Modified EWE-40 Mercenary

awsome :wtg: thats what i call a real uberloot :) At least now we know stuff like this is dropping... Let the search for mod faps and Imk2 starts :yay:
Nice to see its still possible to loot such items, gratz :)
Wow, really nice loot.
Congrats! You can't ask for anything better, 15,000 USD!
question is WHEN did it drop?
I have no words.. It's.. ah but then.. aaah :drool:
Okay listen.

I claim that loot due to you using my software :silly2:

Very nice indeed, uber gratz! :wtg:
Huge gratz, but if this means all uber stuff drop from uber mobs hmm, no chance for me.
Big gratz in place :)
Nice to see these things still drop =) :yay:
A huge gratz from me to my soc mates. There is on one else in game I would rather loot a mod merc with. We had all 7 of us hunting, we all helped kill the spider and we will split the proceeds equally 7 ways. I am proud to be a memebr of Darkstar and call these guys Soc mates:
Jayce Stone
BD Fiction
Syri Pureheart
John Pureheart
Heffie Almighty
Carl Everyman

damn very nice indeed! gratz
Gratz'f to all luckers in team!

What gun is that?

Edit: ok i know now;)
Holy crap, are you kidding me? :drool: :grumble:
:eek: :drool: :jawdrop: Nice there is hope.

Very nice find Gratz
amazing loot, but lets not assume everything still drops because of 1 drop in.. 2-3 years?
you know what? I am realy glad it dropped from an uber mob and not just an ambu mature or goki provi.

I will grats you on this one,

but I still wonder if that item was just given by MA to you, or it lurked there for the first killer / to be turreted to 2010.

now update Wiki
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MA must be behind it, the thread creator of "when was the last MM looted", loot the MM :D Grats man :yay:

Don't spend your peds to hunt spiders they will be dry for a while :D
amazing loot, but lets not assume everything still drops because of 1 drop in.. 2-3 years?

One that we know of at least ;)

Hopefully there is many more nice items there for the rest of us to grab!

Too bad it looted from a noobmob and not a snable as I suggested ;)

J/K Great to see that its rewarding to whoop thoose bigass mobs ;)

Now I really feel like skilling up :D
The item is named "Modified EWE EP-40 Mercenary" and not "Modified EWE EP-40 Mercury"..
The item is named "Modified EWE EP-40 Mercenary" and not "Modified EWE EP-40 Mercury"..

WOW...didn't my noobiness come shining thru right there.