95% Explained

You assume that the returns people post include important pieces (enhancer use - because of TT included, armor decay, fap decay). They don't. That's why most logs are misleading and they know they are misleading you.
You assume that the returns people post include important pieces (enhancer use - because of TT included, armor decay, fap decay). They don't. That's why most logs are misleading and they know they are misleading you.
Fap and armour decay you get back, just not 100%
Still need to take that into account when logging information. If you cycle 100p get 95p back but spent 5 ped on healing. you got 90% tt return not 95%.
Thats not correct.
"TT in" is something that went through the system and is eligible for a loot return ("TT out"). Healing is not returned in loot.
So you would get 95% tt back and 5 ped deducted, from P/L balance, in concept of "defence/other spendings".
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Thats not correct.
"TT in" is something that went through the system and is eligible for a loot return ("TT out"). Healing is not returned in loot.
So you would get 95% tt back and 5 ped deducted, from P/L balance, in concept of "defence/other spendings".
Some healing is returned in loot. When and how much is up for debate.
Can you point to any evidence of this?

Charlie|MindArk said:
Most of the decay from healing and using armor is now compensated for in the loot of the mob. On top of this the actual amount of decay to the armor per damage absorbed was reduced greatly. Overall the cost for healing and armor usage is less than 5% of what it used to be.
Fair enough.
Sad tho... last bit of "player skill" involvement just died for me.
Well, then yes, i guess you can count it into tt return %.
Healing participates in loot and can be tested:
make a party of 2
player 1 naked kills with tt knife (decay weapon)
player 2 faps (fap decay can be measured better than chip decay
as monster dies, healer gets a cut based on healing TT in the monster...

MA statement was "most of the healing and armor decay is returned in the loot"
that "MOST" is 95% is not official, some "thule test" points to that amount tho
(seems that thule has no "looter effect" in dummies test.
I guess we are not far away from an auto-hunting tool, because everything that is left, player side, is the function of clicking "F" once per mob.
Thats not correct.
"TT in" is something that went through the system and is eligible for a loot return ("TT out"). Healing is not returned in loot.
So you would get 95% tt back and 5 ped deducted, from P/L balance, in concept of "defence/other spendings".
If you heal while a mob is attacking you, tt is returned in loot. Proof have multiple mobs attack you without you attacking them and without armor. Heal then turret them.

Don't talk about things you don't understand. 2016 player still not understanding basic shit.
If you heal while a mob is attacking you, tt is returned in loot. Proof have multiple mobs attack you without you attacking them and without armor. Heal then turret them.

Don't talk about things you don't understand. 2016 player still not understanding basic shit.
Ye, coz in 2016 it didnt. Calm your tits. My information wasnt accurate only about healing. Ive read what Adventurer linked and rectified it later on this same conversation.
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Ye, coz in 2016 it didnt. Calm your tits. My information wasnt accurate only about healing. Ive read what Adventurer linked and rectified it later on this same conversation.
:zzz: Learn the game.

Cause this isn’t new. You’re half a decade+ too late. So you’ve been uneco for that long.
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Thats not correct.
"TT in" is something that went through the system and is eligible for a loot return ("TT out"). Healing is not returned in loot.
So you would get 95% tt back and 5 ped deducted, from P/L balance, in concept of "defence/other spendings".

Regardless of the factual errors in this post, the premise of your example is one that makes a misleading log.

If you want a financial log that is accurate, you need to include any cost that has anything to do with the loot instance. If you die 20 times and you use your tp chip to get back that cost needs to be included. Otherwise you will be lying to yourself and others. You may not want it in the "TT in" column, depending on what you are interested in seeing, but don't forget to include it somewhere. All these seemingly low impact costs really do add up in the long run.

This shines a light on a different problem in this community. We all track things in our own way. This is not a problem, per se, but when we start comparing numbers it is important that we compare the same numbers. You know apples and oranges.
Regardless of the factual errors in this post, the premise of your example is one that makes a misleading log.
No. My premise is correct. You separate capital that will go through the system and will be returned in loot (ammo, decay, defence costs now*), and those that are not (MU spent, travel, AH fee, defence costs before 2.0*).
If you mix them up, you will skew your real %TT return and compromise data for future optimization.

but don't forget to include it somewhere.
Thats exactly what i did.
P/L balance stands for Profit/Loss balance which accounts for all the gains/expenses, be it those that are returned in TT and those that are not, as a net result.
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Can you point to any evidence of this?
You can try it yourself. Get hit by some low biting mobs, do not shoot them, just heal. Then run towards a turret. check the loot window.
You can try it yourself. Get hit by some low biting mobs, do not shoot them, just heal. Then run towards a turret. check the loot window.
Ive read what Adventurer linked. I dont have doubts of the premise/tests/results.
It just felt counterintuitive... I do understand mob hitting you, armor decays, you get some of it back.
But healing? How did they implement it? All the healing around the player gets into consideration? Only when you have mobs aggro? Does it make records of how much damage mob did to you and healing income during x time after? HpP vs decay? Is it applied to lifesteal hence making that stat even more overpowered as it grants more returns? Can you grief/steal from people by just lifestealing/healing near them? Can you soak others healing into your mobs by standing near those who heal? Did killing "dry" mobs from sweating circles, where hosts provide healing, become tt profitable? 😅
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Regardless of the factual errors in this post, the premise of your example is one that makes a misleading log.

If you want a financial log that is accurate, you need to include any cost that has anything to do with the loot instance. If you die 20 times and you use your tp chip to get back that cost needs to be included. Otherwise you will be lying to yourself and others. You may not want it in the "TT in" column, depending on what you are interested in seeing, but don't forget to include it somewhere. All these seemingly low impact costs really do add up in the long run.

This shines a light on a different problem in this community. We all track things in our own way. This is not a problem, per se, but when we start comparing numbers it is important that we compare the same numbers. You know apples and oranges.
Maybe someone could make a standardised tracking spreadsheet, and make it a sticky.
Ive read what Adventurer linked. I dont have doubts of the premise/tests/results.
It just felt counterintuitive... I do understand mob hitting you, armor decays, you get some of it back.
But healing? How did they implement it?

All the healing around the player gets into consideration? Only when you have mobs aggro? -> yes, if mobs bite you and you heal back up. Does it make records of how much damage mob did to you and healing income during x time after? -> yes, on shared mobs. if someone else kills the shared mobs you healed from but didnt kill , you still get some loot. Sometimes you find some in inventory. HpP vs decay? Dunno Is it applied to lifesteal hence making that stat even more overpowered as it grants more returns? Can you grief/steal from people by just lifestealing/healing near them? -> just always turret your "leftover" mobs that hit you. It will save on decay from armor and healing. You will not get loot if the mob is not shared and you only healed yourself from it.(while another player kills it and you weren't in a team) you can however get loot from big mobs if they are shared if you only heal yourself/take decay on armor. If others kill it you still get some loot if you heal yourself.
"You will not get loot if the mob is not shared and you only healed yourself from it.(while another player kills it and you weren't in a team)"

Will that player, who killed non shared mob, and you are not in team, benefit, return wise, from healing you did on yourself?
"You will not get loot if the mob is not shared and you only healed yourself from it.(while another player kills it and you weren't in a team)"

Will that player, who killed non shared mob, and you are not in team, benefit, return wise, from healing you did on yourself?
I think it is lost.. It has to be researched by large enough sample with and without. if there is a significant difference.. then it might just be true.. or loot is just better that day.. almost impossible to prove.
I think it is lost.. It has to be researched by large enough sample with and without. if there is a significant difference.. then it might just be true.. or loot is just better that day.. almost impossible to prove.
That shouldnt be hard.
Player 1 kills 10-20 mobs. Establishes multiplier bracket values. (or just calculate kill cost based on weapon)

Player 2 gets mob aggro. Takes damage and heals for 30%-40% total hp in healing decay (in order to avoid 50%+ as it will atribute loot only to player 2 due to highest decay).
Player 1 kills the mob.
Repeat 10-20 times.

30%-40% variance will certainly stand out from standard distribution.
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Regardless of the factual errors in this post, the premise of your example is one that makes a misleading log.

If you want a financial log that is accurate, you need to include any cost that has anything to do with the loot instance. If you die 20 times and you use your tp chip to get back that cost needs to be included. Otherwise you will be lying to yourself and others. You may not want it in the "TT in" column, depending on what you are interested in seeing, but don't forget to include it somewhere. All these seemingly low impact costs really do add up in the long run.

This shines a light on a different problem in this community. We all track things in our own way. This is not a problem, per se, but when we start comparing numbers it is important that we compare the same numbers. You know apples and oranges.
i think if we want to argue about %'s then yes you have to be meticulously logging

i tried logging and using lootnanny et al for a while.

i found it annoying and constraining. it's easier for me to just keep an eye on how much ped and ammo i have after i sell my loot.
I have simple python program that my stepson made to me.

Basicly reads info from chat file.

Only issue that i am having with it atm is AH sales those i have to log separated.

Tracks PED, total dmg, total heals, returned loots, skills etc. Everything expect AH. 😅

IF MA wanted they could make chat inputs and values bit more clear.

I have this as backup. I have records what i'v put in to game. What is tied to assets and all that.

But mostly i just follow month input vs output.

Everything is cost. 🤔 Tho i do keep separated hunt logs for any gear adjustments and tests.

And i say i play for fun 😅😅😅

Edit: Forgot to mention i have perishable asset record too. Such as fuel, thrusters, portable repair terminals etc.
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