Board of advisors! (A forum amusement)


Jan 26, 2012
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The "Fifth" Entity
Looks like our brand new prez struggles hard to undersand the basics of economy and public relations.


Post a quote from that person below, that would prove she/he would qualify.

(Let's not worry about consent, it's nothing more than a forum game... at least atm. U free to add as many persons as u want.)

I'll start with:
Neverdie is using the TP fees to fund job creation. Fees are just a means to an end.

I don't really understand the nature of the work that this fee will fund and further how it will boost the economy.

Now I get that Neverdie is proposing craftable tp tokens. Ok I see the positive economic impact from that. But what about this conscription and paid labour concept? How is that implemented? What will people do? What does it actually achieve other than moving my money to someone else? I'm struggling to see the benefit in the big picture.

When I make a gun or weapon to sell, I create value by taking raw materials and transforming them into usable items and I create demand for those raw materials. If I run a service then I create value by saving people the time/effort/cost of doing something themselves. These sorts of actions contribute to a growing economy.

If I pay someone to repeatedly dig and then fill a hole in the ground then that activity creates no value and doesnt help the economy, it just moves money around. And that's what these created jobs look like at the moment.

I've seen a few comments about paying people to do tedious activities. I just think that's bullshit. I understand this is a sandpit universe and people can do whatever they like, and people set their own goals, but this is a game and it should be fun. If you aren't enjoying yourself then there are much better ways to work hard and make money. If you aren't having fun then fuck off and do something fun. If you are happy to be bored shitless as long as it makes you some cash then you can probably find a real world activity that is less boring and pays more. This is not a game for gold miners.
"Jobs" = Alts. In fact, multi-boxing bot alts.

There is no ID required to make an account in EU.
A fatal blow delivered without even breaking sweat. Awesome!
Lets pretend to play along the president game for a second

I dont want to apoint an advisor but maybe mindark want to fund their president a crashcourse in macroeconomics :scratch2:

Inside EU our capital is circulating , some flow out the circle and some new flows in. Mindark have full power over this and can trough game design alter and shape the flow of our cash inside EU. They have all the logs and statistics they need to see where money can be taken out and redirected or removed from our system. They should be able to predict the influence of a design change and its beneficial effects via its disruptive effects to a degree where a game change is no gamble to the company anymore.

Minding that, im disturbed they allow such a teleporter gate thats not thought trough the end and leave open so many leaks, risks and options to abuse.

As mentioned, although the motto of his campain is fighting the AI, what will prevent anyone from running bot programms to earn money ? This is a given that this will be abused to no end when real money is involved and this will an issue for any money earning job that will be created in the future by preforming ingame activities or routines that can be automated by a bot. Many must pay and only a few will benefit from this while everyone lose something of comfort and it make our virtual entropia lifes just more complicated and uneasy.

This is still an escape from reality , i dont do anything productive here and no action i take in this virtual world will feed someone in real life or produce any good thats needed to maintain my mortal real self. Its a bubble of a fake world with fake professions, skills and fake jobs.

If humankind stop working and dedicate into VR we will die out of starvation , most likely electricity will run out even before we all die. Virtual jobs for the masses ? This is a petty dream and will not catch up to reality within our lifespawn. This president should not focus on creating jobs he should focus on connecting our fractured cyberspace into a single entity , removing barriers not creating any.

The reality is harsh, we dont need dreamy visions of a better tomorrow but practical solutions that can work within our reality. A board should consist politics, economics, science, and social advisors who are experts on their field to promote collaberation between companies to create an unified cyberspace. We also need a system to identify any user at any time wich will lead into an age where privacy is taken away from the individual.

I dont even know if i wish for such a future, probably NOT
Am wondering how many layers would have to be paid before filtering down to the end users (players getting jobs) and crafters making tokens.

Investors of Public Transport Shares must be paid, each planet with teleporters must be paid I would think and not sure does Mind Ark also get a cut?

So left overs from all that to create these jobs and encourage crafting of tokens. Now people crafting tokens need to make profit. And also players who supply resources to make tokens must make their profit also.

So many layers accounts for the fee of 1 ped per transport one can guess. Using the public system of transporters will be too expensive for me I teleport too much for that to be feasible.

#space_flight connecting space service providers with travellers
Wrong category maybe? :p

Don't we already have one for forum games? :p
No you got it wrong.
The idea is to filter out the best ideas, best arguments (for and against) and the most brilliant minds for the imaginary board of advisors.

The remark about forum game is only there to notify it's not a real board of advisors. It might end up as one, or not but the matters we're discussing are serious, no games there.

To post a quote from another thread: click "Reply With Quote" below the post, select everything in the edit box, copy, make new post here, paste.
I'll nominate two avatars who seem to have the level of healthy sarcasm necessary to cope with Three Million Virtual Jobs Reality:

The story may actually be an allegoric personal account of MA's employee, his daily toil under the watchful eye of the hateful project manager, his horror at the announcement of 80-hours workweek due to the looming Compet deadline, and his relief and enthusiasm at the promise of a 0.5% raise after the release :cool:

Actually, I woke up one day and realized that I had waaayyy too much money. I tried hookers, alcohol and drugs, but still couldn't get rid of it fast enough. Then I found PE/EU. Problem solved.
The post above is not exactly following the general idea of the thread but have to admit it's funny as hell! We can use a good joke, even more so when things are getting real serious. Thanx! :)

On a serious note:
I dont want to apoint an advisor but maybe mindark want to fund their president a crashcourse in macroeconomics :scratch2:
It definitely wouldn't hurt. However, the probability of making someone an expert overnight is not realistic. Ability to see how complicated the problems really are and the realization he could use some help from other ppl would be quite enough for starters.
Which is why I started this thread.

... we dont need dreamy visions of a better tomorrow but practical solutions that can work within our reality. A board should consist politics, economics, science, and social advisors who are experts on their field to promote collaberation between companies to create an unified cyberspace. We also need a system to identify any user at any time wich will lead into an age where privacy is taken away from the individual.

I dont even know if i wish for such a future, probably NOT
We do need visions. Visions can be unrealistic, good or bad but they are never a threat on their own. Bad implementations and rash decisions are.

And, we can't choose if we want the future. That's the one luxury we don't have.

If humankind stop working and dedicate into VR we will die out of starvation , most likely electricity will run out even before we all die.
Doubtful. Our factories and power plants are becoming more automatized by the day. The process of losing jobs to the automation, robots ans specialized AI is happening right here right now. We may not like what the reality is but reality doesn't need our consent...
Few links:
I don't want to say names, but I think that if such a board would exist it should assure a fair representation of all categories of players - all planets (and, for example, from Cyrene I would nominate the two "Har...", from Arkadia I would nominate Kikki and Tomas, from RT I would nominate Doc and Hammer) - heck, look that I ended up giving names - lol, seasoned veterans as well as new players, hard core players spending 12 hours per day here, as well as casual ones spending maybe 4 hours per week, big depositors, small depositors as well as free players, gamblers and number crunchers, service providers, service consumers as well as investors and so on.

Thing is that is hard to pick these people from forums since some categories are much better represented by others.

For sure I would also nominate Jetsina, Matthew, Spawn, Svarog and Serica too, probably you also (although, and please don't take this as an insult, I think that, just like me, you're a bit too much of a troll for this :p).

Anyway the main two criterias in my book would be:
- diversity (make sure all categorirs of players are represented in the council)
- pick people that can debate, not argue

PS: Sorry for the names I accidentally messed up with - I have my own ways of memorizing names that makes them easy to recognize them, but rather hard to replicate.
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For sure I would also nominate Jetsina, Matthew, Spawn, Svarog and Serica too, probably you also (although, and please don't take this as an insult, I think that, just like me, you're a bit too much of a troll for this :p).

Thanks for the nomination DoA :D, I would happily take the place :).

I think this is a very good idea, ND could use an elected representative from each of the planets and moons. That way the representatives can listen too the community and forum of their respected planets and communicate back to him.
Anyway the main two criterias in my book would be:
- diversity (make sure all category of players is represented in the council)
- pick people that can debate, not argue
Diversity is a good criteria. "Freeloaders" should be represented and the best candidate is prolly you (can debate, not just argue). So, consider yourself "nominated". It's not me who makes the final choice thou. At the moment we can't be sure if anyone even wants any advices... But we'll continue just in case it might be needed at some point.

Representation of the planets is more like a political issue IMO. I would leave it to others to decide if that's needed, and if so how to elect or nominate ppl there.
As I see it, the biggest problem we're facing atm is the lack of qualified specialists, not politicans. To select those the selection of the best quotes from the brightest minds seems to be reasonably good method.

I know I'm not qualified enough in any specific area so I wouldn't recommend myself. :) There certainly is many ppl who are much better qualified but haven't been mentioned yet. Please ppl, keep posting!
Diversity is a good criteria. "Freeloaders" should be represented and the best candidate is prolly you (can debate, not just argue). So, consider yourself "nominated". It's not me who makes the final choice thou. At the moment we can't be sure if anyone even wants any advices... But we'll continue just in case it might be needed at some point.

Representation of the planets is more like a political issue IMO. I would leave it to others to decide if that's needed, and if so how to elect or nominate ppl there.
As I see it, the biggest problem we're facing atm is the lack of qualified specialists, not politicans. To select those the selection of the best quotes from the brightest minds seems to be reasonably good method.

I know I'm not qualified enough in any specific area so I wouldn't recommend myself. :) There certainly is many ppl who are much better qualified but haven't been mentioned yet. Please ppl, keep posting!

I perceived this "board" as a "political" one that should help the president connect with the player base and help him take the "political" decisions about the direction the game should be heading to.

Further than that, practical details and implementations, that's definitely a job for qualified specialists, but I think that should no longer be the board or the president job, but 3rd party, independent specialists should be hired / contracted to deal with the technical details.

And about nominating me, thank you for it, I would sure enjoy it, but being honest I have to say that I doubt I'd be the best candidate - I have too much of an ego and I love debating too much, so many times I get carried away and I start care more and more about "winning" the debate, than coming to the best possible conclusion.

PS (off-topic): And talking about debates; it's Friday night; where the beep are you?
NotAdmin aka VF on Ep...
For those interested, E3 2006 took place May 2006, from May 10th till May 12th. Seeing that the video was made a day before E3, that would make it the same date that the interview was published. So in the same day the interview was published in which he is quoted having made 50,000 USD, he suddenly becomes a millionaire? Unfortunately, the reporter/presenter of the video who he shares this with does not ask into the matter. This could possibly be due to the reporter being none other than Cheri London (nowadays Jacob's wife). In conclusion, one of these claims cannot possibly be true. Let's continue.

regarding the idea of a 'board' it's a pretty ancient one... might be a good idea to have someone do some digging for the old threads somewhere... probably quite a few potentials from those days that are still around.

found one of the main ones...

Regarding the tp fees, it looks like all PPs may not be on board with it (yet)...

Could be interesting if Calypso becomes the only planet with tp fees and all of the other planets don't have them, perhaps as a way for the PPs to encourage folks to come on over since the water's fine.
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Me and my and wife play as team " Amused To Death".

Mr Star and Dan P are really the only two players that need to be talked about here. They seem to be almost complete opposites. As such each represents almost all of the player base.

Between the two, you have a leader of the largest guilds and on the other side a freelancer at heart. You have the best pvp player and then perhaps the best skiller.

You have one guy who for years helped sweaters at Nea's and another who helped in multiplayer events.

I never talked with Mr Star but have shared brief times with Dan.

These two are the heart of our game.
Board of advisors.....seriously?

Oh please, this thread is making me laugh.

Lets get back to square one.

The people in the forum are not receptive to TP charging system.
They assume this is the fault of the President, that they naively believe has not discussed this with MA.
Or refuse to even consider if this was MA's idea in the first place, and pushing it via the president would win favour.

It's now suggested we have advisors to advise the president.
But people don't want advisors they really want player representation based on zero negotiating or management skills.

You want to take on a dictatorship, with 'please',.. 'if you could', ...'not to upset you'...approach.

This is not a f***ing democracy, please get that in your heads, and even if it was; nicey nicey just won't cut it.

You need to be clever, cunning, and be able to play chess with the best political minds to make MA think THEY WON, when you walk away with what you wanted.

Even if you get all militant...make demands on behalf of the player base. where is that going to get you?

MA say...ok we will implement a real voting system, but it will cost you.
Then you say ....the same one we were promised when CLD were issued.
MA say...that $6m is well*** Off.

Do you get the picture yet?


We keep buying stuff before it's finished, and complain afterwards.

Let me tell you how this is going to pan out. MA will do it and charge for TP's and issue a ton of new deeds, and you all will go out and buy those deeds. Because if you don't you wont be able to afford to play without the deeds.

The irony is...we are at the place now already, without even anymore deeds issued.

Where is compet, that we have paid for?

"It is a well-known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."

Douglas Adams (R.I.P.)

^ This could go in about 6 different active threads at the moment, I chose this one. :)
Me and my and wife play as team " Amused To Death".

Mr Star and Dan P are really the only two players that need to be talked about here. [...] These two are the heart of our game.

One of them, or prolly even both would qualify not only as the most qualified in the realm of game mechanics but also as the possible next president.
It would be useful if we still had the game by then, and the post of the president that's not totally discredited.
To make sure that's the case we prolly need to address a few issues first. This task, however, has everything to do with mind and very little with the heart... if you follow my drift.

@Rick: We are playing chess already. If you have any better ideas for the 1st move, let me know. ;)
Now days any noob with 88 hp and no armor can go to mine or hunt without need to avoid or kill hard mobs on lands witch are on way to desired spot just using Vtol fucking all experience, skills and gear of old timers miners and hunters.
It's like explosive gambling charm, no need skills, no need armor, fap and weapon just jump with vtol on old timer preferred place and mine or hunt before he can and ofc screw MU on auction by selling cheaply obtained resources.
Not because he use TP but because he use vehicles.
If something need to be removed then remove vehicles or tax them but fee or tax must go in loot pool and not to some deed users.
Finally got a serious post from Dan. Until now he was prolly too pissed off to use anything but sarcasm and ridicule. :)
(A sentiment which I understand only too well in this case...)

I will add the quote here simply because it's worth it but if I was Dan I wouldn't accept any posts.
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The post above is not exactly following the general idea of the thread but have to admit it's funny as hell! We can use a good joke, even more so when things are getting real serious. Thanx! :)

I was being thoroughly serious, however.

People react to change in different ways, especially when fast-changing reality suddenly stops making any sense within one's earlier super-duper rational theory. Some will rage, smash something and look for someone to blame. Some will sink into frustration. Some will try to concoct a new ad hoc rationalization as soon as possible. (I believe the latter is the worst as hastily constructed theories usually don't hold water for long.)

People capable of irony and sarcasm more easily admit that their theories have stopped working, and that arriving at a new rationalization of reality may require a bit of thinking outside the box. Unfortunately, by now most of these people are probably already recruited by secret services. :)