Recent content by Galentin

  1. G

    Some very simple, but important improvements.

    I posted this on the mining forum before I realized this was here. So heres the repeat in the appropriate forum: So mining is my primary focus in PE right now. But theres some simple suggestions I have for MA to make a miners life a little less stressful and I'd like to hear any other...
  2. G

    Some ideas I'd like some opinions on....

    Ok, so mining is my primary focus in PE right now. But theres some simple suggestions I have for MA to make a miners life a little less stressful and I'd like to hear any other opinions. (nothing major or excessive, just simple things to make life easier) 1. An in-game calculator. (Sure, it'd...
  3. G

    Claim expired - am I hosed?

    how so? I've accidently unequppied scanners before setting the claim rods and always been able to re-find the claim. I mean I admit thats just experience talking and I never said there was a garuntee. but saying theres nothing more false seems to be a bit extreme.
  4. G

    New Shop Concept. Thoughts?

    I think it might be simpler for them to just let us sort the auctions however we see fit. instead of just by expiration date. I personaly like the tree based one stop shop auctioneers, but I hate that we can't sort at all. Later, Galentin
  5. G

    New Shop Concept. Thoughts?

    Lots of good ideas in this thread, I like the idea of leveling hadesheim south, but I also wouldn't want it to turn into anothe port laglantis. Later, Galentin p.s. the trends we're seeing are part of any normal market. If buyers are paying outrageous prices then theres no reason for a seller...
  6. G

    Claim expired - am I hosed?

    The bad news: Your claim rod is no longer in place. The good news: If you know the coordinates of the claim and you return and no one else has claimed it, theres a very high chance you'll be able to find it again. (not a garuntee, but a good chance) FYI: Claims generaly last for 1 hour. so if...
  7. G

    Bombing on the run?

    doesn't really tell ya much of anything about the equipment used for waveform detection. but the bottom line is it could easily be detected at any point and then transmitted to a handheld device.
  8. G

    Bombing on the run?

    I disagree with your idea on how the receiver should work. I think this is one of the things MA did do right. Look at it this way, the detecting device is what you drop. it blows up in a direction and scans the results and transmits that back to the device you're carrying. the best real life...
  9. G

    Church Of Lootius Team Hunt Friday

    Good idea. Unfortunately, I missed this one. But I think we should do it again and maybe I can join in. Anyone up for a church hunt tomorrow? (friday 11/25/05) May Lootius bless you all, Galentin
  10. G

    To Members of Church of Lootius

    The new guy! Hey everyone, I just joined and wanted to say hi to everyone. I've been playing for just under a week, but I catch on pretty quick. I learned alot from Nity who was extremely helpful in getting me out doing things like tagging TP's and such. I just got my first global tonight...