What happens if Chiee dies IRL tomorrow? Does someone else IRL know about the fund, have the id and password to your account, and will be able to distribute the funds back to who they really belong to?...
1. Yes
2. Yes, if something would happen
3. Yes
You say that "Trust is not an issue," but it always must be one when "funds" are set up in game such as this one... as history has proven over and over...
by RR Fund example:
by DWIF (Developing Worlds Investment Fund) example:
by MMA Big Showoff example:
by Pirate Fund example:
by Hardwrath scam example:
by Anshe example:
and many other examples that happen over and over over the course of this game's existence...
What makes your fund, and how you plan to 'end it' eventually, any different than the above examples?
What differentiates you from those guys?
Cant say anything how im different or more trustworthy than someone else but I think I have showed that I am trustworthy guy and thats why I have some investors in this funding. Definetly best is if you dont trust me or this then dont get part of this. Very simple
What's the "end of your life irl" due to some accident or unforseen circumstance "plan"?
What's your plan if something happens irl to you similar to what Hardwrath dealt with that caused him to not log in for over a year while he was holding other people's money (some of which may have ended their time in game during the duration of that year?..., etc.)
I dont know what happened to him but cant imagine any reason why I wouldnt / or cant log in game.