Mining blog - 10.5 ped runs


I want to believe
Apr 10, 2005
South Africa
Avatar Name
Alexis Sky Greenstar
This should interest all mining scientists out there (if there are any of you left).

First off the table :)

0 0 0
1 53 -91.7986928
2 -53 -91.7986928
3 -106 0
4 -53 91.7986928
5 53 91.7986928
6 106 0

These are the vectors / offsets that I will be mining in this log, at the EXACT SAME PLACE every time, I will be standing facing east always, and follow the same path to get to each new coordinate.

Results Mining instance 1 : 7pm (210210)
0 IX crude
1 IV lyst
4 IX allic liquid
5 IV cald
6 V gazz

Results Mining instance 2 : 8pm (210210)
3 iii cald
6 iii crude

There may be less deposits, but there are deposits there.

Results Mining instance 3 : 9pm (210210)
0 iii gazz
2 viii lyst
4 iv mel
6 IX crude

Very interesting I would say.

Results Mining instance 3 : 11pm (210210)
0 V cald
2 iii crude
4 v lyst
6 v cald

Results Mining instance 1 : 5am (220210)
1 iii mel
2 iii ero
3 ii mel , iv cald
5 iii crude
6 iii cald

More to come , as I complete the mini mining runs.

So far point 6 has been the most consistent with regards to actual hits, when I decide to expand / move the grid, the picture should become a lot clearer.

I think I am going to record the times of each attempt, not post it though for obvious reasons, but perhaps just the intervals between attempts.

If anyone else wants to join me in this little experiment, please pm me, I will give out the coords to the test site :) Should make it loads more interesting.

I am also thinking about changing the orientation of the attempts, the area that I mine will be the same, just the coords will differ.

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GL with your project :)
I miss seeing your posts. Subscribing.
Thanks for the support so far.

It is very interesting to note that if you move from point 5 to point 6, you get a hit every time. I will continue logging and check if it remains constant.

22 Feb 6pm

0 ii crude
1 iii gazz
2 iv lyst
5 iii mel

So much for the point 5 to point 6 theory


2 iii alice
3 ii crude
5 iii crude
6 v ero

7:30 pm

0 iii crude
2 ii cald
3 iv crude

7:45 pm


No hits what so ever. There could be a respawn timer at work here. Need to investigate further.

Feb 23 5am

2 ii alice
5 iii cald

Really BAD mini run
sounds like a cool experiment
subscribing ;)
Q: exactly what it is u want to prove with this?

from my experience areas "change" according to day u end up almost always with different results.(can be relugar after longer time tho)What i find interesting is if u have some reason(theory) about mixing enmat+ore?
Q: exactly what it is u want to prove with this?

from my experience areas "change" according to day u end up almost always with different results.(can be relugar after longer time tho)What i find interesting is if u have some reason(theory) about mixing enmat+ore?

(Sorry for constantly editing my posts, there is no focus to these posts yet, it is just the proof of what is to come. I am going to make something from these posts)

Uni, these recordings were done at the EXACT SAME COORDINATES every time, they prove that the resources in the ground theory is incorrect, and now that I think about it, it could provide so much, much more.

Matter and ore work on the same system and should be mined together in order to produce the complete picture.

I was considering changing the parameters of the test, but now that I think about it, I don't have to, the key if I am correct will be in monitoring when certain events occur, this could be a most interesting test. Will post more when I think how to set it up.
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Science you say?

What is the hypothesis? What is the statistic? What will you consider a significant result? What assumptions are you making?

Maybe its just me, but I cant figure out what you are trying to show and how.
Science you say?

What is the hypothesis? What is the statistic? What will you consider a significant result? What assumptions are you making?

Maybe its just me, but I cant figure out what you are trying to show and how.

I don't have the science, hypothesis, statistic nor significant result yet.
Does a normal mining blog contain one ? (Oh wait it does, per instance).

Ok it's a number of things that what I am doing is trying to do.

1) It's NOT carpet-bombing, 7 points in a hex, or it could be seen as 7 locations in a string, which is the same then as carpet-bombing. Later I will take 7 bombs / probes mine in a line from the start coordinates and see if my average is different.
2) This is not the entire blog, I have more information recorded then what is reported here.
3) Address common mining systems and theories, for example, "resources are stored in a database on Mindark's server", (which by the way is SO FALSE)
4) This will also address another theory, that of Night-bird's time based system, (blow bombs and probes at the correct time and you get loot). I have timings recorded, just need to collect enough data to make a reasonable conclusion.
5) It's a mining blog consisting of 10.5 ped runs :) (very cool if I might say, no one is doing it like this)
6) Collection of a wealth of data , not only depth, loot, coordinates, type, but some more interesting ones, vectors and angles between a miss and a hit, time between miss and hit, etc,etc. Somewhere in all this data, there has to be a way to make mining better.

So basically at the moment it's raw collected data, and I am being as open as possible about the collection and results of the data as I mine. I don't see anyone else on this forum submitting the coordinates of their mining runs, ok fair enough I am not giving out the coordinates but I am providing a method, a point system based on a hex (yes I love my hexes). There is NO public system or documentation in place with regards to mining in EU that has referencable proof of it's claims.

This data can also be used by persons other than myself to formulate systems and theories that HAVE SOME BASIS IN REALITY. The reason for this, my previous theory was rejected because well yes, it was far-fetched and a bit "out of the box", but it was never documented. So I am now back to square one, well hex one, and my mind is already drawing up conculsions that it shouldn't. Why should I be the only one to benifit from my efforts, there may be some bright-spark on this forum that takes what I have here and actually works out how to mine more effectively, if that happens, then this thread has done it's job.

I know that it only costs 10.5 ped to execute this array, but look at the amount of times it has been executed, I wanted to do the experiment / project once a day, but it has ended up being a lot more than that, I want to slow it down, but my eagerness and how do I put it pattern-recognition side is getting the better of me.

This is a public record of a hex based mining idea, costing 10.5 ped to execute per attempt.

Sorry for not posting all the ideas that I have concerning this research, but there is just some stuff that I cannot comment on yet as I lack the proof.

I am looking for more contributors to this little system, I want to log as much data as possible and will have both a public and private face to it, the internal data, depending on how detailed, might be of great value to someone someday. (I have to figure out some way to finance this little endevor somehow. :p)

So from a $10 deposit, I will go around 9 times and report the data
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As always, I´m interested in mining theories of all sort.
Yet I need to find out whether there is a theorie at all... at the moment I only see trees, no forest. Reminds me of the secret blog someone else on this forum provided.

Anyways, I´ll watch your progress. A little more information would be good though, too many factors to be considered.
As always, I´m interested in mining theories of all sort.
Yet I need to find out whether there is a theorie at all... at the moment I only see trees, no forest. Reminds me of the secret blog someone else on this forum provided.

Anyways, I´ll watch your progress. A little more information would be good though, too many factors to be considered.

Exactly, not even I know if it is going anywhere, but to be honest, thats not really the point of a blog, I am using this as more of a public record, something that anyone can refrence from anywhere. I have plenty ideas, but they have to now match what I have found or they are pretty much useless as they do not fit the pattern.

Sorry for all the edits again, but my mind is bursting with ideas, I need more miners darn it, doing this with one person is too slow :p

I mean what would happen, now imagine this, 4 miners same coordinates blow charges lets say 15 seconds after each other, who hits and who misses. Interesting question.

I do understand that this is a public forum and that anyone from the outside can see it (yes even you Marco, it's not like you don't have logs of me doing this ingame anyways). You can write what you want to in a report and say, well it did work then, but now it's not working. This way there is no dispute, the results are here in full view of the public.
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A little more information would be good though, too many factors to be considered.

Aye, but I need a good baseline to work from, an average set of results, so that when I do change it, the change can be measured (Curse you I.T.I.L fundimentals), having a larger batch of results would be nice too. Basically just the same that I have here points 0-7 100m apart from each other with a start and end datestamp.

Hey, come to think of it..... I would even pay for results like this.

Now we are getting somewhere, I need a framework for mining, will blog back again later, lots to think about and write down.(Sigh, more EU work)

OK I think I have an outline of what will work, you need as much information as possible, so whats not to like with a screenshot, I am not talking about just hits here, misses too, could even be any bloody well action that has a result.

What needs to be recorded (besides the obvious, Avatar name, blah, blah, blah)
Location of the action, ie where did you press the little button that makes stuff go boom ? (Press "p")
Time of the action, ie ..... (Press "u")
"R"esult of the action, ie "did you hit ore miss"
"F"acing (well its a SCREENSHOT, you have that already)
"C"omment, might look a bit strange saying stuff to yourself in public channel though.

Will update again, when I think of more.
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Just remember that avatar (probably skill but maybe more) plays a part in this. Otherwise it would be random and thus its gambling. Despite the feel it is. This game is not classified by swedish authorities as gambling because there is a non random element in it. The x factor in all this and why theories often break down at some point is because of this non random affect.

Just my opinion.

My tip for miners is this. Over time you will acheive a tt return in the 80-90% range. maybe higher in the low 90's. The road to profit is ensuring you control your costs (like decay and tools markup) and returns (selling in optimal ways to maximise markup). Unamped mining is a very positive way to acheive this. If you chart all your mining results then you will go a long way to understanding how this works.
Very nice idea. It would be very hard work, but i would like to see project with simular idea but larger scale, for example 10x10 grid bombed every 6 hours. Would give good image to respawning, if there is such thing
Sorry for not updating, been busy and having fun with a little derivative of the hex. Will post more info later.
No blog yet, just a thought. KISS, keep it simple stupid - of all the theories and systems out there the most simplistic in theory is that of The Nightbird, I will be posting something later that could be interesting.

On a plus side, I am learning so much about numbers and math, that the huge expense ingame testing all this is actually worth it. I can still form the Sacks spiral in seconds in Excel :p
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Old post does not make any sense, if the old post worked it would mean that the avatar is not in the centre of the mining field around him / her and that would invalidate one of the basic principles of all my ideas.

Thing is, I have been testing all kind of roots, they all have the same flaw, veins, every single one generates a vein, so if it does not use roots, perhaps another curve.

I have also been using a simple Cartesian coordinate system, which I now this is inaccurate, what I need is polar, which I know NOTHING about, time to learn again
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I found my new baseline, but I can't reveal it, due to lets just say if I did there would be a major conflict of interest. What I can say is that it is related to a sine wave. I built this model a few weeks ago but haven't applied yet. The cycle length and blah blah blah match so it should be interesting to try and draw the curve as mining claims.

Ok, It's been converted into a sine wave. Pretty interesting this, cant wait to test it
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Well we pretty much knew this already, at least the people who pay attention. Its the varying wavelength that is unpredictable.

Its very hard to explain what i mean but maybe you understand. i dont know
No way to "prove" anything this way.
Lol, trying to break MAs minning secret on MAs forum :scratch2:

Dont be as Legion - if u want to do some research, do it on ur own. There is no way to prove something especially on EF.
it doesnt matter really, even IF someone did crack the system they would be banned anyway when MA sees someone is profiting off the system.

It has happened before, not necessarily 'cracking' the system but profiting off of it consistently, and they were banned.

Can't remember his name tho, im pretty sure he still has an LA too.
it doesnt matter really, even IF someone did crack the system they would be banned anyway when MA sees someone is profiting off the system.

It has happened before, not necessarily 'cracking' the system but profiting off of it consistently, and they were banned.

Can't remember his name tho, im pretty sure he still has an LA too.

Those avatars were banned for botting, not for consistently profiting. Lots of people do that.
delusional mania

this is yet another example of delusional ramblings, when a person in a deep delusion starts to believe that his fantasies are real: this is the same as all those self-proclaimed "geniuses" who claim to discover a winning system in roulette casinoe game or black-jack cards and make up theories to prove their delusion, however it seems to be very real to them;

all of this is full of bullshit - there is no winning system, when the dice is in the hands of the company that designed and controls this money drainage "game" :p

i hope you wake up from your illusions some day, the earlier the better for you, and your pocket...:yay:

p.s. this is a mindark controlled or otherwise funded forum, to take off the psychological pressure, and besides to avoid direct link with the company by pretending this is "just some private owned independant forum" lol; and to be able to spy on players and dig for new ideas and datamine;
Well I stopped depositing when I started mining, and I am not following any theories. Simple line probing or occasional carpet probing, Ju55 apprx. 110 m intervals.

The major challenge is to sell the loot with optimal MU, not the mining per se. :D
Those avatars were banned for botting, not for consistently profiting. Lots of people do that.

ah my bad. i just dont understand why people get so defensive about people trying increase hitrate or find a better way to mine.
I think Mindark has looked at how the community mine and tweaked what they already had with the veins system, location based mining is turning out to be a total disaster. However there is a cycle, it's pretty obvious when you drop bombs x minutes apart at any location and get a hit on every single one. Never need to leave a mining area again.

Only problem is, BORING, you cannot drop a bomb, a minute after the cycle ends, it has to be right on the exact minute to work.I think that there is more than one mining system, more like overlapping systems, including one that is not avatar generated.

Allow me to explain why, mobs exist, you see them and they are at relatively pre-defined areas, but they also appear to spawn around avatars, same with dung and fruit. If mining locations actually exist, they wouldn't be hardcoded into some database somewhere, the server would generate them based on this piece of code in memory, while this is essentially a database, it wouldn't be stored on the server's physical hard drive and would constantly update itself.

The other side to this would be the client processing the information and posting hits to the server, only to show up as a physical object in the game. The client and server only transfer the minimum required data to each other as well as a time-stamp showing when and where a specific command was executed.

It is very hard to determine which one of our theories are correct, I am just having an open mind, perhaps too open. Time to go back to what I wanted to track in the 1st place (1,2,3,4,5,6).
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