Phantom Armor - New Market conditions on price and suply


As it say at the end of spider man I, " A big power bring big responsabilitys".

Dub is a funy guy. He had the enormous chance to find A rich uber Ruga deposit. Thats a huge power. He was totaly happy cause he have in his hands the control of the market of some uber crafted itamz.

Some other ppl had the chance to loot complet sets of semi uber armor, clothes, weapons. Thats a huge power too. The sinergy between the Ruga supplier and the crafters was funy due to the plantifull resource. It was a skilling and money time for crafters.


As u can all see, The price of the master coat and the phanom was extremely low. The economy of those uber items is now totaly wrong and low.
A master coat need to be at around 1000 peder ( cause its a MASTER coat)
and the phantom armor and her ridiculous price need to be a lot over.
The equilibrium is break. The economy of EU is fragile. If every body can have a phantom for 300$ , were is the fun and the interet in EU ?
The interest is in keeping money to buy month after month ur uber piece of armor, have fun whith ur friends and some HOfs. WHEN ur set is complet, trust me, after some months of patience, U are very happy. All the intersest is here. Frustration, efforts, skilling and happyness.

Dub know he have huge responsabilitys. And i think, now, the equilibrium of economy will be more controled. Cause here, its not MA in control; its a player. The ruga need to be droped 3 ingot per 3 ingot in some uber events.:laugh: .

My personal opinion is that Ogi is in his right to change prices as he wishes as since he does not require an up front deposit, and no sur-charge if you withdraw from the waiting list. That's what this is all about.

I ask you to remember that Ogi actually LOWERED the price when the ruga supply allowed it!

It's only natural that the prices on crafted items changes with the resource market.

If you don't like the price - don't buy.

lol myfriend,

Some had the oportunity to buy at lower price. Its just luck. And i knowed the situation so I TAKE the opportunity.
Thats all. And im sure im right in my thinking way , my friend.

I was an early customer of OGI's, before the price was lowered the first time, before the purchase came with extra gifts. Did I feel the buyers remorse that we all get when something we bought went down in price? Hell yes.

I thin see the price is going back up, did I feel the elation that my equipment appreciated in value? You bet I did. Same as in RL, things go up and things go down - and we don't always get what we want.

OGI never promised me the set when I put my name on the waiting list, but instead promised me that I would be in line for the next available set. There was an indication of what the price would be when it was delivered.

I recently went to a business to purchase an item, put down a downpayment and waited for them to call and let me know it was in. I got the call, but not that it was in, it but that there were no more available. I got my downpayment back, the store offered to work with me in getting something else and perhaps at a discount. They did not have what I wanted so for now I am still looking.

Am I angry at the seller. Know, dissapointed and upset that things did not work out, but I can not expect the store to pull the item out of their ass when it is no longer available from their supplier.

This kitchen appliance was $2,100 USD and the sale would have meant I also bought the matching appliances for a total of almost $6,500. The other two items are in stock, but I will not buy them without the main item I wanted. Sounds almost like MS9s partial set now that I said that LOL.

I reread OGIs sales thread because I did not recall being on it consitituted me any more than your name being included on a list of people wanting a set when it was available. He optomistally stated that he would sell the sets at prices based on the dates their name was on the list.

But he also stated: I will not be able to sell all sets i want and or demanded all months.. so a few will be realeased each few weeks.

Putting your name on the list was not a contract that you would be guaranteed a set, but only that you would be guaranteed a set when one was available.

Currtently there is not any material to make the sets so there is no way that one can be delived. Get your soliciter, I am pretty sure when I try to sue the appliance store because the manufacturer discontinued making the refrigerator I want and the warehouse no longer had any to send out that they will force the appliance store to somehow magically make the new refrigerator because I had been promised one. As others had said it would be time to get a life.

Several times I have made a deal to buy something from an EU player and when it was time to collect was told, sorry someone offered more so I sold it to them. It certainly does piss me off when the deal was cut, but such is life.

This is different than that, the supplies needed to craft the item are not available right now. If the cost of these supplies triple then the pricing calculations change. It is not as though he would be raising prices on existing product, but the increased manufacturing costs on new product.

That is basic economics. The price of oil goes up, Gasoline prices increase, Gasoline prices increase the costs of shipping increases, the cost of food increases and on and on.

I am sure OGI does not make 3.K on each set sold, but rather a commission from the person he is working for, for each set sold. Much like the salesman that sold me the regrigerator does. He sold the set in good faith tha it would be available just as the refrigerator was sold to me in good faith.

No one was trying to screw anyone availabilty changed. We should all lynch OGI now, get him banned from the game because he is not able to expell the needed material from his nether region.

This is bordering on a long rambling message, but the ease with which EU members attack each other over things that are not in their control is pathetic.
As it say at the end of spider man I, " A big power bring big responsabilitys".

Dub is a funy guy. He had the enormous chance to find A rich uber Ruga deposit. Thats a huge power. He was totaly happy cause he have in his hands the control of the market of some uber crafted itamz.

Some other ppl had the chance to loot complet sets of semi uber armor, clothes, weapons. Thats a huge power too. The sinergy between the Ruga supplier and the crafters was funy due to the plantifull resource. It was a skilling and money time for crafters.


As u can all see, The price of the master coat and the phanom was extremely low. The economy of those uber items is now totaly wrong and low.
A master coat need to be at around 1000 peder ( cause its a MASTER coat)
and the phantom armor and her ridiculous price need to be a lot over.
The equilibrium is break. The economy of EU is fragile. If every body can have a phantom for 300$ , were is the fun and the interet in EU ?
The interest is in keeping money to buy month after month ur uber piece of armor, have fun whith ur friends and some HOfs. WHEN ur set is complet, trust me, after some months of patience, U are very happy. All the intersest is here. Frustration, efforts, skilling and happyness.

Dub know he have huge responsabilitys. And i think, now, the equilibrium of economy will be more controled. Cause here, its not MA in control; its a player. The ruga need to be droped 3 ingot per 3 ingot in some uber events.:laugh: .


what a load of bull your post is ... Master coat at 1k because its a MASTER COAT ?

Dub having responsibilities ?

Dub has as many responsibilities as I have in the game, ZERO that is.

Within the EU envirionment there is only one institution that has responsibilities and that is MA, no one else ... Everything else is pure market speculation and if you're moaning about Dub selling his ruga too high, well don't buy then

There's only one issue I got with all this...
A few socmates sold a few things/ deposited large amount of money to keep their part of the deal (2 of them are in this 'waiting list')...

Now, they are SOL because the seller cannot keep his part of the deal. Granted, no money was given up front, but if that was the case, imo there shouldnt have been a waiting list to begin with, more or less "First Come first Serve"... at least thats how alot of people run their 'business' but oh well... I am glad I didnt sell my armor and depod the money I was going to to get the armor...

Don't put a waiting list unless your willing to take responsibility as a customer service providor to honor your sales... just like any other promotional service irl, honor it for your waiting list people, since they were obviously keeping their part of the deal and folowed the wave as instructed... but whatever, there is one thing for sure, I wont buy this armor now..

For those saying that prices go up, economy etc yes of course, but it was specified on his selling thread that prices wouldnt change until the 23rd if Im not mistaken and people relied on this. People took money out of their irl savings/ payroll/tax return, deposited (which btw, another 3.5 fee from Ma is gone).... so now, they have all these peds ingame that were supposed to go towards a specific item ingame... what a shame. It hasnt to do with contract or whatnot, it has to do with Honor... granted the Ruga is controlled by another individual, but at least give the people in the waiting list the price that they signed up for and raise it to whatever price they want for the others, sounds like the reputable thing to do.


All I want now is for Etopia to be able to craft the master coats since I couldnt get mine as expected yesterday and now Im not even sure if that will happen :(. I just hope Dub starts releasing the Ruga again, forget the armor but I still want my master coat :(
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OK.. this will probably the longest post i ever made, and i even wil try realy hard not to have errors ( i never do this):)


I sell Phantom Full Sets at a pre detrminated price.

This price is calculated in a "Ceteris Paribus" Scenario. Meaning that i had access to Rugaritz as i needed.

Also like to state that my WAITING LIST is still open, and also that anyone in it may drop off anytime.

(as a side note like to say that almost all of my custumers waiting in there have pmed statting that they wana stay there)

That's f**king disgusting...

You negotiated a price and had people on your waiting list to BUY at that price. To now not honour your end of the deal on all placed orders is a disgrace.

Shonky bloody business!

Negotiated and BUY arent the right words. I set the price! Not negociated. Also The ones in the w8ing list dont buy nothing, they stand in line to have oportunitie to buy.

Im sure price wont be neither TT+3300 neiter tt+3500.

Can also state that alredy had offer to BUY them at tt+3800.
But i wont set price until some more clarifications

Time to grow a pair of balls OGI ;)
There is 1 rugaritz suplier in the game.
That suplier wished to buy a phantom BP so , he could sell the armor himself.
Since som random persone have buy that BP (i dont know why the ruga suplier dont have overbid...) , he get upset , and decide to stop the ruga suply.
So right now , there no more rugaritz avaible for crafter or taillor.
Wich mean price on master coat will probably go up.

ROLF, i have big hairy ones:))
as u say i dont have that info for a fact also, just assumptious that i wil share in this post, but they are only that, assumptions.

Weird is that after we spend some peds makings add and stuff about it ruga sudenly stops

Well i have an exepction, that becouse of Ms9 thread i had acess to ruga again for one buy only

Now Mr Ruga alwasy said that wont ever seel his ruga only to one person, that we wanted freemarket, as i think he was instruted to it. (Ma even did calulation on it at 2500%)

Some days ago Dub raised % on rugas, but steped back becouse me and auktuma have diagreee and showned not happynes with it.

a few days passes and he stoped all suply saying that too much was sold and he has now an offer to BO all the ruga left.

(i have pms to show this if necessary)

This is one of the things i need clarification
Them who got the other harness BP, aledge one becouse i dont know for sure? Is it Dub? Buzz? anyone else?

If there was a sale i hope that it was a good deal couse i would offer alot of K for it

Now Ma gives Power custumized, power of ruga, power of control supply, Ma gives power of armor crafting skiils go in an alltime low relasing alot of lvl 7 bps on market that anyone can buy at 50 ped (imaigine oa bp from same level at that price) so its easy to build skills

This is what i feel is fishy

But lets continue...

I did an enormous efford to GIVE this armour at those prices to comunitie, and i think i manage to make it extremely popular.

Now i wil be pisssed if someone comes and destroy all my biz (who wouldnt) specily if there is price wars and armour wil lose value.

As i said i have no problems with no custumer of mine, not even the ones that i have in the w8ing list

so discussion if i did good or not related to this is irrelevant

Also theres not much point comparing this to a RL market, PE works in reverse ways.

And no Dub isnt obligated to sell to me or anyone else, but since i used a open and trasparent system and dub see it often he know that are people w8ting for it.

Hell if someone enter now Phantom bizz they even can pm my buyers in w8ing list!! i dont care becouse i know that i benefict of huge rep concerning my deals and with my custumers.


I did lowered its price some days ago when i could have raised it. I raised it to 3500 now (23 march) becouse i was smeling that trouble would come.

IMPORTANT THis is may assumption. I need clarification, when i have it il post conclusion

For now deals are supended and not canceled.

Hoping not many errors:)
Funny how people went from being thrilled about OgiMini's service to dragging him through the streets...

I'm on the waiting list.. and quite frankly, it is indeed an unfortunate situation.

However, it's out of Ogi's hands. I certainly wouldn't expect him or anyone else to take a loss by selling to me at a price that isn't economical for them. It's the dynamics of the system. If any other ore price suddenly went through the roof, I wouldn't blame a mining amp supplier for raising his price.. this is just how it goes.

Is it an annoyance that this advertisement fell apart? You betcha! Of course I was looking forward to a good deal on some kickass armor. But I'm not gonna whine and moan about it.. not when there are still entirely too many mobs out there aching for a thrashing.

I just hope it gets resolved and that the price, while fully expecting an increase, isn't put through the roof.
Funny how people went from being thrilled about OgiMini's service to dragging him through the streets...

I'm on the waiting list.. and quite frankly, it is indeed an unfortunate situation.

However, it's out of Ogi's hands. I certainly wouldn't expect him or anyone else to take a loss by selling to me at a price that isn't economical for them. It's the dynamics of the system. If any other ore price suddenly went through the roof, I wouldn't blame a mining amp supplier for raising his price.. this is just how it goes.

Is it an annoyance that this advertisement fell apart? You betcha! Of course I was looking forward to a good deal on some kickass armor. But I'm not gonna whine and moan about it.. not when there are still entirely too many mobs out there aching for a thrashing.

I just hope it gets resolved and that the price, while fully expecting an increase, isn't put through the roof.

I agree, well said. + rep! ;)
what a load of bull your post is ... Master coat at 1k because its a MASTER COAT ?

Dub having responsibilities ?

Dub has as many responsibilities as I have in the game, ZERO that is.

Within the EU envirionment there is only one institution that has responsibilities and that is MA, no one else ... Everything else is pure market speculation and if you're moaning about Dub selling his ruga too high, well don't buy then


LOL, go to play anarchy online so !!
If everyone would stop crafting items that required rug for about 6 months...all these problems would disappear.
If everyone would stop crafting items that required rug for about 6 months...all these problems would disappear.

well we could not craft item that use ruga for 1 year so ...

phantom and master coat price will go up and thats all ... not me that will whine... not my problem.
Problem is for all those that whined after me for cheaper coat and will see now price go up and no coat in their hand.
That will be funny , and i will laught :)
maybe a good time to buy all master coats and phantom parts i can find.... and start a careerer as 'trader'....hmm
maybe a good time to buy all master coats and phantom parts i can find.... and start a careerer as 'trader'....hmm
seems a bit latte in my shop...
i guess dont left much master ...
imo there shouldnt have been a waiting list to begin with, more or less "First Come first Serve"

and how would you propose to know who to serve first with out a queue or list? maybe have a free-for-all "first post" auction whenever Ogi said he had a set for sale? how would that work out for people in different time zones? and how many people would deposit in advance of the weekly Phantom thread only to miss it?
well, it's obvious the ruga is running out. always said when i bought my phantom, these sets were drastically cheap, same with master coats, etc, etc.

don't fault dub, don't fault ogi...

phantom should be about 7k, imo, if you didn't take the opportunity to buy it the second that offer was made at +3.5k or +3.3k, it's best not to whine about it now.

would be nice to see ogi honor the list at +3.5k, tho, even tho he never made any such guarantee here.
It sounds like I missed an exciting weekend on Calyspso while I attended a good friend's wedding. Appreciate all the posts and feedback.

Just a quick note. When I informed Auktuma that I was going to take a short break from selling Ruga, as the crafters had been going through it very quickly, I sold him enough to cover the current waiting list of customers for Phantom. I was not in any way obligated to do this, it just seemed like the right thing to do so his customers were not left unhappy. He could take care of the waiting list and stop accepting new orders.

Imagine my surprise to come back to see the waiting list as it was before I left. So to the first 6 or 7 of you on that waiting list, I'd certainly want to know where my Phantom set was. Ogi and Auk have been given the Ruga at the old rates. I've been informed they are not going to deliver your sets until I tell them exactly what my Ruga plans are. So it sounds like your sets got lost in the supply chain. Good luck retrieving them.

The good news is the Bride said yes and we popped the Champagne Entropia style!

:drink: :drink: :drink:
hahaha this is getting better and better :)

Its bad Auktuma this time.

*opens a bottle of beer*
*Belly training*
why even bother logging into Entropia with so much drama here in the forums.
why even bother logging into Entropia with so much drama here in the forums.

This Is why I have 4.2k posts and no skill this high Ingame lol.

Sitting It out on this one though. Way to many people know the truth. IE, the 3 people Involved.

Im not arguing or defending when Im not 100% about the truth. So don't expect no thoughtless, blunt replies from me tonight. ;)

In this thread anyway :laugh:
Some rep for Dub for clearing up this story. So its not Dub we should be shouting at.

Am i happy that i already got my set :wtg:

Edit: Dub, i hope you had a great time at the wedding
Some rep for Dub for clearing up this story. So its not Dub we should be shouting at.

Am i happy that i already got my set :wtg:

How do you know?

As far I as I last knew, Auk & Ogi were respectable trustable people in the community. Who are we to believe?

Hope none of you get offended. But we can't believe what we see without evidence. Now Its battle of who has the most respect... :rolleyes: Both parties involved here both have alot of respect given to them by the community, 99% which of is desserved.

Shit, I am geting involved lol. Pfft, 4k posts and not posting self-dicipline don't come hand in hand ;)
How do you know?

As far I as I last knew, Auk & Ogi were respectable trustable people in the community. Who are we to believe?

Hope none of you get offended. But we can't believe what we see without evidence. Now Its battle of who has the most respect... :rolleyes: Both parties involved here both have alot of respect given to them by the community, 99% which of is desserved.

Shit, I am geting involved lol. Pfft, 4k posts and not posting self-dicipline don't come hand in hand ;)

heh! here, take a beer and relax :D

I think i never made that much OT yet... *burps*
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Sorry, i know i shouted too early, but i had the feeling everybody was pointing the finger on Dub.

We shouldn't shout at anyone, we still play for fun, aren't we ?

and indeed Ogi and Auktuma are respectable ppl
and indeed Ogi and Auktuma are respectable ppl

no need for sorry.

at least we think they are.

if you want to sell something you are nice, wouldn't you?
Jeez, that makes it even more disgraceful if Dub supplied enough material at the original price to the crafters to accommodate the phantom armour waiting list.

I guess the term "GOODWILL" doesn't apply to some...

Very disappointing.
Just a quick note. When I informed Auktuma that I was going to take a short break from selling Ruga, as the crafters had been going through it very quickly, I sold him enough to cover the current waiting list of customers for Phantom. I was not in any way obligated to do this, it just seemed like the right thing to do so his customers were not left unhappy. He could take care of the waiting list and stop accepting new orders.

Imagine my surprise to come back to see the waiting list as it was before I left. So to the first 6 or 7 of you on that waiting list, I'd certainly want to know where my Phantom set was. Ogi and Auk have been given the Ruga at the old rates. I've been informed they are not going to deliver your sets until I tell them exactly what my Ruga plans are. So it sounds like your sets got lost in the supply chain. Good luck retrieving them.
+ Rep to a man with good morals.
-Rep to OgiMini for trying to make Dub look like the antagonist.
Atm I have about 6 to 7 sets to deliver, no idea when more will me available

Well the way I read this I figured Ogi had 6 or 7 complete sets in storage, but didnt want to deliver yet. And Dub just confirmed that.
ya so where exactly is MY set? i was promised friday the 16 a set, thursday i depo'ed enough to cover the set and a few hunting runs, not a noobish amount.
friday at 6am my time i pm ogi and get the "problems" line.
unfortunate to say the least but perhaps dubs post cast some light on the situation.
now i believe ogi its your turn, where exactly IS my set?