Info: Skill Increase Bonus Charts v2.0!


Oct 26, 2007
Skillin Villans
Avatar Name
Jehu Da King
Rolling out the first series in the NEW SIB CHARTS!!!

Included in the new versions:
- New weapons from the other planet partners
- Eco stats in dmg/pec
- New look, new desgin, same indespensible resource!
- Only (L) weapons are included (If you can afford an UL SIB then you can do the research ;))

Justification was the prob... Turned the images on their side and they now appear much larger.






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Is it possible to get these in a higher resolution?
And a version without the background for printing?
I produced the jpeg as high as I could, but I will see if I can improve the size/res.

I went back and forth on having the background... easier to print without it... but I thought who really prints anything in this day and age :laugh:
This is very good but the image is very small so it's hard to read. Even when I click to make it bigger, it does not get that much bigger. Other than that it is great though!

you the man :D

+rep again for these.

But yeah hard to read.. sorry
I'm working on the SIZE!!! :eyecrazy:

Save it to your haard drive and open it... it is high enough res to be readable at 5x the size without pixilating.

I have tried a few different things but it is not increasing the overall size only the resolution... hmmmmm
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I wasn't moaning they are great.

Thanks again. it's a lot of work & the desgin is looking great.


I'm working on the SIZE!!! :eyecrazy:

Save it to your haard drive and open it... it is high enough res to be readable at 5x the size without pixilating.

I have tried a few different things but it is not increasing the overall size only the resolution... hmmmmm

That's what I did and I still can't make out the words, even after zooming in to the max..

That's what I did and I still can't make out the words, even after zooming in to the max..


Yea I tested that after I said it... and it wasnt the same res as the version on my PC... IDK :mad:
Yea I tested that after I said it... and it wasnt the same res as the version on my PC... IDK :mad:

maybe we could try uploading it to an image hosting site so the resolution does not get changed when saving it as a different file format? imagebash dot com might work for that..

Currently doing a significant redesign to double the actual size.... fingers crossed.
Currently doing a significant redesign to double the actual size.... fingers crossed.

The work is much appreciated but with so many planets (ex cluding new ones) and new stuff being discovered all the time ^^ ..... you might be better of making some sort automated tool to compare per planet or mix planet items up. It be easier to edit a tool rather than flat graphs Or does this exist somewhere already (accurate and working one ^^ ?)
Awesome work!! :yay: Ty for the excellent info!! :D
I can't figure this damn thing out.... :mad:

I have tried it a dozen different ways and it always comes up the same when you click... too small.

The actual size is 24"x36" for god's sake
+ rep dude!

Very nice job. :cool:
Is there any way to link a pdf page?

THey are nice and big and clean in a pdf... but for some reason even though the pixels and size are big clicking on it or DL it comes out small:confused:

PCF gallery says if the image is large then 1024 x 1024... it automatically makes it smaller.
Maybe thats whats happening???

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Is there any way to link a pdf page?

THey are nice and big and clean in a pdf... but for some reason even though the pixels and size are big clicking on it or DL it comes out small:confused:

PCF gallery says if the image is large then 1024 x 1024... it automatically makes it smaller.
Maybe thats whats happening???


One quick and dirty method would be to open them up in full size, or a size that fits your entire screen without scrolling, then print screen, open in paint, save as jpg, then upload here.. Should work for now untill you get it resolved!! ;)
PDFs are the best for sizing.

These jpegs are as good as I can get them.
I have uploaded almost a dozen different versions trying to increase the size to no avail.

I am open to suggestions, but I am giving up on my own ideas.

Nice work - always used the old SIB charts and good to see an update :)

Depending on the program you use to make the image, PDF have a problem accepting gradients (especially with transparency).

Try changing the bar graphs to solid lighter colours and that might fix the PDF and also reduce the file size significantly to produce a good quality Jpeg.

Id be more than happy to help. If needed, send me an original to play with and I can try work something out.
Nice work - always used the old SIB charts and good to see an update :)

Depending on the program you use to make the image, PDF have a problem accepting gradients (especially with transparency).

Try changing the bar graphs to solid lighter colours and that might fix the PDF and also reduce the file size significantly to produce a good quality Jpeg.

Id be more than happy to help. If needed, send me an original to play with and I can try work something out.

I'll try some redesign and see if it helps.
Thanks for the tips.
So...any luck? Where did you go?! :(

Five reps since you bumped this danimal...

:mad: Your gonna make me take time to try and fix these again!

*shakes fist*

Stay tuned.. I'll give them another shot.
Five reps since you bumped this danimal...

:mad: Your gonna make me take time to try and fix these again!

*shakes fist*

Stay tuned.. I'll give them another shot.



It was how the images were justifed.
Since the were long instead of wide PCF was shrinking them.

So i turned them on thier side... and reloaded them.

They appear MUCH larger now and you should be able to print right from the image a nice readable chart!!
