Eudora = PvP ideas?


Feb 10, 2005
Delta Junction - AlaskA
cB | Crimson Blades
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Ford Zippo LincolnMercury
Eudora = PvP ideas and physics?

I would love to see the entire continent of eudora changed over to pvp... However there would need to be measures in place to prevent the abuse of people who are not interested in it...

A government system with a law enforcement squad of both npc and regular avatars that could monitor any trouble making, covering the whole continent... This could set up the good vs. evil system that so many of us have wanted for ages. The major cities could have garrison's of npc's making it incredibly hard to cause too much trouble, where the rest of the countryside would be left to the human side avatars. Of course we would still have completely lawless zones (Pvp1, Pvp2, Pvp3, Pvp4 (plz marco we need a big one!!! make everything lootable like pvp3 with an oil rig! ;P)). Bands of righteous lawful avatars could raid these pvp zones at any time to try and rid the evil scourge from the land! (the rep system ingame could totally tie into this style system) I have been thinking for a long time that it would be really cool to be able to tattoo or paint your armors to make your society more uniform-like.

A challenge system could be set up, where someone has to accept the challenge or do something really nasty to initiate pvp against him... I would think that some of the emoticons would be pretty insulting, perhaps some of these could initiate pvp against the person using them(how many times have you wanted to kill that guy who keep doing the ehh ehhhhhh over and over again when you are checking auctions!).

I think the physics of pvp need to be changed a little bit as well... Jumping is something used by some people as a means to make them nearly impossible to hit. I say nearly because anyone with a mod merc or a rockjacker knows they can hit the person in question, but this is because they are literally unaccurately peppering the entire area in front of the person. I haven't been ingame lately but a favorite of some people in the past was the jump/spin trick that seems to make them warp around your screen, appearing at random points that you would have to guess at. All this jumping with alot of people in one area is creating a totally unnecessary form of lag... We saw this in the landgrab time and time again... Some suggestions from others that i have read about -

Making your AGILITY actually mean something! Sure you can run a tiny bit faster than a player with far less agility, but this is not exactly i am referring to. I think jumping can definately still be allowed, as it is the only way to get up on some objects... What i and others have suggested is to make jumping a limited prospect when used in a pvp situation. The higher the agility that you have the more you should be allowed to jump in a certain period of time... Yes! i am saying that jumping should be limited to the amount of agility that you have, and to how much you are using it... For someone with 50 agility perhaps they could jump 3 times in a row before getting tired and having to take a break from it, before they could do it again... Someone with 100 agility could perhaps use the same jump 6 times in the same given period before they would have to wait a period to be able to do it again (obviously these are just random numbers here, i think game testers could find the best probabilities ;P)...

Area effect weapons are a must! Ever find that guy that is just too hard to kill? Or that group of wankers that keeps bothering you in your hunting area? Launch a couple plasma grenades there way, and maybe they will think twice! Splash damage is a really cool idea in any pvp style game that i have ever played in... Perhaps these itamz could only be used in pvp, and perhaps not as a means of hunting mobs to make it less complicated. These would definately have to be expensive considering the extensive damage they would cause, but well worth it for the massive carnage!

This post was originally in a different thread, i made a new one so i didn't ruin the other guys (Lee) Feel free to add to these ideas or tear them apart!
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the idee of amethere was that in start it was all pvp, but then death complained to MA and TI got non pvp, then ppl complained about rt, so that got non pvp, then land owner complained, and they got the option to turn all their land in to non pvp...

so MA clearly stating that pvp is not where this game is heading..
Homestar said:
Has been proposed and discussed before and in my opinion it won't be an improvement

If you had read my entire post you would have seen that i was suggesting a few separate things... A few ideas that have been said before as in the aforementioned link, but also what i think should be changed in the physics behind pvp... I am looking for a discussion on the pvp system as a whole, as well as what people think behind different ideas for pvp to be implemented on eudora.... Believe me this was discussed on EP as well, things needs to be updated from time to time...
MortenWing said:
the idee of amethere was that in start it was all pvp, but then death complained to MA and TI got non pvp, then ppl complained about rt, so that got non pvp, then land owner complained, and they got the option to turn all their land in to non pvp...

so MA clearly stating that pvp is not where this game is heading..

Ya i definately agree that many people did not like the idea of pvp everywhere on amethera. This same thing would most definately happen on eudora to, if and when it was ever implemented without having a way for people to be protected and or having a way for pvp to be turned off if people did not want to participate. Perhaps this is why someone would have to directly challenge somebody and be accepted in order to start pvp between them. Either that or having different factions of good and evil could naturally start a fight by just belonging to that particular group.... if you do not want to be involved in the fight, just don't have an allegiance to one or the other... I guess i am just looking for more of a roleplaying aspect in the game that if at all possible could make it better
or you could just play CS instead...
aridash said:
or you could just play CS instead...

One of the major draws at least for me in this game was when pvp1 was first implemented... MA had created rich mineral fields within the pvp area, and many societies began battling for control of the area... This was very exciting for me as it became incredibly dangerous to attempt a mining run within the pvp 1 zone without looking for a green dot on your screen every 10 seconds... Ck began to add an awesome role playing aspect to the game for a while when they declared that they controlled the pvp1 zone and all the mineral rights within... While they patrolled the zone quite often and made a damn decent profit, i still mined under their noses for a long time... Occasionally i would make other friends with miners in the zone and gradually i began to make a few friends among ck while battling all the others. What i am saying is that this "role playing" aspect brought the fun level up a notch at least for me... If we cannot make all of Eudora a pvp zone, perhaps a giant pvp zone on a new continent could be built. I would love to see an area of land be fully pvp, and have a reason to go there on top of just for pking... I would love for MA to make a place like PvP1 once was! A place with rich mineral rights that could not be directly controlled or taken over! Land areas can be fought for but what is the point of fighting on after they have been taken? This new land would be dangerous for anyone who would enter it, but with enough people in a society there is no way you could be stopped!

and why would i play CS as a substitute? It is nothing like PE(EU) as it is not an MMORPG
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MortenWing said:
the idee of amethere was that in start it was all pvp, but then death complained to MA and TI got non pvp, then ppl complained about rt, so that got non pvp, then land owner complained, and they got the option to turn all their land in to non pvp...

so MA clearly stating that pvp is not where this game is heading..

Sorry man, it is the people stating that. What kind of game this would
be for newcomers if it was all pvp? When considering the future, Eudoria
is a small newbie intro place.
KapokWu said:
Sorry man, it is the people stating that. What kind of game this would
be for newcomers if it was all pvp? When considering the future, Eudoria
is a small newbie intro place.

what kind of world? a realistic one... Calypso is a frontier world. There would be rules to the pvp as i have stated before, if you didn't want to participate you would not have to
if you want to enable PvP everywhere you would have to set a skill based limit. If not you can say byebye to every OJ.
PVP on Eudoria but with few conditions for ppl like u Zippo.
1. aviable on all TT new weapon - tool - total instant decayer
wich will instantly decay to 0 your armor and weapon.
2. Modified total instant decayer ( dropable or craftable) wich will full decay not only equpied but also all things in inventory like mod fap, pedcard or u can think about message like this - Your ownership on LA or hangar or estate is decayed to ownership with expiration date - after a week will return to MA estate broker.

Now to make PKers happy we need also next thing - it will make happy also miners and crafters:

3. antidecay poison (craftable) duration 1 kill, cost 2k peds

So every pker will be happy PKing but also paying 2k peds for each single kill.
10% of that go to wictims for harashing, time lost and armor decay.
Good respone ZippO, i just dont think the engine should be geared all around PvP, there are many other thing that need urgent attention (like implementing loan system).

ZippO said:
If we cannot make all of Eudora a pvp zone, perhaps a giant pvp zone on a new continent could be built. I would love to see an area of land be fully pvp, and have a reason to go there on top of just for pking...

A continent thats all PvP, hmmm theres an idea, why dont they do that? wait a minute, they have done that.

i completly agree with the idea of more zones. id like to see more oil rig type setups, though without so many trox. if you had more PvP areas then the ubers would have to be spread out more therby giving everyone more chance of involvment. Why isnt PvP1 like it was before? maybe people tired of it. something new usually spurs interest so how about a Melchi geyser or a lyst rock fall.
Well the bridge close to new oxford that was very funny for a few days while it lasted.
So i hope there will be more PVP options in the future then there are now.
A few months back PVP3 was also crowded because the mining was really good there but the returns are bad there now so why take the risk you can get looted.