How High Can We Count?


Sep 6, 2008
Avatar Name
Imperious TheSavior Heroim
Let's start a game and see how long it will last for the fun of it.

Write the next whole number that comes next in order :D
No single user can post twice in a row.

I'll start:

# - 1
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 .....

uhhh... I mean, 4



when would the "game" end? there should a time limit between each number. i personally would give 2 EFD to last poster if no one would reply with in 10 min, then 10 EFD after 30 min, then 25 EFD after 1 hr, then 60 EFD once 2 hr have came; i would do this due to the amount of EFD you currently have. this may keep the game going. I may deposit EFD to you for this "game" if you chose to give some prize. If you put a higher prize than what I said, that may attract more people. PM me. :)
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I did this in PA once when I was a noob, it took a while but we got over 100 :D

for people putting the numbers up, try to make another window/tab and check to make sure you don't repeat the number someone else had just made.

sorry, I'll keep posting this message 'til the thread maker PMs me or posts about it. I'm doing it because the thread creator will probably skip over the lists of numbers.

when would the "game" end? there should a time limit between each number. i personally would give 2 EFD to last poster if no one would reply with in 10 min, then 10 EFD after 30 min, then 25 EFD after 1 hr, then 60 EFD once 2 hr have came; i would do this due to the amount of EFD you currently have. this may keep the game going. I may deposit EFD to you for this "game" if you chose to give some prize. If you put a higher prize than what I said, that may attract more people. PM me. :)
this message is brought to you by the number

my post is #10

(and the crowd goes WILD!!!)


13, unlucky for some :eek:
17 My lucky number

I just want EFD :D
Holy crap, 18!!

malasuerte, thought you didn't get EFD for posting in the Forum Games. let me check. all I got was, I think, 1 EFD.
We still need #14, so here it iiiiiiss! :yay: I'm in it?! :eek: What do I win?! :yay:
#15 , i mean #20

The thread maker hasn't PMed me or posted about it, so I don't know, yet.

what a good number

ok, we won't stop.... 23... day I was born too :p


24 Muhahahahahahah i love to count :)

whooot an post no:555 its the mark of the beasts admin assistant
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25 is the best number.

man.... I was born on the 25th... #26
#27 :wtg:

we almost got mixed up abit on the #14, back to elementary math class :laugh:
29.... is that as high as the counter is gonna get?


30 kicks ass!