Post your most annoying bugs here.


May 21, 2005
Delta Force Elite
Avatar Name
Vlugge Witte Harrie
As topic sais, post you most annoying bugs here. For more info see this thread.

Bugs in comming poll:

1. Item location in the inventory isnt remebered properly.
2. Switching items often takes a long time (5 or more seconds).
3. Getting locked after teleporting using "T".
4. Sometimes a mob becomes invisible.
5. Skybug. Everything but the background image dissapears every now and then.
6. Teammembers become invisible after teleporting.
7. Editing multi line chat messages results in disappearing letters at wrap-around border.
8. SUPER loud commercials, esp. oxford ones while volume isnt even at highest.
9. Refiner bug. You get stuck after you use the refiner a couple of times.
10. When returning to EU in windowed mode keyboard wont work. (clicking on ground fixes it)
11. Invulnerable in ring. On some spots, you can shoot others, but others cant shoot you.
12. Team members can't loot mobs killed by other team members.
13. Username & Password is not encrypted. The result is that third party applications can pick them up even by accident.
14. Health boxes around mobs arnt centered properly. This is most clear with SEG.
15. EU hangs during startup.
16. Reviving on top of other avatars, resulting in getting stuck.

Winners from previous poll:

* Typed text disapears when chat focus is changed.
* The scroll bar is reset when new text apears in chat.
* 20 second+ loot lags at times.
* Loss of chat focus, this happens when a loot/chat/trade/request window pups up, or during crafting.

Bugs with no or little votes in previous poll:

* Mobs spawn in places they cant get out of.
* Avatars look strange, holes between body parts, between head and hair.
* Rotating an item 180deg causes the y-cord to flip.
* Taking of clothes during beauty proc. causes you to dissapear
* Bleecher decays when u only color.
* Cant control the Mall televator with keyboard.

Please only post your most annoying bugs, to keep the list short. Also try to make the bug one line long, as they will be part of a poll.
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The lsit of my Most Annoying Bugs:

- trade/chat request steals focus - typed message runs hotkeys

- rotating an item 180deg causes the y-cord to flip

- taking of clothes during beauty proc. causes you to dissapear

- cant control the Mall televator with keyboard

- when editing text letters dissapear when words fall back to upper lines ....

- bleecher decays when u only color
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The bugs i nomitate for bug of the week are:

from your list:
* Typed text disapears when chat focus is changed
(and opening 100 screens with the hotkeys every time aaaaarrrrrrghh)

* The scroll bar is reset when new text apears in chat.
(just crazy!)

* Teammembers become invisible after teleporting
(walking out of radar range everytime to solve it gets annoying)

my own addition:
* Refiner bug
(relogging isn't my hobby)
1: mob-spawn during events
2: ring-safe zones
3: thighs-through-coat bug...still here
4: extreme loading when running into an service center
5: SUPER loud commercials, esp. oxford ones while volume isnt even at highest
6: i can run when teleporting...once my char goes zwoef, i can run 5-10 meters
7: mobs go stand in places they cant get out of (south of camp phoenix, feff spawn in the tree for example)
8: if i tidy my storage inventory, next time i open it its all messed up again

just a few things that i can recall right now
9: windowed mode, click outside it (f.ex. internet) and you have to klick the ground ingame a few times to get keyboard working again
10: when lootwindow opens, you have to klick outside it again to be able to shoot...(not always, but often)

copy paste of my previous post on the subject..didnt feel like typing it all down again
* Refine Ores sometimes and I just get stuck, can't close nor anything els. =(

Reconnect simply. Very annoying when you are in hunted area and need to do a reconnect, simply equal to death latly, so have to run big ways for safe land to be able to do a safe refine.

*Most important on in my eyes is the spawn rate. Some places are extremly over hunted and those should have better spawns. Example Drones East of Jason, more green dots then red.. ALL THE TIME!
My additional list:

*remembering of item positions in storage and inventar

will add more but that's what is in my mind right now and not yet listed
*** focusing*** please

and it's not just the mall televator but all of them (apartment blocks too)
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Well I have a new one since the update this morning.

When trying to place items in my shop (mall shop) the inventory window stays open until the item is dropped. You cannot close it and so can't see where you are trying to place the item! Arrrggghhh!

I've relogged a few times and its still happening so I'm assuming its not just me.

Support case being logged for it now :(
nice idea witte :)

oki heres a few bugs that have been bugging me

* when crafting the chat focus is changed each time u click... makes it almost impossible to have a chat while crafting

* since the last vu i no longer have the team info when i join a team, means i cannot leave the team or see other team members health

* stuck armor parts when tp chip is equipped

* getting stuck in storage, exit button not working

*advert music is WAY too loud and should have its own volume slider, that horrible clash of advert music and ingame music is almost as bad as running nails down a chalkboard *shudders*

and i have to agree with the scrolling chat thing, very very annoying

cool post :)
9: windowed mode, click outside it (f.ex. internet) and you have to klick the ground ingame a few times to get keyboard working again

I'm with that one, has to be single most irritating thing that's been introduced this VU. Can't see the point in having to click outside the window to use your item again, except that it must lead to more decay while you get hit trying to fap or shoot and not being able to...
8: if i tidy my storage inventory, next time i open it its all messed up again

just a quick note. to me it seem to be because of the boxes containing items. if you move the box where you want it, then place items in the box it should be ok. in other words, moving boxes with items inside might mess up storage.

after figuring this out my storage has been nice and clean for months
18 bugs already ;). I think a nice number is 20. So if you have bugs that are not yet in the list but you think should definatly be there, plz post them.
Great list so far folks, keep em coming.

Just one to add from me:
-- Team members on radar are no longer yellow. Very annoying when hunting in popular areas and you don't know which green dot to run to.
Great list so far folks, keep em coming.

Just one to add from me:
-- Team members on radar are no longer yellow. Very annoying when hunting in popular areas and you don't know which green dot to run to.

Should be fixed with the update today...
Bugs that come to my mind...

- Invisible mobs

- mobs without skin (they are black)

- Invisible team members when teleporting

- Avatars look strange, holes between body parts, between head and hair...

- Heaven bug (you can see nothing else than heaven), very annoying

- "You may not move when movement is locked", got this several times, no idea why movement was locked, it came suddenly, disappeared suddenly, sometimes had to relog to get rid of it.

- Sudden disappearing of teammembers. Not only when teleporting, but when running somewhere and suddenly teammember is not visible anymore.

- Mobs trying to can throiugh you and push you away. Hard to hit them, run around all the time.

- Heavy lag of TTs and repair terminals sometimes.

- Weapon change does not work.

- Refiner cannot be unequipped, refining skale goes up and down and you can't get rid of the tool. Happened quite often to me last weeks.

MNore to come. :)
oh, I got a good one, even two!

first bug is there for more than half a year alreay - mobs do not drop much unlimited items (well, except pixie of course).
the case is at the moment, there's not much items available for players beyond certain level. L stuff is missing from market for mid and mid+ levels and regular item drop is close to zero. such bugs can be very annoying to players who want to skill instead of refreshing au and waiting for a miracle from there or calculating seconds while the power of an L item is ending up and there is no new one available...

there's something wrong with skillgain.
such bug makes players to wonder - hmmm, do we really need to set our goals for the next 10 years now instead of previous 3. I understand it was meant to affect hardcore chipping but natural skilling...

other than that, the stuck after reviving is irritating, radar showing zero red dots and can't re-equip items in hands for 1 minute aswell. but none of the last is as bad as the first two. :laugh:

u forgot to list this on the first list:

- rotating an item 180deg causes the y-cord to flip

bug #19 ? :D
I think that chat-screen should get re-coded. I hate whenever I want to browse some text that is not shown at screen anymore the scroll bar falls down and I have to scroll it up again. This is in case something "new" appears to the bottom of the box.

Known "issue".

Other one, at the mentor/disciple-screen you have standard-looking x at the top of the right corner. You have to hit light blue area before button acts like it should. If you hit somewhere between the lines, button won't work. I noticed the same with "kick disciple"-button and few others too.

Image should help understanding what I mean:


It is a feature I think but it annoys me even if I have to click (only) twice to get rid of that screen.
u forgot to list this on the first list:

- rotating an item 180deg causes the y-cord to flip

bug #19 ? :D

Sorry, added ;).

The list is now 20 long, and as I see it, it mostly contains the most annoying issues. If there there is anyone that thinks a bug is still missing from the list, please post it. I will wait untill this evening and then create the poll.
Why wait lets vote :D

haha take the next coming bugs for the poll in 2 weeks :D i think we have a few to mark as priorities to fix here ;)
A few more:

1. Auto-aim does not work on RipperSnappers (sets the aim way below the actual position of the fish)
2. In windowed mode, dragged-out health-bars no longer snap to the frame but go through it.
3. Avatar vanishes sometimes when switching weapons.
4. When in a team, pressing the healthbar of a just-killed MOB causes the Avatar to shoot an extra shot instead of looting.
5. Loss of chat focus when any window appears, such as loot-window, causing havoc with hot-key activation.
I moved the chat focus bug into one entry, and added another bug. I will now start making the poll. Tnx for the input all.
1 more bug i just remembered: often, if not always, when joining an event you have to go outside the event area and then back in to get scoreboard *using windowed mode here, but not sure if it has to do anything with it. it IS however, very anoying
Poll has been created

>>> VOTE HERE <<<

New posted bugs will be added in the next round in 2 weeks.
Bug: If a mob regenerates some health at the very instant of death you can end up with a corpse with health remaining. The mob cannot be looted because it still has health and it can't be killed because it is already dead.

I haven't hunted for a few days, so it is possible this bug has been fixed. I will update this post if I see it again.

I haven't been able to replicate this bug yet. Perhaps it has been fixed. :woot:
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A bug for the next list:

Username & Password stored in an unencrypted form so that third party applications can pick them up even by accident.
internal errors while trading pvp or by placing items on auction (happened to me with a stack of ani oils on auction)
I updated the openings post. There are currently 10 new spots for comming poll, so keep the bugs reports comming.
internal errors while trading pvp or by placing items on auction (happened to me with a stack of ani oils on auction)
Can you give a more specifit situation where this happens? I never had this.

Still 7 free spots for the next round!