At a loss.. please tell me what to do!


Aug 3, 2009
Chapel Hill, NC
Natural Born Killers
Avatar Name
Davin Trooper Felth
Hey all. I wanted to thank everyone for their great feedback, posts, and reading my last thread called "fed-up"
I had some initial success hunting smaller mobs and managed to use my tokens to get an LC-150 CDF edition (L)
When I got near the end of it - I deposited some cash and bought an lc-55. Now guess what.. I'm broke again.
PLEASE HELP. I dont' know what to do, nothing I try works, I loose all my deposit in no time. Here is my basic info.

Armor: Jaguar (UL) , Adjusted Harrier Assault (UL), Adjusted Pixie (UL)
5b plates - with 1 adj-5b, 6a plates, and Imperium Armor Plating I (sets)

Amps: A101, A102, A104, A105

Weapons: JUELZ MIC-Killa SG-1 (L) - tagger. A-3 Justifier Mk.II , Sollomate Opalo, SGA Edition, Castorian Combat EnBlade-A (tier 3)
I usually use: LC-55 or LC-60

Fap: T-15 (L), EK-2600 tier 3 (don't use this), I0-Pulse Unit, Regen chip II (UL)

I have 198 HP, and am lvl 72 Laser Sniper (rifle)

If you want other info please ask.

I deposited $70. In about 36 hours I have roughly 90-100 peds to show for it. (maybe)
Some hunting I did: 50 chompers, 15 Letomie, 100 Allo (with some estos), few Halloween lvl 1 runs, 1 lvl 3 run (30 mins or less) a few Levis, 50 warriors. I have been mostly doing the daily 1 & 2 missions.
For this cycling I got 3 globals = 56, 62, and 150.

This is not a complain thread - as I already did that. This is a please help me - go ahead and point out my flaws and decisions. Please let me know what mob to hunt - what gear to use. I will do whatever you recommend, deposit and go do it. Then show you the results. If it is like that again I see no reason not to quit. Thanks community.
If you've only got 700 ped, I think I'd stick with ~level 5 mobs like daikiba, at most low level argos if you want it to last for a decent amount of time.

I'm not sure how others' experience with the Halloween event was, but I wasted 90 minutes in there and got NOTHING. It kinda screamed money pit, especially once I saw that all the good loot was passed out in the first 10 minutes of the event.

You have awesome sniper levels and HP, but to fight level-appropriate mobs for your skills is going to be expensive. Unfortunately, it seems that in this game it's the bank roll that determines what to hunt, and the skills can only cause you to need to play lower (if they aren't high enough), but don't do a lot to help you play higher stakes (aside from lower armor/FAP costs or more eco weapon set ups).
First step: sell those UL nonsib shitz
Second: stop hunting over ur bankroll, with 1k ped even small argos might be too big, i suggest to hunt molisks with some lowbie laser pistol (hl4 l1000 or sthing)
There's nothing more to do. This last TT loot patch pretty much fucked everything up :(
For me a 1000 Ped Bankroll is enough to shoot 100 health mobs

so I suggest use Opallo sga or Ozpyn LR S1X1 with A101 and collect markup without spending any markup at really small mobs
Get a Bukin's blade from quest.
Use it on kerbies/daikibas/berycleds/rippersnappers/snables/cornundacaudas/fouls and some others I can't think of.
I'm a non depositer... Using bukin's has made 30ped last about 3-4weeks before I was down to 24 and stopped. (max up to 250).

And you'd be doing missions at the same time.
idk, just a suggestion ^^ the small swirls are more fun than ppl give them credit for.
Sell it all. Use PEDs to chip down. Buy c.l.d. use roi to hunt small. If roi is not enough, deposit and buy more cld til you get to that level. Stuff needs repairs at three percent now. Its not hard to use cld roi to stay over that repair cost if you think lowbie...complete every puny mission on every planet if you have not yet...
1k peds to shoot argos?????:eyecrazy: Ok, but how long would you expect that to last? One month? I'd expect it to last 1-2 weeks if I"m careful.

Also, hunt Daikiba and use opalo? Man. I'm not against the suggestion, but I'm saying if that's what I am reduced to with 198 HP, then I will quit.

I have more than 700 ped to spend - I'm pointing out that I cycled a 700 ped deposit in less than 2 days of playing and that's not playing 10 hours a day either! I do think my downfall was being in Halloween Mayhem for longer than 1 minute.

Keep em coming!
get a subscription to netflix
I lose that amount in just a few hours, I'd love to lose that in 36 hours :laugh:

If you're really looking to make your PEDs last I would suggest small-medium atrox at your level. They've always kept a fair, average return.
I lose that amount in just a few hours, I'd love to lose that in 36 hours :laugh:

If you're really looking to make your PEDs last I would suggest small-medium atrox at your level. They've always kept a fair, average return.

That or Argo elite until they gone ;) Hard to not loose your hat and have fun in hunt this days .
I did: 50 chompers, 15 Letomie, 100 Allo (with some estos), few Halloween lvl 1 runs, 1 lvl 3 run (30 mins or less) a few Levis, 50 warriors. I have been mostly doing the daily 1 & 2 missions.

Here's a problem. You're feeding PED into loot pools all over the place. Pick and Commit. Once you've picked a mob, stay in that server until you get a "balancing" global/hof. I hate being on team hunts and after 15 minute some player says, "Loot here sucks, lets pick something else."

This knowledge is old-school...Pick and Commit & Kill, Loot, Repeat :cool:
Get urself a Pet :eureka: ;)
Drop me a pm in game if you are serious and willing to commit.
There's nothing more to do. This last TT loot patch pretty much fucked everything up :(

Nope this patch rocks, and markup is already raising on a lot of stuff.

Here's a problem. You're feeding PED into loot pools all over the place. Pick and Commit. Once you've picked a mob, stay in that server until you get a "balancing" global/hof. I hate being on team hunts and after 15 minute some player says, "Loot here sucks, lets pick something else."

This knowledge is old-school...Pick and Commit & Kill, Loot, Repeat :cool:

Agreed on that.

To me it seems you jump around to much, 15 leto's for example is way to few.

Pick a place to hunt and stay there for a minimum of 1 hour.
If you get a decent amount of skillgains keep staying if you get no skillgains hardly then move.
Play smarter, not harder.

Okay let's go over your fear and analyze everything

and this is what was said stop me if I am wrong:

Armor: Jaguar (UL) , Adjusted Harrier Assault (UL), Adjusted Pixie (UL)
5b plates - with 1 adj-5b, 6a plates, and Imperium Armor Plating I (sets)

Lets Start off with the armor. and makn of all this I only see one armor that is proper here and that is the Adjusted Pixie.. (UL) and other than that? The rest is what's breaking you in terms of repair cost.. (Save for the 5b and 6a plates..

In fact my simple set up is in fact Adjusted Pixiee (with 22a), Rascal (with 5b) and Shogun (with 6a) plus one specialty armor ()Kobold , though I could throw in Goblin as a possible back up). Other than that, the Jaguar is too much repair cost and the Harrier is way over the limit in terms of repair.. it's these armors that will break you.. and oh yah, might want to try those cheaper armors.. they will save you a lot of ped..

Next up the amos..

QUOTE]Amps: A101, A102, A104, A105

Okay ploblem iI see hereee is a "Too many cooks spoil the broth scenarios only in this case it's too many amps ruin the ped card scenario.. In short i would say if you are going to hunt specifi mobs, you might want to stick to one amp, or look into amps like the Hotfoot series over on arkadia.. Lot more easy on the ped card..


Weapons: JUELZ MIC-Killa SG-1 (L) - tagger. A-3 Justifier Mk.II , Sollomate Opalo, SGA Edition, Castorian Combat EnBlade-A (tier 3)
I usually use: LC-55 or LC-60

Julez is a waste.. too much decay in my own opinion.. dump them.. (and I'm guessing that gun is a rocktropia gun so yeah, a complete waste of ped right there,

Now as for the Opalo SGA, it's a good gun for hunting the smaller mobs, but still considering you are talking huting specific mobs, the real question is what mobs are you using it for? If you're just doing argos, you mightw ant to invest more into a breer m3a (L) and slap one of those amps on it, or just go straight 3a with a scope on them..

The Survival enblade while good isn't eco.. not anymore at least.. Time to switch over to the Bukin's blade.. and stick with it.. And if you can sind someone selling a S.I. Combat Blad then get one of those instead.. otehr than that, not a lot of help on the melee equation..

Now the LC 55 or LC 60 is a good one don't get me wrong, but have you started to consider a lower end gun like the Piron series over on Arkadia? Easier to use lower ammo burns in some cases, and in total number of uses, will extend the game play loger..

Oh and dump the Justifier and the Julez.. waste of ped waste of your ped..

Heal kits
Fap: T-15 (L), EK-2600 tier 3 (don't use this), I0-Pulse Unit, Regen chip II (UL)

Now of all these I would say the T-15 is a good choice (But I would need to know what your paramedic skillsare.. if you're maxed out on the 15 and can afford it, do so.. if you have more skills, you might want to look at the T20 if you can afford it.. Or bette yet look at entropedia and read what type of damage..

Regen chip is okay even if it is UL, though if you want skills, then you might want to go with an L chipo.. again easier on the ped card..

I have 198 HP, and am lvl 72 Laser Sniper (rifle)

Alright now here comes the main quesiton and it's perhaps the most important..

What is your evade level? That's rightn Rifle skills mean nothing without some sort of dfense skills.. Sure you may have 198 hp and are a level 72 snniper but if your evad is less than 10 then you're just wasting all that ped on the decay of the jag and the other armors.. so if you think your evade isn't important, it is.. and dodge too is another factor to consider when hunting robots.. And this comes from a level 41 Laser sniper (hit0 with a Level 40 Ranged Laser (Damge) and a Level 18.8 Evade and a level 12.7 Dodge..

In short, if you want to lay smarter, you don't have to play harder or more expensive..

The reality also is another question I might ask.. and that is this..

What mobs are you trying to hunt? Bieng a level 72 sniper might mean you are taking on mobs that are too high for you.. might want to step down a notch and take a lower maturity mob or try some mob you can take efficiently.. other than that, the 198 HP should keep you alive provided you don't take on too high of a mob..

Another question to ask, is also a simple one.. do you hunt just 1 mob or do you rotate your mobs? especially when you see the loot is going south? (and I bet a lot of folks don't know the "Hunting" formula..."
(and if anyone wants me to explain it I will (in this thread or if they want me to create one, I will)

but if you aare burning too much ammo, or you are wasting your ped on armor repairs, if you are using the wrong weaposn, and if your evade or skills are being uses on a mob you can't hunt, then you're gonna lose that ped and in a hurry..

So yeah listen to what I say and others, ditch some of themore expensive equipment, keep the more eco stuff, and modify the game plan a little.. Else, you're on your way to nothing but total frustration and eventually rage quit.. but hey information is free in this game.. unless someoen wants to state other wise..

Benjamin Ben Coyote (Space Pilot Callsign "Coyote")
a.i.a. "The Blind Sniper"
If you've only got 700 ped, I think I'd stick with ~level 5 mobs like daikiba, at most low level argos if you want it to last for a decent amount of time.

I'm not sure how others' experience with the Halloween event was, but I wasted 90 minutes in there and got NOTHING. It kinda screamed money pit, especially once I saw that all the good loot was passed out in the first 10 minutes of the event.

You have awesome sniper levels and HP, but to fight level-appropriate mobs for your skills is going to be expensive. Unfortunately, it seems that in this game it's the bank roll that determines what to hunt, and the skills can only cause you to need to play lower (if they aren't high enough), but don't do a lot to help you play higher stakes (aside from lower armor/FAP costs or more eco weapon set ups).

For me a 1000 Ped Bankroll is enough to shoot 100 health mobs

so I suggest use Opallo sga or Ozpyn LR S1X1 with A101 and collect markup without spending any markup at really small mobs

...what you talking abuot ? I am doing Hogglos on taxed LA with 2K peds budget using L guns and L faps. I am starting to think while reading such "advices" that best thing you can do is hunt puny's with 100 000 peds budget. You will be ok mostly ;)
I lose that amount in just a few hours, I'd love to lose that in 36 hours :laugh:

If you're really looking to make your PEDs last I would suggest small-medium atrox at your level. They've always kept a fair, average return.

I'm on bronze mission.... dont' wanna hunt young
Nope this patch rocks, and markup is already raising on a lot of stuff.

Agreed on that.

To me it seems you jump around to much, 15 leto's for example is way to few.

Pick a place to hunt and stay there for a minimum of 1 hour.
If you get a decent amount of skillgains keep staying if you get no skillgains hardly then move.

I did 15 to finish the daily mission. 50 chompers also to finish the daily mission.
I agree though - need to stick to mob/area more.
That or Argo elite until they gone ;) Hard to not loose your hat and have fun in hunt this days .

Oh and I hunted them for a good while - that was a nice loss.
...what you talking abuot ? I am doing Hogglos on taxed LA with 2K peds budget using L guns and L faps. I am starting to think while reading such "advices" that best thing you can do is hunt puny's with 100 000 peds budget. You will be ok mostly ;)

I am talking about a bankroll to allow you breaking even with hunting, keep up hunting without depositing :)
you need a bankroll and enough markup ofc
In general, minimize costs where ever possible. This is the key to success. (in my opinion) Small differences have huge effects over time when compounding the returns.

1) Be aware of over-kill. Be afraid of over-kill.

About 1/2 of your last shot will be wasted. If you are killing things with 5 shots (20% of HP / hit) then you'll have 10% waste on a hunting trip. Assuming a Long Term return of 90% while being "eco", using a 20% weapon (Mob HP / Max damage = 20%) would bring you down to expecting an 82% return. Using higher fire-rate weapons and switching to a finisher are both methods of reducing this waste.

I aim to use 10 hit weapons and switch to a 20 hit for last attack. This still wastes 2.5%-5%, but it is a compromise with armor decay & regen. (and boredom :ahh: )

2) Understand how armor works. It's not intuitive and it definitely adds up over time.

Decay on armor rises with an exponential rate with damage. Plates can help with this, but they can also hurt horribly since both the armor and the plate will take the hit, when over protecting.

Basically; Cheap (L) Armor is good - 1 HP hits are BAD. Read Entropedia: Armor Decay and understand it.

3) Don't be in a hurry.

There are 2 ultimate bottle necks in playing EU. You will always be limited by either your amount of time available or your PED available. Hunting higher lvl mobs is a way to mitigate the Time limit (similar to using amps when mining) but this places more stress on the PED limit.

Alot of 'profit' opportunities come from saving other people time. An example (That I am not suggesting to you, but it is well known and a valid starting point) is hunting vixen for their gears. Ideally you would compare those opportunities that have an expected profit, and sustainable on your bankroll, and choose the one that is most profitable per hour. (Don't expect people on a public forum to suggest these options... competition)

4) Think in a longer term time horizon. But jump on short term opportunities.

This is why people keep logs. When looking back after killing 10,000 300hp (1PED) mobs you'll realize a single HoF doesn't make or break you. Neither does a string of no loot / nova.

Of course, there will come short lived opportunities to make a killing. This could be from an official event like Halloween / Merry Mayhem when certain mobs drop exceptional MU, player run events when there are few participants, or other circumstances like MA changing how loot is distributed. If you can expect a nice profit and have a margin of safety jump on these hard.

Over all, I'd say try to think of EU as a strategy game, where your success depends on the choices you make along the way - and have fun doing it!
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If the bankroll is limited (700 ped is 70 USD, not just a little for amusement I believe, but in the general opinion here it seems to be) then combine to get a higher roll. Team on bigger mobs perhaps with others that have around the same to spend. With 4 people that makes 2800 ped to hunt with. Maybe try get a regular hunting group?
SO far, and I am not lying, I have found at least 6 mobs that you can hunt all day naked with any set-up and profit all day. Granted, it is small mobs and small profit, and after 10 minutes I get bored and kill big stuff and lose like I expect to (I am NOT complaining about losses, I finally figured this game out, and my losses when I hunt big are acceptable to me, now)

By working hard at it, I figured out ways to gear down and profit when loot cycle is bad, and I go big when loot cycle is good for me. I lose much less now. And more importantly, I still have fun, even though sometimes that fun costs me. I lost 2k ped yesterday...1k the day before, hunting mobs the size of what you are talking about. Losses like that happen, but it generally comes back eventually.

BUT, when you think you are due for the big one that gets you back close to even, trust me, it is still a month or two or 4 away, so just make the peds last until then, and go big when you start to see bigger, more odd, globals that shouldn't be happening.

You will know when something isn't right, and your avatar has shifted into good loot mode :D

Also, if you stay on caly and ark, well that's your fault. A great man offered you to PM him on page 2. I suggest you do :)
You're chopping and changing mobs too much. That is by far your biggest problem. Find a mob you like and grind it. Grinding is not that fun but just like RL, fun costs $$$$. That's it, plain and simple.

Even this doesn't guarantee profit, but you will find the magic 90% everyone goes on about.

Pick an Iron mission suitable to your budget and don't touch anything else till you're done.
I am looking into starting hunting long term. And the advice i have been given.

Don't buy markup for hunting gear. Ie use sib unlimited (not none sib)

Have several k peds of buffer for small mobs (100 hp mobs)...ish

I am not a hunter just passing on what i have been told. Now if you wanted to turn to mining, that's a different matter :laugh:


Usually i do 2-3 hunts per day and use 1800-2200 peds in ammo per hunt and if i am at wrong mob it can go up to 3k-5k peds in ammo Before i getting a global because MA do not have a mission mob "balance".

Just now i do the scoria stage 6 mission and i do it on big scoria old-prowlers so far i got to the Point of 32k killed Points od 60k Points and still waiting for to get a hof on them. They are wrong mob with big "WRONG".
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with 1k bank roll i would use lc-60 or lc-55 which ever has lower MU. and hunt ambulimax youngs or atrax medium. anything with 1k hp atleast. and stop once in a while if loot isnt good and try again at a later time and not burn all of them in 36 hours.
(and I bet a lot of folks don't know the "Hunting" formula..."
(and if anyone wants me to explain it I will (in this thread or if they want me to create one, I will)

Please do :)

I have been hunting the last 2 years and can't complain about the loot actually. Not that I profit but at least I have been able to keep the losses at a low level. But to be honest I think it is based on luck rather than me actually understanding the "Hunting formula".

I have read alot of suggestions on the forums and asked alot of questions to people in game and most of them point at keeping your costs down and don't hunt above your level (both actual level and PED-card size).

Until today I have never heard of a "Hunting formula" :scratch2: but would very much like to know what secrets it holds.

To OP I can only say what I have been told. Play as eco as possbible, don't pay to much MU on L gear and most of all have fun.

GL out there

Usually i do 2-3 hunts per day and use 1800-2200 peds in ammo per hunt and if i am at wrong mob it can go up to 3k-5k peds in ammo Before i getting a global because MA do not have a mission mob "balance".

Just now i do the scoria stage 6 mission and i do it on big scoria old-prowlers so far i got to the Point of 32k killed Points od 60k Points and still waiting for to get a hof on them. They are wrong mob with big "WRONG".

Still you keep hunting them?