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  • Hej sbi

    Jeg vil rigtig gerne op på Kronan for at få nogle repairs-skill :)

    Mit engelske er ok, men ikke så skarp at jeg kan finde ud af, hvordan jeg gør det :)

    Med venlig hilsen

    Lene..ava-name Lady Crystal Uniqe
    Anytime bud. I appreciate ya'll letting me come aboard and skill with you guys, I've really been having an amazing time on the Kronan! If theres anything else I can do to help out just say the word!

    Blackjack :cowboy:
    "" to sbi!
    Listen to my heart beat after me reading PM from Bertha Bot ...
    Mange tak for your donation (3k EFD!!!). Oh, Man!

    P.S. if that wasn't the music/artist you like - please look just to symbol I've brought - I wanted to say "Mange tak"! Isn't there map of Calypso planet on cover? ;)
    Hey .. I hope you don't mind .. I think this is you .. and I used it in a thread here - about 'old school' PE / EU. :ahh:

    Laser Sniper (Hit) Combat 72.8
    BLP Sniper (Hit) Combat 68.1
    Laser Pistoleer (Hit) Combat 64.89
    Plasma Sniper (Hit) Combat 64.61
    Gauss Sniper (Hit) Combat 61.88
    BLP Pistoleer (Hit) Combat 60.2
    Ranged Laser (Dmg) Combat 59.24
    Plasma Pistoleer (Hit) Combat 56.71
    Ranged BLP (Dmg) Combat 50.86
    Ranged Plasma (Dmg) Combat 44.62
    Ranged Gauss (Dmg) Combat 39.75
    Grenadier (Dmg) Combat 39.43
    Evader Combat 39.09
    Swordsman (Dmg) Combat 33.88
    Swordsman (Hit) Combat 32.33
    Paramedic Combat 32.3
    Dodger Combat 31.82
    Grenadier (Hit) Combat 31.48
    Whipper (Dmg) Combat 30.62
    One Handed Clubber (Dmg) Combat 29.26
    Two Handed Clubber (Dmg) Combat 29.26
    Whipper (Hit) Combat 28.51
    Two Handed Clubber (Hit) Combat 25.12
    Brawler (Dmg) Combat 25.04
    One Handed Clubber (Hit) Combat 24.82
    Knifefighter (Dmg) Combat 24.72
    Decoy Dispenser Combat 22.49
    Knifefighter (Hit) Combat 17.91
    Brawler (Hit) Combat 17.72
    Tailor Manufacturing 8.67
    Laser Weapons Engineer Manufacturing 8.35
    Attachment Engineer Manufacturing 7.86
    BLP Weapons Engineer Manufacturing 6.97
    Longblades Engineer Manufacturing 6.7
    Metal Engineer Manufacturing 6.5
    Electronics Engineer Manufacturing 6.07
    Plasma Weapons Engineer Manufacturing 6.01
    Projectile Launcher Engineer Manufacturing 5.42
    Tool Engineer Manufacturing 5.35
    Powerfist Engineer Manufacturing 5.24
    Shortblades Engineer Manufacturing 5.23
    Gauss Weapons Engineer Manufacturing 5.2
    Mechanical Engineer Manufacturing 5.05
    Armor Engineer Manufacturing 4.92
    Carpenter Manufacturing 4.0
    Material Manufacturer Manufacturing 2.81
    Psychotropian (Dmg) Mindforce 45.18
    Pyrotropian (Dmg) Mindforce 39.75
    Psychotropian (Hit) Mindforce 18.03
    Biotropian Mindforce 16.79
    Reviver Mindforce 16.79
    Teleporter Mindforce 15.03
    Pyrotropian (Hit) Mindforce 7.17
    Sweat Gatherer Mindforce 3.38
    Miner Mining 33.01
    Prospector Mining 31.61
    Driller Mining 25.96
    Surveyor Mining 19.2
    Humanoid Investigator Miscellaneous 20.45
    Animal Tamer Miscellaneous 11.54
    Pet Handler Miscellaneous 9.2
    Mutant Investigator Miscellaneous 7.79
    Robot Investigator Miscellaneous 5.87
    Animal Investigator Miscellaneous 5.79
    Colorer Miscellaneous 2.76
    Face Sculptor Miscellaneous 0.9
    Body Sculptor Miscellaneous 0.81
    Hair Stylist Miscellaneous 0.81
    Material Designer Miscellaneous 0.26
    Mentor Miscellaneous 0.01
    Skillname SkillValue TTValue NetValue

    Agility 70.65 0.0 0.0
    Aim 4884.64 134.8036 1086.5952
    Alertness 4949.41 142.63306 1177.7411
    Analysis 1244.07 4.887083 98.814766
    Anatomy 6589.39 462.69165 1397.8887
    AnimLore 295.2 0.46681923 7.7867827
    Animal 554.51 1.4701037 35.187935
    Armor 162.2 0.20553686 48.930454
    Athletics 4052.83 72.820885 1449.7772
    AttachTech 905.91 2.8047788 334.5128
    Avoid 3481.51 44.82224 1259.028
    Biology 496.43 1.1493996 38.018463
    Biotropy 1925.12 10.500944 1956.2881
    BLP 4447.45 96.9834 609.9131
    Body Sculpting 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Botany 59.9 0.06748491 2.523586
    Bravado 2492.43 18.66231 738.8914
    CGA 1995.75 11.561767 511.40665
    Carpentry 1.75 0.002155991 0.31666422
    Clubs 1827.54 9.474484 158.53465
    Coloring 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Color Matching 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Combat Reflexes 5060.67 159.22672 942.7257
    Combat Sense 4995.8 149.41374 1077.9978
    Commando 3044.41 31.201536 4838.338
    Computer Science 2375.8 16.293064 307.3773
    Concentration 937.93 2.9898882 376.8739
    Coolness 3893.31 61.99008 2356.0793
    Courage 5077.48 161.56192 2468.6694
    Dexterity 4358.76 89.87396 923.1584
    Diagnosis 2460.76 17.930727 795.25714
    Dispense Decoy 2.93 0.0032357962 0.85002947
    Dodge 1987.01 11.41711 1204.698
    Drilling 3167.87 35.01488 347.45724
    Electronics 401.87 0.778861 56.57418
    Engineering 1269.51 5.0091 387.61826
    Evade 4800.25 127.3942 6486.72
    ExplosiveProject 1407.7 5.849012 261.77158
    Extractio 3255.79 37.08725 169.54288
    Face Sculpting 21.33 0.0229037 10.589762
    First Aid 4061.28 73.39878 4176.0127
    Gauss Weaponry 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Genetics 192.75 0.2564869 38.141857
    Geology 2988.13 29.289425 917.4898
    Hair Stylist 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Handgun 7532.35 844.7404 7756.3135
    Health 192.6 0.0 0.0
    Heavy Melee 929.54 2.9413838 43.224754
    Heavy Weapons 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Inflict Melee 860.04 2.580532 69.79909
    Inflict Ranged Dam 4590.7 111.787865 1941.3024
    Intelligence 49.22 0.0 0.0
    LWT 7799.15 981.93567 1803.7177
    Light Melee 205.67 0.2794443 6.7004347
    Longblade 3676.43 53.785954 257.11084
    Machinery 472.8 1.049633 91.164406
    Make Textile 186.57 0.2462201 50.796265
    Manufacture Armor 180.04 0.23449495 45.086906
    Manufact Attach 844.75 2.5172772 209.45459
    ManufactElectronic 453.12 0.9677676 58.432945
    Manufacture Mech 134.13 0.16362101 8.502862
    Manufacture Metal Equipment Construction 569.41 1.528003 129.16179
    Manufacture Tools 298.82 0.4766364 61.87031
    Manufacture Weap 375.67 0.693034 115.09389
    Marksmanship 7762.93 962.7231 1208.8722
    Martial Arts 930.41 2.9413838 60.200214
    Mechanics 454.04 0.97175443 45.226578
    Medicine 2721.89 23.266464 945.5437
    Melee Combat 2887.73 26.326445 990.7373
    Melee Dam Ass 925.86 2.9176793 24.212742
    Mentor 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Metallurgy 432.3 0.88659006 120.18038
    Mineral Sense 303.36 0.48658574 68.80887
    Mining 4375.73 91.04203 549.22107
    Particle Beamer Weaponry Technology Construction 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Perception 4105.43 76.43849 1159.802
    Plasma Weaponry 1951.16 10.864481 135.50594
    Plastic Surgery 9.12 0.0097412765 2.6451714
    Power Catalyst 240.09 0.34444693 53.91652
    Power Fist 16.3 0.0173932 0.20157032
    Probing 1030.19 3.6500294 68.662636
    Prospecting 3982.28 67.6375 3140.6106
    Psyche 35.63 0.0 0.0
    Psychotropy 2173.12 14.166872 1275.86
    Pyrotropy 1.0 0.0 0.0
    RDA 6115.25 334.6465 1533.3772
    Rifle 9447.33 2080.0056 20764.654
    Scan Animal 136.72 0.16794303 1.4904928
    Scan Human 1775.87 9.098855 40.68362
    Scan Mutant 28.58 0.0318056 0.69789
    Scan Robot 4.9 0.0053991303 0.09883016
    Serendipity 6503.48 436.17136 1837.3108
    Shortblades 10.54 0.011920424 0.08073858
    Stamina 9.0 0.0 0.0
    Strength 49.31 0.0 0.0
    SupportWeapon 1148.25 4.4009113 374.44803
    Surveying 1520.15 6.9311247 276.05573
    Sweat Gathere 44.8 0.049964283 0.0
    Tailoring 109.62 0.13036647 58.703167
    Texture Engineerin 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Texture Pattern Matching Tailoring 1.0 0.0 0.0
    Tools Technology 212.86 0.292225 36.87532
    Treatment 2723.43 23.281929 972.82745
    Weapons Handling 7068.55 636.6627 2474.3704
    Weapon Technolo 32.4 0.035172746 8.206807
    Whip 2250.6 14.908438 660.16437
    Wood Carving 1.36 0.0 0.0
    Wood Processing 1.75 0.002155991 0.5782543
    Wounding 5052.88 158.0372 1797.945
    Zoology 144.48 0.17818028 2.663168
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