"Area of Effect" weaponry


Feb 15, 2008
Nottingham, England
Irken Invaders
Avatar Name
Cheeeezy Stilton B'stard
Had a go at some of the Harbingers at Argus, but gave up when my rocket launcher failed to hit a single one in a group of 5 or 6, without even a "MISS" message, Dibbler was also getting the same, was wondering if it was our version that was corrupt/bugged or if others experience the same?

Is this another "feature" or are those sneaky bots managing to shield themselves against explosives?
The range on nades +melee was recently adjusted to be more "realistic", meaning they no longer hit as far as they used to. Without further information, I can't tell if the mobs you were trying to shoot were either in condition (which will also cause a "no miss" scenario), or you just have bad aim ;p
The range on nades +melee was recently adjusted to be more "realistic", meaning they no longer hit as far as they used to.
I was sooo glad I didn't buy an UL SGA launcher... I guess their owners must be pretty pissed atm lol
I was at medium range, and would most definitely have normally hit, at times even at point blank range, and harbingers aren't the smallest of targets either, and I was also aiming at a group a lot. No MISS, no Failed, nothing.
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I was at medium range, and would most definitely have normally hit, at times even at point blank range, and harbingers aren't the smallest of targets either, and I was also aiming at a group a lot. No MISS, no Failed, nothing.

Hmm, so the harby is attacking you, your nade is exploding in their face, and you are not registering a hit?

PS, are you using "move to target while interacting"
I don't have move to target on, and there was no UNREACHABLE either. It just seemed abnormal, and since no-one else seems to have experienced this who read this post, maybe it was just an odd glitch in our installs. Gonna have to hope that it goes away since the reinstall needed after trying the repair tool is why me and dibbs could experience similar bugs, since we kinda wrote over the non-working copy with the working one :laugh:.
If a mob is unreachable, you wont get any message when you shoot it with rockets :silly2: The rocket will only blow up and that's it. You could have checked that with some other weapon for "unreachable" message
That might explain it, though there was no real scenery there, but they do seem to get stuck on each other at times.

Not really liking the new unreachable system at all.
I was sooo glad I didn't buy an UL SGA launcher... I guess their owners must be pretty pissed atm lol

Has nothing to do with rockets. Only grenades :)