Awww sweetie what a lovely thing to do, thank u so much
)))) that was a really nice surprise. In the end since I was in game and was talking to Plonker about it all I found myself helping a noob at Phoenix who was running from something as he had been sweating it. Did that for ages in the end.. tanking for him and then killing the mob when it was dry. Some others joined in so I ended up rounding up mobs and bringing them in for the sweeaters lol.. and healing all of us as they sweated. I guess I just don't like seeing ppl in trouble. And this dude didn't even ask for help so I knew he was not on the scam in any way.
Anyway.. must hit the shower.. first day back at work after the hols.. and I'm soooooooooo tired lol. ... oh btw...hope u like the Full Metal Inc logo.
xxxxx Silva