"Any irregularities found will be adjusted."


Sep 22, 2010
Calypso Rescue Team
Avatar Name
Arnold Terminator Swarzzy
What does it mean to you ?
This message is pasted into the support tickets.

If you think it means we will compensate you for our bugs that cost you money, then you're as wrong as I was. :laugh:

After requesting a payback for a bug that cost me PEDs, the message is now:
"Thank you very much for the detailed information. Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, unexpected and unavoidable issues that affect the performance of the system do occasionally occur and, according to EULA § 5 and 6, we do not compensate for losses in such cases." (BTW, if you read this EULA carefully, you will never deposit again unless your brain is very weak...)

Hmmm, I could believe it is a sentence that says "Any bug will be fixed."
But it is not true either, since we still have bugs which are 2+ years old.

So, what does it mean? :confused:
There have been some cases when MA compensated folks. They don`t do it always though. When they choose to do it and how they do it is probably related to the size of the compensation and the logistics on how to implement it.

If they are say to compensate 1 person for a bug that might have affected everyone, they might not compensate because of the logistic and scale of the issue. Everyone would request a compensation if that someone was in some capacity affected by a large scale bug.
It means very little unfortunately, they have the final say in what an 'irregulatiry' is, and how and when this is 'adjusted'
Thanks for the rational replies. :)

Yes that's a bug that affect everyone (the auto-dying mobs), and no, it wouldn't be possible for them to compensate everyone as not sure every hunter logs his hunt at PEC level as I do.

Well, I guess that if I were them, I would have answered the same stuff.

Ok for the loss, but I hope they fix the bug soon! :yup:
basicly it means..
1. We will fix it when we feel like it.
2. We won't tell you when it's fixed so please try daily & give us extra income.
hmm but were any of these bugs unavoidable and unforseen , they make the claim sizes , they nerfed teh excavator , and they know mobs are dying , so to me they seem totally avoidable , and in fact done on purpose to make back th money they lost , my message was almost the same but had a line in their about when the economy needs rebalanced or is unstable
"Any bug we are informed of that we deem to be labeled a bug shall be labeled an irregularity and the conditions changed such that this not-a-bug is corrected. If a bug is discovered we do not intend to fix, then it is neither an irregularity nor a bug, we actually meant to produce shoddy code"
'irregularities' is such a subjective word. I would think it means:

When a bug is found they will put it on there 2mile long fix list.
Payback would probably only be given for a situation such as the hangars or similair when they get a share from travel costs.


When that auction bug happened, one that froze the auction and didn`t allow people to further bid on the items, MA undone the auctions, giving back the items to ppl which sold for very low price. Maybe not really a compensation but at least took active role.

I guess you can also take the tp fees split between hangars as a form of compensation.

Also when that eMine event took place, MA compensated those who got screwed by overpaying for quest items due to MA`s fault. Some extra eMine sets were given as compensation.

Deer shop owners also got a Deer mall as compensation for their shop being removed, basically got a much better location with improved access.

There might have been other cases also, but just these come to mind atm.
When that auction bug happened, one that froze the auction and didn`t allow people to further bid on the items, MA undone the auctions, giving back the items to ppl which sold for very low price. Maybe not really a compensation but at least took active role.

I guess you can also take the tp fees split between hangars as a form of compensation.

Also when that eMine event took place, MA compensated those who got screwed by overpaying for quest items due to MA`s fault. Some extra eMine sets were given as compensation.

Deer shop owners also got a Deer mall as compensation for their shop being removed, basically got a much better location with improved access.

There might have been other cases also, but just these come to mind atm.
Thanks. Added this to my 'compensation notes' list in my visitor pages. :)
This is an example of compensation paid from 2008
I got compensation, so did Squallxx and a few others. We got globals, then couldn't extract all of it.

MA initially issued the usual denials, but they did eventually deal with it properly. Their mishandling even led to a unique public apology. I'm still proud of my comment at #15 on page 2.

I believe they also compensated for the Unreachable Claims just after V10.

Sadly their performance has got worse again recently.