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  • Really the porpose was to bring the bad guys out of the wood work complaining.. and hopefully get them to join force's with ROCKSTARS on rocktropia.. For a full out war.. Didn't start out that way.. the list does exist has for yrs.. long before i ever started playing...
    Best of Globz and Hofz
    heya coach

    just sending you this message as some of the guys including yourself i hope , will be woundering where ive vanished too. turnes out running eu on that crappy graphics card of mine melted my pc !. im hoping its just the graphics card that needs fixing . should be back ingame asap . please could you pass this message on to the guys especially dante as ive still got his tk 120 and dont want anyone to suspect anything supicious . hope your ok mate , thakns alot coach :)
    I can't find it anymore :( I think it was Mika who mentioned it, I just commented! It was awesome though!
    Close but my birthday is May 28th and Tangos is May 17th. The coolest part is our wedding anniversary is May 17th also. Tango chose the date so he wouldn't forget. In 17 years he has never forgotten! May birthdays ROCK!!!
    You found me. Welcome to my little page. I am still learning, thanks to Tango, how to do this.
    Hi coach, that will be about 3am on sunday morning for me, so i can't make it (usually its hard now, because I have to use my parents computer). Hope you all have fun.
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