-xx e.l.m Edlition (L) Blueprint (L)
markup to be looted is highly expected nom nom nom

After lossing 2000 PED in TT Mindark gives you 500 PED in MU aka payed by other player... Double win for MA!

Let's see then how many ATHs will drop from Eomon this summer.
nvm .. i typed something stupid .. then realized
I wonder if the items for turning in Eomon DNA will be updated this time around..
some people still care ?
nvm .. i typed something stupid .. then realized

Yeah so did a few other people (Hijacker) but didn't realise :rolleyes:
if you copy paste 2019 migration website, please also change both website title and menu path. it's really not that hard, i swear!

00:01 gametime?!? If so, 4 hours, 33 minutes!!
Holla if anyone sees them!
I see the community is still very helpful when it comes to providing waypoints.

Someone used to atleast post a thread with maturity locations.
Any big Longtooths about outside of the wave events?
How did people know big emomoms were on OLA 63?
Nice trap to put old Fred (lvl 500 shared) together with regular Longtooth (no shared), as they have exactly the same visual. Really, what's the point?

Also, after spending so much time and mind essence/oil to find the spawn that you like the most and then just after 30 minutes they stoped to spawn. This was on first day, near C. Corith only just after 5/6 hours of migration started. Then it disappear completely.

If you want to make a dynamic migration make it so every time they re-spawn it's 1/5/10 meters in one direction, not like this!

I feel like players want to hunt, read it as spend real money, and Mindark make everything so complicated. It could exist even a map on the client on where to find the maturities that you want. We can have warp speed capabilities but can't track a herd of mobs. Weird.

And where are the summer boxes? These mobs carry close to zero MU, at least the longtooths. Again what's the point?

Yeah, you guys know some of us are in a rush to finish old Iron challenges but it look like you are joking with us and our money as I believe some of these things are not unintentional.
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I flew the enitre LT migration route 2 days in a row. Other than a small mixed spawn of Prov-Guard with shared Freds there were no other spawns of Old-Guardians.

Anyone found any yet ?

If not I guess I head back to the ATH Fred spawn :p
This is ridiculous this migration. KS is rife at the Fred spots because of the shared non shared. When you stop shooting Fred to clear a mob and then someone sneakily DPS it after you pulled it and then just about steals the kill from you. Its BS.

Also the Prowler LT spawn is rediculous.

Players like Fluske think then can just land on your feet at start killing everything before you can is utterly rude. at least most players spread out. No not Fluske, he owns you spot apparently.

MA please please move freds out of non shared zone and increase Prowler/Stalker spawns.
I flew the enitre LT migration route 2 days in a row. Other than a small mixed spawn of Prov-Guard with shared Freds there were no other spawns of Old-Guardians.

Anyone found any yet ?

If not I guess I head back to the ATH Fred spawn :p

I think last year the young-dom train that starts south of Livas and ends at Fort Ithica didn't start until 1/2 way through migration (it was all doms for a while).
The dom-stalker train that usually starts east of Corinth did, but not this year.

Maybe they will change things up soon.
The most stupid migration I ever seen. I finished last night bronze loogtooth, 900ped lost just yesterday hunting old Freds and LT dom.

Markup is close to zero, relevant MU was only one pheromone in +/- 5K points I had left in mission from last year. And that's all, no summer boxes, no 1 ped special weapons, nothing. All tt food!

Don't see a single reason to continue hunting them, in fact I planning to leave Calypso.
The most stupid migration I ever seen. I finished last night bronze loogtooth, 900ped lost just yesterday hunting old Freds and LT dom.

Markup is close to zero, relevant MU was only one pheromone in +/- 5K points I had left in mission from last year. And that's all, no summer boxes, no 1 ped special weapons, nothing. All tt food!

Don't see a single reason to continue hunting them, in fact I planning to leave Calypso.

Agreed 100%