Info: Arkadia Moon Deeds & Fort Argus Bank


Feb 15, 2017
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Anyone who has been selling Arkadia Moon Deeds for under +35 PED - you have been losing PED!

Currently, Fort Argus bank offers loans for AMD's for +35 PED per deed. One can simply "loan" them to the bank and let it expire.

It is very common to now observe players spamming trade chats buying low, then can be seen at the bank.

I heard a rumor there is one player who has cleared 20k in profit from this knowledge, and only wish to make it public so that no one gains an unfair advantage.

Please see the following screenshot:

Kind Regards,
- VH
Great info. Very informative. ??
Can you explain what that means?
Can you explain what that means?
It means people are buying the deeds and selling it to the bank for a bit of a reseller profit... However, markup on the deeds will go up over time, so I suspect the bank owner will change rates sometime soon... These deeds are just recently tradeable... Over time markup will adjust.

As we aproach the 24th of the month, when many will flood to Arkadia for the free xmas gifts activity on the moon may rise a bit more than usual... maybe not long term, but short term.
I'm hanging onto my AMDs. Fort Argus bank owner is playing the long game here.
It appears the main individual who gained the most from this occurrence posted a video on Youtube.
Since my comment won't stay and is being removed by him there, I will post here for awareness.
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