Sky Falling?


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
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Rachel MsPudding Hawkins

Is it just me, or am I seeing a LOT of threads of people selling unlimited gear, armors & weapons etc. I'm pretty sure I've never seen this amount of unlimited gear up for sale at one time (speaking about last couple of months)

Gotta be all these PP's dropping new gear :/ guess there's good and bad that comes with a lot of new gear dropping.

Hopefully MA has established some kind of boundaries or regulations as to how much and how strong new gear dropping can be -- even free markets need a little healthy regulation to run smoothly so as to avoid market failures.


-MsP :girl:
summer sale..........worry not pudding, search on sky is falling and i bet you'll find similiar panic threads every summer : )
the game slows down every summer...

ppl go on vacation or just spend more time winter ppl are at home and when they are at home they play more...

it's the normal eu up and down...will go up again:)
It's Summertime

More new toys and more "useful" (L) stuff also will reduce the demand of unl gear.
I'd buy UL gear tomorrow, some of the stuff that is/doesn't seem to be selling.

Armor/guns/faps, I would then cycle some peds, but with these returns I would be broke by friday, so not going to make a worthless investment :D
Most ppl keep the stuff in storage even if they aren't using it. Thoughts about selling usually come when u wanna buy something expensive or when u broke.

Speaking about broke, isnt it a Migration, big party for all gambling addicts... with the hangover after :)

Hopefully MA has established some kind of boundaries or regulations as to how much and how strong new gear dropping can be -- even free markets need a little healthy regulation to run smoothly so as to avoid market failures.


-MsP :girl:

When you regulate the market, it is no longer free.

"Avoiding" market failures with regulation just props up the weak and stupid. Failing is part of the free market. It shows you that a particular direction or plan is wrong. :)
I tend to worry.
People here often say I should not worry so much.

Friends tell me I worry too much.

I am not really worried atm. There is a trend of improvement in the game in general, good updates, more fun.
you worry for wrong reason what you should be worryed is that no one is buying the gear. :wise:
The number of selling threads did increased significantly, anyone using "today's posts" or" new posts" can see it. Barely 1-2 new threads between a page.

Some people sensed the changes MA is doing to the game and realized their uber gear will only devalue in time, and faster than usual. Some maybe made an honest review of their assets in game and realize is time to size down a little. RL is a bitch.
Sky Is falling !

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there are just more ul items looted last months,supply is bigger thne demand so it seems
I think the demand for these weapons is fine. yes, there is increased supply and lots for sale. That does not mean people are selling out, etc. Rather it means the sellers have not yet realized due to supply, their guns are worth less. When the selling prices go down to a level that matches supply, the buyers will be there waiting.
I'm still waiting for the UL SIB Laser Pistols in the ~60+ dps range to start falling from the sky :D
Shitloads of ul guns have dropped lately. The threat of MU falling on held items and the people looting them and instantly sell might have to do with it yes.
The number of selling threads did increased significantly, anyone using "today's posts" or" new posts" can see it. Barely 1-2 new threads between a page.

Some people sensed the changes MA is doing to the game and realized their uber gear will only devalue in time, and faster than usual. Some maybe made an honest review of their assets in game and realize is time to size down a little. RL is a bitch.

And some are just bored shit less with the game and can't be arsed having stuff that they will probably hardly ever use again, lets face it how many robot invasions and migrations can one person stand :) Was fun the first few but it's old now.

Add to that more guns than players hehhehe :)
I'm interested in upgrading from my Maddox 4, and am seeking something UL, fast (at least 60+ shots/min) and much better dps. SIB would be nice. BLP/Laser, pistol/rifle = any combination will do. (Minimal gun decay matters to me. Don't want heavy decay weapons.)

If any of you folks are disposing off something nice - send me a PM - ofcourse prices will have to be super cheap since everyone is having a summer sale. ;)
They need ped to loot new UL items :dunno:
Ah, it's been several months since last 'sky fall'.

True that UL market is under pressure from new drops and summertime.
But I think that we'll survive this one too. ;)

When you regulate the market, it is no longer free.

"Avoiding" market failures with regulation just props up the weak and stupid. Failing is part of the free market. It shows you that a particular direction or plan is wrong. :)
Huh... :scratch2:

You don't think MA regulates the market?
Get your bargains now then! :)
I think the demand for these weapons is fine. yes, there is increased supply and lots for sale. That does not mean people are selling out, etc. Rather it means the sellers have not yet realized due to supply, their guns are worth less. When the selling prices go down to a level that matches supply, the buyers will be there waiting.

eddric my soc mate is visiting London from Turkey so met up with him tonight to show him part of the city have a few beers and go for some nice too late for hunt. I'll do some writing.

It always surprises me the demand for certain items in game, and the amounts players are prepared to pay even during the recession. That said I would have to agree Crowley, part of the reason for lack of many sales is a reluctance to accept lower values that have clearly deteriorated over the last few years.

You can't blame players for attempting to seek their purchase prices, it's human nature. Sadly if most admitted it, assets values have fallen and some are trying their luck to make a sales at the best price possible.

On topic though I don't think the sky is falling. EU is a great concept, if anything it has matured and going through considerable change to attract more players and a new and exciting curve back to major popularity (we can all dream).

Truth is when people smell fear in the unlimited market, only confidence can drive prices higher. Is there confidence?...hee,hee. The L market satisfies many for their current needs, who needs risk. even at high levels.

Rick (smiles).
OMG - The Sky is Falling.....again.

Question: How many time can the EU 'sky' fall without damaging the ground?

Answer: Approximately 1257, and counting.


Ah, it's been several months since last 'sky fall'.

True that UL market is under pressure from new drops and summertime.
But I think that we'll survive this one too. ;)

Huh... :scratch2:

You don't think MA regulates the market?

Of course I think MA regulates this market. It is very very far from a free market.
Show me where the price is going down, all the things ( mid lvl gun ) i can handle are hight, and price going up, still.
Joking, seller are insanly retarded with hight price, come on MA, drop 3k more gun then the price will MAYBE going down...
summer sale..........worry not pudding, search on sky is falling and i bet you'll find similiar panic threads every summer : )

I agree it happens every year. People sell people buy. It ebbs and flows.