Account locked for Billy's SpaceShip Skilling


Mar 7, 2005
United States
Avatar Name
Michael Mick Bindram
account unlocked thanks :)
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Mick said:
In the past two months I have invested over $750.00 US into this 'game'.
Now since about January I've gotten nothing but crap from this game only loss.Stupid things like a mining claim (Sizeable) disapearing from inventory before I could extract it from rod because I CTD'd. Probes and Bombs falling out of inventory when switching tools. Shots going through mobs due to lag or whatever.I reported the mining claim and received the response,"This is a matter we currently are investigating; in some cases a relog can give you back your missing rod/claim. If a mining resource expires it is lost, regardless of reason. MindArk does not compensate this, as stated in the Project Entropia Conditions of Use.
Therefore you cannot expect any compensation in this case, however we are trying to fix this issue as soon as possible.
The repair issue should now be solved.
I see this as nothing but theft the rod was right infront of me and I couldnt drill because the deed did not ever come back into my inventory others have said the same with larger claims and also . No compensation.
Or how about space where players do nothing but trap mobs on invisible corners all day and night.Or how about the people who are using several avatars as 'Diciples' just to earn Mentor Edition items.Or dual logging and using one avatar as a decoy while the other was invincible and could not be hurt and could be walked right through.The last one I reported.
I kept it to myself until one day when I was hunting Atrax down 250+ PED and logging all kills and loots in 5 hours.This was enough I wrote support gave them my log of the kills and their payoff or lack thereof and how disappointed I was with the game.After a while of skilling at Billy's I'm finally feeling good that SOMETHING is finally helping players instead of the notorious thieves "MINDARK" a sentiment shared by many veterans that were there and also newer avatars that have been around long enough to know the game is a ripoff unless you're a cheat or a scammer which I am neither.Only to log on this morning to this.

Your account have been locked down due to using exploits ingame wihout reporting its existence. This is violating against the EULA.

Now before I write Support about this I need to know if a lock means the same as Ban or if its temporary so I know wiether I need to start contacting my lawyer and showing these thieves at Mindark that this isn't right.And I would like to see how many other participants were locked as well Thankyou.I look forward to your replies.

Im completly with you on the lawyer front...they will buckle the instant the Law steps in, trust me, twice they have backed down to pressure from 2 of my 'friends'

they are in the WRONG in so many instances its not even true, just wait and see how high they jump once your lawyer gets involved ;)

i Understand a lock as temp ban.. ~2 weeks?
Rules with exploits are quite simple.
Rules with losing money on bugs are quite simple.

If enough % of players would quickly skill up with that bug MA would have to make modifications to mobs or evade system. Result would be all players who didnt use exploit losing. This is actually the case with all exploits.
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wow that was fast :) thanks for the reply. Essi come on now 100 skill points or so really doesnt matter just a way of getting a bit more skills for a little less money it still costs money to fap.And judging by all the green dots half of PE was there :laugh:
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Mick said:
wow that was fast :) thanks for the reply. Essi come on now 100 skill points or so really doesnt matter just a way of getting a bit more skills for a little less money it still costs money to fap.And judging by all the green dots half of PE was there :laugh:

then maybe others have also been banne/locked?

wait and see how things go....
Mick said:
Essi come on now 100 skill points or so really doesnt matter just a way of getting a bit more skills for a little less money it still costs money to fap.And judging by all the green dots half of PE was there :laugh:

So do you mean that there should be a limit (like 500) after which MA would lock accounts? :rolleyes:

Maybe MA made mass locking... which actually might be quite good for all future exploits (ppl would think something else too than just rushing to use them).
ever hunted in space essi? or had a mob you couldnt loot? or a claim inside a building? unfortunately you do get loot in space for skilling your weapon of choice and never hit. Maybe mindark should be punished for stealin my ammo money? I didnt post to debate this with you just to see who else was locked and if it was temporary. I'm sorry but I did nothing wrong it's not like dual logging so one avatar is invincible while using a decoy or earning super high value mentor weapons through a second avatar I wasnt stealing I was skilling a bit and I wasnt' locked for skilling just for not reporting it. Which it obviously was reported by many people and I had seen in All Chat my many that they had so there was no reason other than spamming support. Im not going to get into a conversation about ethics or integrity I spent money earning those points its just too bad I cant afford 5 grand for an improved fap so I could do it on snables. You remember the diripi yes? how is this different.

Huh... use line changes ok?

Trapping at some places is an exploit IMO. MA would have trouble taking actions other than removing traps (which they have been doing lately anyway). Since players can always claim that they dont know which trap is just part of the game and which is a bug.

When trapping players however do pay for killing the mob. It only allows you to kill bigger mobs easier. Trapping combibos for example wouldnt really do difference to most of the players. This is probably why MA dont put high priority to it. Trapping is very much in gray area since its not many times clearly bug but more like poor AI or poor terrain design.

You talk about punishing MA... try to understand that no matter how much money you could fool out of PE, MA will get their share. In the end you will always get your money from other players. What ever bugs made you lose your money, its no justification for "stealing" from other players.

Diripis are really different from this since there was no abnormal behavior - just normal mob attacking and doing little damage through cheapest armor. MA changed it for reason. This billy bug is clearly abnormal behavior.

This is a question of ethics like it or not.
I wasnt changing the damage I got scared and ran to town and fainted in my computer chair the muscles im my arm must've been stuck in the repetitive motion of clicking my fap (costs money just like ammo and no reimbursment from loot) so my finger kept twitching its not my fault :) Im not a cheater and I did sit there with a fpa kit getting hit for 1.0 damage from berycled and cornundos zombies in my undies ha I'm going to sleep im pretty sure its temporary so my question was answered.I wasnt getting money for this so I wasnt stealing from players just know that.I dont really think thers a market on such few evade points but who knows I saw someone said they paid 400 ped for a chip that brought them from 2970 to 2990 or something. So maaaybe :) joke. Ive settled I just thought i got robbed for $800.00 by being banned. we'll see in a week or two when they reply to my support case :laugh: and you should have a laugh that everytime someone died there they got sent to the shopcontainer under orthos instead of revival at billy's :)
Mick said:
I wasnt getting money for this so I wasnt stealing from players just know that.

maybe not stealing as such but ppl exploiting this bug have caused big problems for many...

i am glad to see when i log in on my lunchbreak today it appears to have been fixed....

also, I am not talking about ur account specifically Mick, but I am glad that there is something done about ppl exploiting....just a shame it happened after ur mining probs :(

btw, i remember running up to billys and warning ppl that exactly this would happen :) and got rude replies....only one person said tnx for warning them....they didn't want to get banned/locked
Ok Not asleep yet I was just laying in bed thinking this over and wanted to put this up before it got burried on second page. The reason I decided to skill here was because after hunting between Orthos and Billys for a while I decided it was not worth even trying to hunt any longer thanks for that reply it reminded me why I started skilling. The lag this bug caused immense lag in the area that I in turn did contribute to by skilling there and I will apologize for this. I see Mindark is taking full advantage of this bug to make an Example of everyone that was there skililng, to show exploiting will not be tolerated it crossed my mind a few times to report it but I figured so many others would have it wasn't worth the effort and it'd just be another of many in the pile for this bug that support had to sift through. This is a good thing as long as this is temporary I applaud Mindark for taking action to show they wont tolerate it instead ofjust fixing the problem. I see the Domes getting fixed next so watch out. And again getting away from my own problem of being locked I will apologize for my contribution tothe lag in the area I have no doubt it was the bug that caused this. You must've been reading my mind bra' :) I come down to write this out and see you wrote the same thing in less words. I believe the reason they were so rude was probably because they were being attacked by people who would run through calling them cheaters etc. fuses were short with some of them I saw that I think they were just sick of it but everyone was sick of the problems it caused you're right.
damn it did get stuck on the second page :laugh:
i will not keep on having a go at someone...especially when they have apologised :)

I am glad u see ur lock as sorta a good thing (MA doing something positive.....:)

I also sorta understand wh y i got sharp replies....but my favourite hunting ground was caught in the lag and so i was a bit desperate for a fix :)

plus also i understand about the possibility of reward for reporting bugs I have to stay clean :)
If you cheat and can somehow get money from it... MA will do "something" about it...

If its a "harmless" bug they tend not to...

I remember a bug where I could get skills when dead... find a mob.. that dealt.. strage damage.. (+54, - 100, + 20, + 20, -43) and die to it... it would continue to hit me... and thus I could still get skills...

Such bugs they tend not to lock ya for.. But if you use bugs that "hurt" the other players... they will take action if notified about it :D
You took advantage of an exploit. You got banned. No reason to whine there. Just take your medicine and learn from it.

Hey I dont pity you :)
First off, With lawyers? HAH it says in the coditions of use that MA can lock you at any time for no reason and you accept that every time you enter game. They have the law on their side.

The only way to secure you accountmoney is to behave and not use exploits.
That there is bugs in this game and that you obviously dont see anything but the negative sides of this game doesnt mean you can exploit it when its said your not allowed to.

You can be as pissed off at the game as you want. If you had played fair this wouldnt have happened. If you didnt like the game then you should just have withdrawed the money and quit instead of acting silly and then whine about it here.
did you read any of these posts devil?didnt get banned and i dont believe im whining. so theres the bottle you take some first. If you have any friends that are vets I can almost garauntee those close to 10k skills for alot of players were earned by similar instances (other bugs).again not defending it maybe you should scroll up.
sry just one more thing...out of all the "whining posts" i have read...this is the least "whining" i thought Mick actually showed good sportsmanship...he's apologised for contributing to lag...and he's said he doesn't mind a temprary ban..

i say fair play....but at least now u know where and where not to skill :)
Mick said:
Only to log on this morning to this.

Your account have been locked down due to using exploits ingame wihout reporting its existence. This is violating against the EULA.

Looks to me like a lock/ban.

I am merely stating my opinion that I am pleased MA locked/banned folks who cheated.

Hmm maybe I misunderstood a little here.

Please use periods and lines, your way of writing is really exhausting to reas :(

But; did you USE the exploit or just report it?
Have you USED exploits?
Are you sure that its the episode at Billy's that caused the lock?

And if you havent used exploits you can just say so, MA will know in their log if you lie or not.
um "Skam"?<interesting name for someone thats gonna lecture me on fapping mobs that deal 1.0 damage but whatever.Before you start typing out some whity reply about my whining Im going to say again before I go lay down that I wasn't whining.......... and I didnt !!!! your grandmother or kick your dog so take your ass back to the front page and read the posts again.Then bring it back to the second here and read these posts again. and then politely delete yours as I didnt ask for your opinion.And you obviously dont know a damn thing about what can be accomplished with a little legal muscle tuggin that already thin line MA walks with its laws over there.As I said before just because you write it in notepad you aren't responsible for this this that and this doesnt mean you aren't.
iwasinnamuknow said:
sry just one more thing...out of all the "whining posts" i have read...this is the least "whining" i thought Mick actually showed good sportsmanship...he's apologised for contributing to lag...and he's said he doesn't mind a temprary ban..

i say fair play....but at least now u know where and where not to skill :)

I think this is a biiit whining: :rolleyes:
Mick said:
After a while of skilling at Billy's I'm finally feeling good that SOMETHING is finally helping players instead of the notorious thieves "MINDARK" a sentiment shared by many veterans that were there and also newer avatars that have been around long enough to know the game is a ripoff unless you're a cheat or a scammer which I am neither.Only to log on this morning to this.
*excuses himself from the conversation before he get's burned*

pls all re-read my last post.....iu don't think it was whining originally, just a statement of fact
Didnt think it was a secret that MA's methods were a bit questionable :) just take a look at Some of the top ranked societies whos members have switched to other cheaper games. I do not use exploits this was the first bug I decided to sit and fiddle with. I have no problems with you just dont get an attitude with me because you misunderstood my posts. Thanks I am a good sport and I do understand it's natural to question someones motives when all you know is they got locked for using a bug and not reporting it. I do have integrity and am like I said glad that MA did this.Us telling you about it will show more that it wont be tolerated and that is a very good thing.

Its all good.
Mick said:
um "Skam"?<interesting name for someone thats gonna lecture me on fapping mobs that deal 1.0 damage but whatever.Before you start typing out some whity reply about my whining Im going to say again before I go lay down that I wasn't whining.......... and I didnt !!!! your grandmother or kick your dog so take your ass back to the front page and read the posts again.Then bring it back to the second here and read these posts again. and then politely delete yours as I didnt ask for your opinion.And you obviously dont know a damn thing about what can be accomplished with a little legal muscle tuggin that already thin line MA walks with its laws over there.As I said before just because you write it in notepad you aren't responsible for this this that and this doesnt mean you aren't.

First of all: SKAM means Shame in Norwegian not Scam as your thinking of, so check your dictionary before judging me bout my name.

Second: see the reply I allready posted. Calling MA thives and that the game is ripoff lalallalalla seems very mature to me oooh yea. :rolleyes:

Third: If you didnt agree to the conditions of use you stay OUT of the game. DUH!

Forth: I just asked in another reply if I misunderstood what you did to get locked.

Fifth: Ill lecture you ANY day. Why? because I dont use exploit. I play fair.
Mick - Don't be a jerk man. Take a pill. You said you skilled at billies. <EXPLOIT. Maybe YOU should excuse yourself too. You got no place to be calling ppl names around here.

wow honestly you should reply with a quote where I called someone a name Devil and I dont believe I have a Norwegian Dictionary layin around my house I just thought that was funny. I think you two are trying to be way too serious and maybe should pull out your dictionary if this is so interesting so you can understand whats happening in this thread if you dont have anything useful to add why reply?<---not actually a question does not need a reply. I think... ah nevermind haha I suggest reading the posts again if you are to have any useful input. here I'll quote you a bit where it pertains to my reply
Hey I dont pity you

"First off, With lawyers? HAH it says in the coditions of use that MA can lock you at any time for no reason and you accept that every time you enter game. They have the law on their side." <---

They dont actually, instead of spending their money on lawyers and court fees bad press etc. along with the fact they are walking a fine line already with the laws placing them in the category as a MMORPG instead of a Casino who is allowing underage players.It would probably be as easy as making a phone call to get either my money back or an account unbanned.

"The only way to secure you accountmoney is to behave and not use exploits.
That there is bugs in this game and that you obviously dont see anything but the negative sides of this game doesnt mean you can exploit it when its said your not allowed to."

That wasn't obvious at all infact. It should be obvious that I enjoy this game and that it initially angered me because I thought I may have been banned permanently after over a year of playing, you cannot argue some methods Mindark uses are questionable.But this is not after cooling down I posted that I understand this is a good thing and I do feel bad about my contribution to the lag it caused.

"You can be as pissed off at the game as you want. If you had played fair this wouldnt have happened. If you didnt like the game then you should just have withdrawed the money and quit instead of acting silly and then whine about it here" <--

Ok first off again I didn't ask for an opinion although you definately feel you need to share it and tell me what I should or shouldn't do feel or not feel. even though I'd still be able to play the game... I'd still be losing money on most hunts which is why I took time off it has been a very public feeling that honest people in this game feel they might as well jump in and use a bug or two like alot of others ya know why not... this is why its good it stops that thought process all together.

As you can see you were not as polite as you think and are way too over opinionated and think too much of your own words than to pay attention to others'.Further showing me there was no point in typing all of this when I should be sleeping but I just can't stand the thought of you sitting there thinking you're right and that your shared opinion mattered and/or was correct. Your second post was put up almost the exact same time as my reply to your first but it got put infront of mine consider this.

And Devil I didnt call anyone names....... and your post

You took advantage of an exploit. You got banned. No reason to whine there. Just take your medicine and learn from it.

wasn't needed at all :laugh: what did that accomplish other than to let everyone know what you thought. If you read my posts you can see that I obviously wasn't whining and I guess what you wanted me to say was thankyou devil for the medicine mmm it was good I can feel myself learning already :laugh: I obviously didnt need to know what I did I also wasn't banned I was temporarily locked for not reporting the bug.

All these posts with your "Opinions" were not needed if you read the post I wrote about how the locks were a good thing for PE and how it showed others not to use bugs/exploits no matter how big or small.Which can only better the game. As you can see the name of the thread may be my fault but your replies are not. Please consider this when posting any others

Do we all understand eachother now?
Im not a bad guy but thats like gettin a speeding ticket and someone tellin me after I read the $150.00 fine I shouldn't have been speeding.I wonder if they have a smiley that slaps people. :laugh: :banana: sorry but with replies like that I can't help but feel you're tryin to step on my toes.
If you weren't then thats it. :) we have no problems let it go.
no hard feelings just one comment...

You need to step back and understand that if you post something on a public forum ppl are going to and are entitled to post their opinions.

You get neg rep from me for being so defensive...

Mick said:
Ok first off again I didn't ask for an opinion

Since you keep repeating this I have to remind you that posting something into forum and saying that others should post their opinions just isnt too smart.

You presented lots of opinions yourself. You have no rights to complain if others do so too.
Im not giving an opinion just fact and I didnt ask for any.
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