animal pancreas oil (weekly price)
auction data:103.68%
in game NOW:102.23
muscle oil (weekly price)
auction data: 106.79%
in game NOW:107.87%
In order to be more precise i need the BO value too, but MA don t release those data. I sent them an email about, you did too?????
Like i said you can change manually the MV of each item, but not you cannot save this value. Also because this value is dinamic, so today is es 105% tomorrow 107% etcetc so also if you can save you own MV than you will need to change it daily in any case. Moreover, like i said, many people will not use this tool like registrated users because many don t want to associate their items to their avatar outside the game. it s some the we plan to do like optional function, but it s not our priority atm.
Carried items is not some decided to us............... your item log AUTOMATICALLY select this. We are just separating the items according with the item log informations. At this we add the function to AUTOMATICALLY sort the items by category (u have not idea how much work to update our database considering all the new items spamming around with the new planets). Also in this case there will be the possibility to allow users to change the folder(carried etcetc) manually but also in this case you will need to do it each time. Quite boring IMO. DO you have any suggestions how to fix this?
Good Hunting
Please don't feel like I am trying to harass you The muscle oil price is now 160%. The current option of manually editing the price does not work for me because I can forget, I can not notice, it does not impact the top totals, I have to do it each run etc. The only thing that would work if to allow to save my price overrides to my account, as discussed before - and this way you get much more reliable prices, just take the majorities vote. I know this is a big change, no worries.
For the carried recalculation - it's not that difficult. Let's assume the following simple case:
Code:item;location imk2;carried scope1;imk2 laser1;imk2 scope2;laser1 scope3;modmerc modmerc;storage
now what needs special treatment is naturally the set of items where location!="carried" and !=storage and !=todo (SET1). Also need SET2 = the rest of items
Iterate - for every item in SET1, check location. If location = item from SET2, set the location of the current item to the location of the found item of SET2
When iteration done, recalculate SET1 and SET2, repeat until SET1 is empty.
This way, scope1, scope2 and laser1 from above would get into carried location, and scope3 into storage.
This is of course a very rough description, but sounds easy to implement, could even be a special button that does this (transforms the given input) - for those that don't like it (although I have trouble imagining who wouldn't).
you won, ok?! you won. We are working in a little upgrade for this tool, as soon as we will finish it the next mod will be the "save the MV of an user". You have my word. But it will take some time. Let say before summer for sure it will be done.
Whose summer?
This is what I see in inventory calc
305 Isis HL8 (L) 1 101.03 113.53 STORAGE (Calypso)
306 Isis HL8 (L) 1 299.3 336.32 STORAGE (Calypso)
305 Isis HL8 (L) 1 101.03 101.03 STORAGE (Calypso)
306 Isis HL8 (L) 1 299.3 299.3 STORAGE (Calypso)
This is from the My Items page
296 Isis HL8 (L) 1 101.03 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
297 Isis HL8 (L) 1 299.30 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
The inventory calc started duplicating items somewhere this morning.
Thanks for the info, I guess I'll stop PM'ing about items in the unknown category since you seem to be able to view those items yourself then
The item duplication is back
i will look on it.
name of the duplication pls?
sry, was no duplication. it was the increase of the MV that scared me.
It is due to the 5b plating prices being off the chart (+450).
because all lines and items are seperated with a space and enter
because all lines and items are seperated with a space and enter
if you're using IE, enable compatible view on the account page before you copy your item list and it should work...
Yup also in planet arkadia forum they pointed about. If you use you will find that we got many +1000 offerts for this items, probably a money transfer. It s time to introduce an algoritm that cut down the MV when this is very different from the media. I mean if an itme is +24 cannot be sold at +1000, or if an items is 240% cannot be 300000%, we need to calculate for each itme the media and introduce a deviation for this 50% ????