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  • Hey im home hopefully ill get up with you this weekend? look for me on x-fire,around twin or post a message to me. ill check it regulary
    ill be online friday night and threw the weekend. do you use xfire? hopefully we can get together this weekend. ill look for you when i get home. Good luck till then...
    Hey hun i saw some post from you about your enbladed skilling/hunting. i too have been wearing these things out at a pretty fast pace. I thought i would send you a message and see if we could share idea's and info about our hunting. im out of town monday thru friday and home on the weekends. looking forward to talking to you this weekend if you have time. Till then...
    cheers manique..

    havent logged in much but i read your message now :)
    Hey there,
    Im just dropping by and leaving this message to wish you the best in this time of the year :)
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, to you and all of your family,
    Have a wonderfull Christmas time, full of joy and with the ones you love the most.
    man,your inbox is full :)
    my connection actually isnt working,so is hard to keep eu stable longer than five seconds.i meet you tommorow,sorry if i caused you any problems :(
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