11.3.2 Bugs

After the update i went to hunt some drones and it seems some of them are not showing in my radar. Are you experiencing the same?

1st picture there is two drones standing next to each other in distance altough only one is showing in my radar

2nd picture there is one drone in close range to me not showing to radar and the other is still standing in distance (showing to radar)

3th picture is showing the corpse of the drone wich didnt show to radar. Even its corpse is invisible to radar.
i confirm occasional mob not visible on radar

also chat is scrolling up by itself, sometimes scrolls up then back down, on another occasions just up
The svempa t5 bp not show any info or data.


Just nothing
some red dot dont appear in radar at oyster island
also when trying to heal sometimes dont heal well it says i am moving and i am not
Having the same problem with stealth mobs not appearing on radar correctly, tho' at Swamp Camp for me - sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. :eek:

On the plus side, at least there are now mobs to hunt and the instability/CTD issues I was having with 11.3.1 seem to have cleared up. :)
Here is a nice one I ran into today.
Driving from PA to Swamp in my hummer, I looked for red dots on my radar.
Most fun thing, the purple dot of the hummer changed color, to red, then later green and back to purple.
Next time will try to make a video. :D

No clue how they done it, but radar has gone nuts. :laugh: