Question: What happened to FOMA?


Aug 30, 2005
The Netherlands
Avatar Name
Killahbee Killer Bee Killahbee
Not the place, the person:

John Foma Kalun

Last seen on forum: Jun 21, 2012

Last global: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:37:22
subscribing, heard some rumours over the years altough i wouldnt like to share them as i do not know their validity.
I heard he/she had health problems. This was a rumour, never heard it from a creditable source.
I heard he/she had health problems. This was a rumour, never heard it from a creditable source.
In regards to that, he posted this about his health in 2009.

My last contact with him was by phone/email in late 2017 and he expressed that he was going to come back but his health wasn't good. Since then he hasn't answer back to me.

I check the obituaries and he isn't in them. So not going to assume more than he is getting the care that he needs and is surrounded by love ones!

He's a great friend and has my prayers he is well in this life or the next!
Sadly i think that with UE5, FOMA will be removed or made in to shares. I would like to see that say the top 50 soc's could have 1 month each to make some awesome events and stuff like that.
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Sadly i think that with UE5, FOMA will be removed or made in to shares. I would like to see that say the top 50 soc's could have 1 month each to make some awesome events and stuff like that.
Sadly i think that with UE5, FOMA will be removed or made in to shares. I would like to see that say the top 50 soc's could have 1 month each to make some awesome events and stuff like that.
Just have the bots crash it in to Calypso similar to what happened to Hadeshiem. Leave the shops there and domes but they'll just be a new section of the map you won't have to use a ship to get to. I think TI Castle's old location may be a good spot to put it and just expand the Treasure Island area a bit to make room for it in the middle.
Bump for foma info? Hope he's doing well
I spent a large amount of time trying to contact John in March. As far as I got was reaching out to some of his family that was listed as visiting his father's funeral. The one member of his family to respond was anything less than pleasant. I hope the best for him though.