One word movie game

i'll pass it onto who ever wants to continue, or back to Oracle, so this game may still go on ^^

It's Serica's honour, no rush though.
OK a quickie in case Serica has disappeared:

Clue: ear
Dumbo (to short)

rofl :laugh: if you were joking, if not, incorrect. ;)

Sorry for laughing, just a major contrast between that movie and the one I mean. ;)
well both actually, that's the only movie I can think of that has anything to do with ears :D
Vincent (too short)
Reservoir Dogs
well in the movie the guys ear falls off, but now I think of this I know even more movies with ears

like Reservoir Dogs

"he slashes my face and then he cuts my fucking ear off !!"

[edit] damn to late
Reservoir Dogs

I was sure Razer would get this, he did but just too late. ;)

So, either Serica or Xen to go next.
Clue: ear

well, i did not really see the link on clockwork orange unless you probably found inspiration on the title of the Utube video... (and yes, Xen was good on this one)

Van Gogh
I see Serica on the thread so she can go. I'll come up with something in about 10 mins if she doesn't.
well, i did not really see the link on clockwork orange unless you probably found inspiration on the title of the Utube video...

Fair point, I knew the association because I remember Malcolm McDowell's character referring to 'the ninth' in the movie and that symphony features quite prominently in the film if I remember correctly and he mentions Beethoven as being his favourite composer.

Ah, here we go:

Edit: my bedtime, goodnight all!
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I see Serica on the thread so she can go. I'll come up with something in about 10 mins if she doesn't.

Go for it, I'm busy in RL for the next hour or so at least. I'll look in if I'm passing the computer :)
gotta leave, someone else go.
Edit: Since I will go to bed soon I will give you guys another clue: These aren't any croquettes but they are made by a certain (fictional) company.


Should nobody obviously guess the movie while I'm away please feel free to start a new round without solving it!

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Well, I have 3 to guess... (3 movies)

The 1st can be easy, the 2 others can be harder... but it seems that xen is smart in this...

Clue 1 : Wyoming

Clue 2 : red dress

Clue 3 : dude

Results when i'm back or when i wake up :).
Not so many playing, I guess. :laugh:

Akbar, about clue 3: The Big Lebowski?
For my quizz, no good answers,
and my movies have not been named in this thread, so no matrix for example.

And my clue #2, is real clue, like in a police novel.
Edit: Since I will go to bed soon I will give you guys another clue: These aren't any croquettes but they are made by a certain (fictional) company.


Should nobody obviously guess the movie while I'm away please feel free to start a new round without solving it!


The Fifth Element