VU 8.4 Content listing


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Jan 13, 2005
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Werty MindBuster Someone
VU 8.4 Content List



Music Streaming
Audio streaming is now provided by the owner of the Asteroid, allowing the latest sounds to be brought direct from Earth to Club Neverdie and its surrounds. The audio streaming may be enabled or disabled from the Client Loader Options and is provided at the sole discretion of the Asteroid owner.

Ad Options
An Ad option is now included in the Client Loader Options allowing participants to choose whether or not they wish to enable Entropia Universe advertisements. By enabling the ad system, participants will be granted access to larger loots.

Gold & ATM Cards
The Entropia Universe Gold Card and Entropia Universe ATM Withdrawal Card are now available and may be ordered from your local Trade Terminal. For more information, please see the news section of the Entropia Universe website.

Adjusted increase of 'Attacks per minute' for new weapons, mindforce and mining tools.
Once the minimum skill requirement for the above mentioned equipment has been met, the 'Attacks per minute' value will increase until the maximum 'Attacks per minute' value is reached. The rate of increase is related to the user's skill in operating the equipment. Furthermore, the start value for 'Hit ability' has been raised from 0.0 to 3.0, for users that have reached the minimum skill level requirement. The subsequent increase curve has been adjusted to accommodate this change. You can also now see your 'Damage' and 'Aim' skill progress status for a weapon in the Item Info interface.

A new ‘Highest Single Loot’ rule has been added to the event system. The event participant that scores the Highest Single Loot during an event will be the winner.

Private Chat
The contrast between the text and background colors of the Private Chat interface has been increased to enable easier reading.

Cannon Towers
Cannon towers have been placed close to all land area revival terminals to allow colonists a chance to recover in safety. The teleporter in Treasure Island North has also received cannon tower defense.

The Auction
Residue can now be bought and sold in the Auction from the Materials category.

More Items, Sound and Vision
Several new items have been added to the Entropia Universe, which may turn out to be quite valuable in Calypso’s future. New music and film composed here at MindArk have also been included.

Teleporting is now a more streamlined experience again. All blueprints are now included within the blueprint category in the Auction. Tamed animals no longer go wild in the presence of decoys and the event system has been enhanced to more closely adhere to the set rules.
Last edited:
Bump for exposure. :)
Finally I(!) get bigz0r loots.... :S
well hope this VU give me some bigger loots :) when i click the ads button lol

its cool to have the option if u want ads or not though :)
Dat832_840.ark: 46,8 MB

ClientLoader: Home button is gone. You have to click in the window and hit F5 for refresh.

Update done: As expectet i can't login yet. "...EU currently offline..."
MindBuster said:
Several new items have been added to the Entropia Universe, which may turn out to be quite valuable in Calypso’s future.

VERY interesting indeed ... :)
Yay! Mindforce improved !!
anyone knows what this means?

Furthermore, the start value for 'Hit ability' has been raised from 0.0 to 3.0, for users that have reached the minimum skill level requirement.
Deleted, misread VU.
I have five minutes left on that huge puppy.

I'm actually very excited about this "bigger loot" stuff for watching ads.

I don't know about you, but I enjoy the ads.
invi said:
Does this mean my Maddox IV won't shoot at 70/s until I have 10/10 ?

please read what it says: NEW weapens, mindforce thingies and mining tools.
Keeping ads on = bigger loot?

I think that option is staying on, always hoped they would impove loots when the ad system came out
It all sounds vbery exciting, but i wonder if "bigger loots" from ad watching realy mean loots bigger than what they are now. It might just be bigger compared to what the non-adwatchers get.
tip said:
Furthermore, the start value for 'Hit ability' has been raised from 0.0 to 3.0, for users that have reached the minimum skill level requirement.

I think it means that once your stat shows 100% for that weapon, the hit ability goes to 3 + Whatever your hit ability was before
btw, how did mb get the list so early? he posted it aprox 4 hours ago...i didnt see no list by then

MindBuster said:
VU 8.4 Content List

Gold & ATM Cards
The Entropia Universe Gold Card and Entropia Universe ATM Withdrawal Card are now available and may be ordered from your local Trade Terminal. For more information, please see the news section of the Entropia Universe website.

Ok now Im all confused... I bought my new gold card 16th May, and was told in my support ticket about the delay that the new gold cards would not be available until atleast June 6th. Does this mean i might get my gold card earlier ? Hope so (fingers crossed).

23 May 2006 MindArk Support:
We will begin shipping the Entropia Universe Gold Cards again on the 6th of June.

Delivery may take up to 10 days depending on postal service requirements.

Entropia Support
Damn im online!
Great! alot of new stuff :) I like it, now I can't wait to go home and try it out.

This is my favorite part...

Ad Options
An Ad option is now included in the Client Loader Options allowing participants to choose whether or not they wish to enable Entropia Universe advertisements. By enabling the ad system, participants will be granted access to larger loots.

...yeah, like I'm going to diabled the ads...:D

Does this mean that the averge loot will go up, or just that we will have one 500K ATH?

Cheers :beerchug:
tip said:
anyone knows what this means?

Furthermore, the start value for 'Hit ability' has been raised from 0.0 to 3.0, for users that have reached the minimum skill level requirement.

Which will be the implication of this wrt previous HA? 3.0 used to correspond to a decent pro standing, 'Great' or about that, while 100% skill was reached much before that. Will the HA above 3.0 be adjusted too to reflect the new situation?

Take care,
Im not sure hearing stuff like "BUY COCACOLA" when im in town is an improvement of the experience. Ofcourse the "better loot" sounds intreeging, but i seriusly doubt it.
Ill try also, ofcourse. But i think that after a while we'll be fed up to our trouts with screaming adds in towns, and everywhere.
ok i dont know if i have the ads enabled. can someone tell me how so i can check this and enable it!
Pretender said:
btw, how did mb get the list so early? he posted it aprox 4 hours ago...i didnt see no list by then


Let me shoot that down for you ... since we all knew an update was coming, and since you can see MB edited his first post at 12.18 .. that could mean he just made the thread ready to go before the list actually came out ;)
wtf ! Connection lost!

New download of PE.EXE !

But i could see that the firerate of EP-40 has been increased by one. Its 55 attacks/min now...

waiting to get online again... 96%
Am i mistaken or has my hit rate on the opalo increaed from 40 to 44, cant remember if its always been 44 shots a minute
you should have seen the mad rush to the austioneer lol!
Just been kicked off and had to redownload pe.exe. Now it just says that it's down for maintainence.

Last minuite changes?
44fox44 said:
Am i mistaken or has my hit rate on the opalo increaed from 40 to 44, cant remember if its always been 44 shots a minute

your NOT wrong. they increases it !
is there anyone that put adds off then he is really rich or really stupid :D
44fox44 said:
Am i mistaken or has my hit rate on the opalo increaed from 40 to 44, cant remember if its always been 44 shots a minute

your NOT wrong. they increased it !
I do not mind if the game shouts at me to "BUY COCACOLA" as long as it also provides me with some Peds to actually do so with. :)