New Planet Coming

No doubt a let down, like the rest. Minus Ark.
April 1th.

ermik ermik ermik is the fisrt colonist to discover Larry Leisure Suit (M)!
Interesting, anyone heard anything more about it?
We need less planets not more?
So Project Wowtropia?
Absolutely and totally 100% sure there won't be a new planet ingame during the Fall of 2015.
Im WOW this wow amazing partners.......if this is true Im superexcited!!
Hmm, MA is about to merge? (or how ever it is spelled)
Would love a revival of the old "King's Quest" series.. perhaps this is it? Heard a rumor they were looking at remaking it.
Registered On: March 24, 2013

Was probably registered for April 1, 2013 :)

ermik ermik ermik is the fisrt colonist to discover Larry Leisure Suit (M)!

i hope it comes with the scratching smell tablet shiped straight to your house (those who had the game will know).
Buying that larry leasure suit right away
Well, looks like we have a new planet coming:

Any thoughts :lolup:

Sierra entertaiment coowners is activision and blizzard.

since blizzard already tryed to create real cash economy using diablo at first, but found that is too expensive to make it, and has alot bugs.

they maby decided to buy something , since all world knows that Entropia Universe is best success of real cash economy.

Blizzard cannot use its company name to make allies with similar game creators like mindark, that is why they use other company that are owning main aprt of stock to invest to most suiccessful rl cash economy engine.

And even i doubt that it was new offer, just Mindark accepted offer now.
very interesting! but i have a feeling someone's playing an april's fool joke! :laugh:
So just an old april fool's prank ?

Guess "when it is too good to be true, it's because it is.".
If this is true and not a delayed late April Fools Joke
I would not be too impressed by any company that cant write simple css
to center their logo to fit my browser!


or that wouldn't put link backs to their site sponsors.
Site looks OK to me, but yeah a link back to Sierra I would do at least.
On the possibility this is not an April Fool joke, any significance to the copyright notice? And in the realm of pure speculation -- is the planet now known as Next Island involved?

ermik ermik ermik is the fisrt colonist to discover Larry Leisure Suit (M)!

Or Space Quest?

Orat-on-a-stick, or maybe the Janitor Vaporizer. Or the deep jungles of Planet Labion to explore.

I really hope this is not a April fools joke, sierra is a major player with a proven track record in multiple genres. Would be awesome to have them develop a planet in Entropia.
On the possibility this is not an April Fool joke, any significance to the copyright notice? And in the realm of pure speculation -- is the planet now known as Next Island involved?

One can only smile at this... because it embodies all that is wrong here.

Romania circa 1987... plastic food.
