TheVoid Jul 6, 2010 Thanks for the +rep that guy sounds fishy, maybe it's ND trying to find out how much others are asking for their lands lol
Thanks for the +rep that guy sounds fishy, maybe it's ND trying to find out how much others are asking for their lands lol
Torlin Apr 22, 2010 Thanks a lot my friend it will be my bday for 24 hours more, thanks to alcohol lol
L L Liam Sep 21, 2009 désolé d'apprendre la fermeture de Frantropia, cela promettait une belle aventure. Cependant, tu mets l'url, alors que c'est .com ;) Merci à toi
désolé d'apprendre la fermeture de Frantropia, cela promettait une belle aventure. Cependant, tu mets l'url, alors que c'est .com ;) Merci à toi
Torlin Oct 10, 2008 I post my answer on your visitor message ^^ But I think you already see what I mean .....
Torlin Sep 29, 2008 Game convention in Paris was a fucking big great time!!!!! I have to sleep 3 days now.
Torlin Sep 20, 2008 Hey Saphira, I have to step in line for a long time I think, you have too many fanatics!!!!
MIXALHS Aug 21, 2008 hello my friend!!!!how the game going?? check my profile!!!i have some photos from my island!!
Arkonen Jun 30, 2008 Hello Brother, Stop crafting and work a bit on that profile !! Hum ... I can work it for you but it's 10K peds
Hello Brother, Stop crafting and work a bit on that profile !! Hum ... I can work it for you but it's 10K peds
Toast CHG Jun 18, 2008 Sorry to hear that you'll be selling your shop in E.L.M., but I do understand that myself. RL is taking more of my time away from EU, so I won't be participating as much as I'd like and will need to make some changes myself. Good luck Torlin!
Sorry to hear that you'll be selling your shop in E.L.M., but I do understand that myself. RL is taking more of my time away from EU, so I won't be participating as much as I'd like and will need to make some changes myself. Good luck Torlin!