Awesome Mining Service from Onyar Loorden PSS

I reached lvl 4 dodger today and huge gz for your awesome XII Caldorite, Pinthas bro :)
I found two XIVs yesterday: XIV Frigulite HOF and XIV Zinc global :)
Another two XIIIs global (Narcanisum + Frigulite, 52 peds each) today...

Another XIV Caldorite (75pedder) here, but this time it was unamped lol

Today was one of my most thrilling days on Monria. Why? I will begin my epic adventure here...

Like other normal mining days, my best friend, Pinthas gave me 300tt peds for the dual drops run. I performed the run and the final tt return for the run was pretty suck (It's around 52% tt return

Then, I logged out for a few hours and came back mining by using my own 300 peds first (Paid in advanced for Pinthas) I tried out the cave's area and got my first ever hunting global (5 peds on Shoggoth Vissi) Thought the hit rate is going to be good, especially after my first hunting global. My prediction was wrong, as the hit rate was so damn awful (Only 9 claims after 127 dual drops :X)

I was tired to see the horrible hit rate, then I logged out and came back after 5 more hours. I followed my instinct and thought, "Since it's so damn suck now, why don't I drop all the probes in my favourite area?" So, I went to the place and started to drop all the remaining 40 drops.

I ran to the position that I want and dropped the probe. Suddenly, a Huge golden swirlies shown up...

WoW, I found a XX Growth Molecules (956 pedders) and it's my biggest unamped hof on Monria :woot::wtg:

I've been flooding with lots of Gz from socmates and friends. I drilled the growth's hof and keep on moving...

Thought my luck is going to be ended up with the XX growth molecule, but I soon found another surprise here...

A XVII Caldorite (352 pedder) :dance:

Two surprises in a roll >>> That's a very NICE reward during my mining career lol

The run is ended up smoothly with more Xs for ores and VIII for enms.

Here's the total value for the whole run:

Total spent: 300tt peds (300Peds dual drops)
Total return: 1526.37tt Peds
Hit Rate: 19/167 dual drops = 5.69%

Thanks for giving such a nice memorable mining moment to me, Monria. I love you whole-heartedly
Bump from me;)

Holy Moly!:lolup: that's a lot of PED.
Whoooaaa :)))
Big Gratz m8 well deserwed for sure :)
Tyvm Ember and Lazz bro :D Glad to see you guys here lol

PS: I reached level 35 prospector yesterday :wtg:
I've finally back to Monria today and begin my "Tower" searching here...:wtg:
A bump here and still on Monria looking for a big Tower... :scratch2:
Bump for the whole week...
Until today, I got 197 globals+hofs+uber hof (Three more until 200 :laugh: )

The journey searching for Tower still continue here... :wtg:
After almost 4 years of non stop mining, today's my luckiest day on EU, where I finally found my first unamped uber enmatter's hof on Monria...

Thank you very much, MA for giving me this unexpected nice surprise. Now, my next mission is searching the TOWER... Wish me luck lol
Goodluck dude :)
GZ and GL... Go check your Hof thread :cool:
GZ and GL... Go check your Hof thread :cool:

Hi m8,

It looks like we both got almost the same size here, U 1341 belkar, me 1327 lytairian lol :D
A bump here, still on Monria :)
Huge gratz to my best in game friend, BrickWall for finding his first Tower on Monria, after more than 5 five of mining...

Totally well deserved, especially after tons of level 5 amps burnt. It's time for you to find your ATH here... :)
Back to action today and found this baby...

Not too shabby after a long break... :cool: Still waiting for my first tower here... :tower:
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I hope your tower will come one of these days Onyar! Keep up the good work bro!:cool:
I hope your tower will come one of these days Onyar! Keep up the good work bro!:cool:

Woot, tyvm bro for leaving some good words on my thread and I wish you the same as well :)


Back to the mining topic again...

I found a XVI growth molecules, 241 pedders yesterday on Monria. I knew, something BIG is going to hit on me soon. Today, I returned and mine on the same spots, after more than half year of keep mining on Monria, I finally found my first uber Ore's HOF here...

For those that never come to Monria before, you should come and try it out.

PS: A friend of mine, Phobos Beauchamp also got his biggest uber hof, 2374 pedders growth molecules on Monria, not far away from my mining spots (Well deserved, bro and I glad that you listened to my suggestion)
ATH Gz to my socmate, nugman nug nug for the awesome Alicenies ATH - 80166 Pedders. You made us proud to be Virtual Legenders... :)
:eyecrazy::eyecrazy: whoa big Gz from me.

Hi mate, thanks for stopping by here. If you want to know more about, how my socmate found the ATH, I will tell you in game :)
I found another HoF today and it was:

The journey to search for my first tower continue...
My biggest uber hof in South Crater, Monria...

It's time for the new mission ---> Tower on Monria :wtg:
Today was another lucky day for me, as I found three HoFs in a roll here...

I can feel that my first tower is somewhere around the corner... :D