So, what's in the box?

Sep 21, 2021

"A handful of other, new, secret items". What do you think will be in the legacy boxes?

We already have Chronos armor. What about CDF weapons? There are (L) CDF weapons from the Daily Token trader. Maybe there will be UL CDF weapons?

Or will we get something completely different? What do you think?
Terrain updates.
Everything anyone could have dreamed of.

Not to mention solution to all problems.

My bet is most of the time Universal ammo. 🤔
are the boxes the same as normal? So you’ll just get 10ped TT of ammo/ couple pills odd amp?

Then the 0.000000000000000000000000001% of the time one of these rare items?
I thought the new 'laws' meant you had to list each item within a loot box with your percentage of chance to get them? Maybe that's just US based?
are the boxes the same as normal? So you’ll just get 10ped TT of ammo/ couple pills odd amp?

Then the 0.000000000000000000000000001% of the time one of these rare items?
Heavily buffed boxes, but you can still get just uni ammo in a box. Very uncommon for that to happen from the data I've seen.
From the data you've seen? I opened 109 boxes and got nothing but uni ammo, some pills and 5 amps.
My data is probably skewed towards people who only open during loot waves maybe. It does appear it's less Uni Ammo only Boxes.

Who knows though, it's such a small sample size unless you're gathering tons of data.
Prospectors Ring giving Mining Skill bonus?
Naming based expectation of personal effect:

"Skill Gain - Prospecting by 12%"

or name like

"Miners Ring, Adjusted"

the carried weight increase points more this way
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