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  • Hello:) i can't send you a PM, about your message storage is full. So i answere this here.


    When we get back the Make up system, i will do again. At moment i have a waitlist of customers. Could be, it goes a Moment, if the system is back.
    I have some rare mask in my shop to sell. Old ones from VU9. Not sure you may like one of this. But may take a look there (shop4, floor1, Deer Mall at New Oxford). If you like to buy a mask from there, i will give you some % of the purchaise price. I dont think, that we get the system soon, you know, MA:)

    best regards
    Thanks for your message, Last night there was a Neconu being held by Zap and it could be possible that you registered for my event by accident instead of his. so when that event started you wouldn't of been registered...

    If you can't make it to the event on Wednesday, a full re-fund can be sorted....
    back to you about the shirt designs..
    you asked if i was going to sell em.
    if you want you can have the designs since i don't use it anymore..
    and you can find a printermanguythingy which can put it on a shirt for you.

    send me an e-mail ( since i dont check ef a lot lately ) if you want em!
    Hey again!!

    well... :rolleyes: I mostly do mining... :laugh:
    But sure.. ill meet ya for a hunt someday
    Take care...
    hi there, and thx for the gratz sweetie :) sure we could go hunt together ;)
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