JIIIS AutoScreen and Personal Tracker

Alright, awesome. Tested it and it's great! Perfect funcionality.

I just wondered if it was possible that a new feature could be added to have several "instances" such that I could record my total since I started tracking and have instances to record each hunt (healing job). These instances could potentially be saved individually.

I have absolutely no idea how hard this would be to work into the program, but just throwing out some ideas here that could be nice :)

Thanks a lot for this awesome program.

I am glad that you like this program Dalas and that it is doing it's job, now about new feature, it would be easy but time consuming to make it well, so I am afraid you will need to use additional Excel spreadshit to track total hunting data, and as it is saved in CSV format (save_hunting.csv) it can be opened in Excel and copied to your spreadshit with few secs (then you can make any analysis on it you can imagine ;))

as I mentioned before few times this program is not developed anymore, first of all cause only few ppl use it (this version got around 25 ppl so far), feedback is only from 2-3 ppl, secondly cause lack of time to spend on it, I will just try to make sure it works fine in the way it is doing now, unless MA make some change which would prevent it, some fixes and some small updates will appear sometimes when I will code them cause I will need that option also, I hope you understand it :)

cheers :cool:
any clues which link to download for english only speakers ? :)

ahh - found it :)
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So far I've only found 2 issues being:

- value of diluted sweat not set
- team hunting overlay doesn't show properly, the bottom name is cut so to say

Still the best tool out there tho!
So far I've only found 2 issues being:

- value of diluted sweat not set
- team hunting overlay doesn't show properly, the bottom name is cut so to say

Still the best tool out there tho!

ad. 1
there are millions of items which value is not set ;) (a lot of new items were added since I prepared mine list), edit your TTvalues.csv file and add what you want there (be aware that only items with precise TT value make sense there)

ad. 2
any screen somewhere?
Thanks for an excellent tool, I have used it for a while now and I think it is excellent!

Some suggestions/ideas/wishes to make it even better: ;)
  • make it optional to choose which key to use for screenie (for instance: I use Insert to trigger Fraps)
  • make an option to save logs (e.g. save all damages taken, or done, as a .csv for instance)

:cool: thx for ideas, but because of not much time atm I stopped developing it, for keys you can choose now between F1-F10 and PrintScreen, what would be the purpose of logging i.e. all damages / fapping / etc. ?
:cool: thx for ideas, but because of not much time atm I stopped developing it, for keys you can choose now between F1-F10 and PrintScreen

those are already in use for other functions :S

what would be the purpose of logging i.e. all damages / fapping / etc. ?

gathering data for investigations such as these, if this could be done automated it would save me a lot of time writing down and/or typing into s/sheets
downloaded, installed, configurated anddd no screen at all :D

Im using a win 7 pro 64bits, when im launching global test : music work, key input in game work (p and u pressed) but there is no screen saved.

I tried to change the path of screen to a simple path (E:\) and it still dont work :/ , tried to put F12 as screenshot key and it doesnt work...

this tools is really cool, could you help me with this screenshot problem?
downloaded, installed, configurated anddd no screen at all :D

Im using a win 7 pro 64bits, when im launching global test : music work, key input in game work (p and u pressed) but there is no screen saved.

I tried to change the path of screen to a simple path (E:\) and it still dont work :/ , tried to put F12 as screenshot key and it doesnt work...

I suppose you have installed FRAPS ;) can I see JASPT and FRAPS configuration tabs?
downloaded, installed, configurated anddd no screen at all :D

Im using a win 7 pro 64bits, when im launching global test : music work, key input in game work (p and u pressed) but there is no screen saved.

I tried to change the path of screen to a simple path (E:\) and it still dont work :/ , tried to put F12 as screenshot key and it doesnt work...

this tools is really cool, could you help me with this screenshot problem?

The problem might be the Aero effects.
I had the same trouble (basically with every screenshot software and EU) but its easily solvable.
---> Browse to the executable file of the client loader – right click it, choose properties and click on the compatibility tab at the top, and put a check in “disable desktop composition”. When you start the program Aero will be turned off and turned back on when closed.

After that screenies worked well again for me :)
Where do I find a free RAR program to download. It all seems that you have do some trials first then you can try it for free in a period of time, then you have to buy it after all. But where is there a free RAR program on the internet?
Where do I find a free RAR program to download. It all seems that you have do some trials first then you can try it for free in a period of time, then you have to buy it after all. But where is there a free RAR program on the internet?

I can highly recommend http://www.7-zip.org/ in regards to RAR it can only extract though.
Hey, I'm constantly using your app and I really like it a lot :D
I would just have a suggestion, if it's not too much work.

Would it be possible to have a TMP loot counter?
Like, each mob you kill, would tell you how much was the loot worth,
and then resetes with the new one and so on.
In any way, thank you for sharing this ^^

hey, you mean when hunting in team? that could be done in some spare time ;)
hey, you mean when hunting in team? that could be done in some spare time ;)

Great, that's just what I had in mind :)
Btw. I can't eaven think about to shoot without those team stats anymore :D

Peace ^^
Do you still have this?
all I get when I click on the link is a hosting webpage but no clue where to click to download and no download starting automatically :/
This tool still working and relevant ?
I can ZIP latest version which I am using, upload somewhere and put here a link

application is not developed anymore, just some small changes which I need myself, so there is no warranty that my tool will be working for you (i.e. never tested on 64bit by myself), I haven't checked it lately on other systems than my WinXP SP2, but you can try, I will do this in next few days

cheers :cool:
tnx mate....ive heard only good things about this tool, so eager to try it
hey mates,

thanks for that nice comments :)

if I only had more time I could do much more good and usefull things with this tool, but life is life ;) I had more plans in past how to make it better and better, but, now I barely have time to make something more than change blueprints in game when crafting ;)

anyway, I will upload somewhere my latest version and let you know about it

have a lot of fun and ofc gl:cool:

PS. and ofc cheers, have some beer, it's weekend! :yay:
here it is, I hope I zipped all necessary files there ;) let me know if it works

JASPT v1.5.rar - application


if you wanna make some additional checks if above file integrity is maintained, you can use:

JASPT v1.5.md5 - MD5 checksum generated by Total Commander

a12001617123e2a1687ccd56ea6328e8 *JASPT v1.5.sfv

JASPT v1.5.sfv - checksum generated by Total Commander

; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.0
; (Compatible: Total Commander 6.54a)
JASPT v1.5.rar 088536EE

Piotr JIIIS Wojtowicz
propose other site then :p

Ey mate, yea tnx for updating...I also have the same prob with the site where the dl link is.


Hetman ==> Wow what a super soft.. !!

Hello Hetma,

i dont know realy where to beginne....

This is so Freaky !! what you have creat ... SO mega cool..

im looking now about 4 years to find something to auto save screenee and videos.. i never imagine it with all this super future you have add..

Easy to install easy to use EASY easy easy.. and so user friendly..

its now 2 days ago i have installed .. and it works perfectly.. i told all my friends this is the soft you NEED .. !!



ps: how can i make a Donation ..(i never deposit and have not mucho ped but i like to show you my gratitude)