Consolidation of RT info and mob maps I created:
Rocktropia mob map
New/Old Harlem mob map
Hell mob map
Secret Island mob map
Mission Name: The AI War
Mission Broker: Sanctioned Weapons Dealer [Rocktropia, 136229, 85005, 238, Waypoint]
Prepaid Credit Card (2 PED TT)
Cheap A$$ Ammo (1 PED TT)
Paystub - 20 RockBucks Credit towards yearly payout (If you complete 260 missions in a year you can claim the RockBucks credited to your account) NOTE: With the change of RT from ND to MA I do not believe this is still in effect.
Mission Name: 120 Pound Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I:
Stage II:
Stage III: ??? PED First Aid
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Stage VI: 1 Stamina token and choice of 49 ped explosive, athletics, courage, or 25 ped first aid
Big Cats (Cougars, Panthers, Tigers, Cheetah, Leopards)
Mission Name: Catscepades
Mission Broker: SGT Cortiz South of Panta Ridge TP: [Rocktropia, 136217, 82087, 251, Waypoint]
Stage I: Athletics
Stage II:
Stage III:
City Wolves
Mission Name: Assisting Mahone
Mission Broker: Officer Mahone : 135365,87597,166
Stage I :
0.9 PED Aim or
0.9 PED Weapon Handling or
0.29 PED Melee Combat
Stage II:
1.8 PED Anatomy or
1.17 PED Athletics or
0.58 PED Bravado
Stage III:
3.60 PED Handgun or
2.33 PED Clubs or
1.17 PED Electrokinesis
Stage IV
7.20 PED Rifle or
4.67 PED Inflict Ranged Damage or
2.33 PED First Aid
Stage V:
4.67 PED Increase Cryogenics or
4.67 PED Electrokinesis or
4.67 PED First Aid skill
D-Block Mafia
Mission Name: Rocky Horror Mafia Show
Mission Broker: Escaped Boxer [136051, 84837, 237]
Stage I: Bioregenesis (6.21 PED) or Bravado (6.21 PED) or Concentration (6.33 PED)
Mission Name: 30 Pound Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I: First Aid~0.03 PED
Stage II: Dexterity ~0.29 PED
Stage III: Alertness ~0.43 PED
Stage IV: Courage ~2.05 PED
Stage V:
Elvis Dragons
Mission Name: Hauxleys Hound Dogs
Mission Broker: Commander Hauxley near Memphis Plains TP : 131966,83386
Mission Name: The Hatred of Vampire Stephano
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136210, 95014, 139, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II: 10 ROCKStar Dust
Stage III: 0.60 PED Evade
tage IV:
Stage V:
Garcia Dragons
Mission Name: The Will and Testament of Vampire Nostra
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136215, 95035, 139, Waypoint]]
Stage I: Alterness
Stage II:
Stage III:
Mission Name: Hating on Haters
Mission Broker: Kristi [135302, 89410, 100] have a ROCKTropia record on you or she will not give the mission
Stage I : ?
Stage II: ?
Stage III:
Clubs 1.72
Shortblade 2.63
Cryogenics 0.86
Hendrix Dragons
Mission Name: The Passions of Vampire Clarice
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136218, 95027, 139, Waypoint]
Mission Name: 200 Pound Bench Press Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I: Alertness 0.15 PED
Stage II:
Joplin Dragons
Mission Name: The Commission of Vampire LeRoux
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136217, 95035, 139, Waypoint]
Kool Kat:
Mission Name: The Lawn You Keep
Mission Broker: [135328, 82373, 108]
Stage I 3200 kill points
Aim 15.8 PED
Anatomy 15.8 PED
BLP Weapon Technology 15.81 PED
Stage II 6400 kill points
Combat Reflexes 31.6 PED
Dexterity 31.59 PED
Handgun 31.62 PED
Stage III 12800 kill points
Heavy melee weapons 63.20 PED
Laser weapon tech 63.24 PED
Longblade 63.24 PED
Stage IV 12800 kill points
Inflict range damage 82.40 PED
Athletics 82.37 PED
Alertness 82.48 PED
Stage V 25600 kill points - repeatable
Evade: 82.4 ped
Bioregenisis: 82.37ped
Melee combat: 82.48ped
Lemmy Dragon
Mission Name: Castle Passage
Mission Broker: Skull Statues in stone wall at 134236, 86020
Answer a series of question about Motorhead songs
Morrison Dragons
Mission Name: The Curse of Vampire Ciera
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136221, 95034, 139, Waypoint]
Motorhead Security and Royalty
Mission Name(s): Dominiques Domination (MH Security) and The Revenge of Montose (MH Royalty)
Mission Broker: Castle Gatekeepers (bound in pillars) [Rocktropia, 133948, 86658, 304, Waypoint] next to Lemmy's castle TP
Stage I:
Stage II: Alertness
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Stage I: Weapons Handling skill
Stage II: Shortblades
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
100 Stamina tokens AND
78.65 PED First aid or
157.29 PED Athletics or
157.29 PED Explosives Projectiles
Mission Name: NEVERDIE Dragon Control
Mission Broker: SGT Hendi 136380, 82661
Stage I: Telepathy (1.21 PED ???)
Stage II:
Stage III: Laser weaponry technology 30.5 PED
Old Wolves
Mission Broker: Diesel Rose 135257,84765,204
Mission Name: Diesel in Distress
Stage I:
Perception 5.4 PED or
Alertness 3.53 PED or
Telepathy 1.77 PED
Stage II:
Stage II:
Rifles 8.90 PED or
Clubs 5.75 PED or
Cryogenics 2.88 PED
Stage III:
Stage IV:
BLP Weapon Tech 35.6 PED or
Inflict Ranged Damage 23.0 PED or
Evade 11.5 PED
Stage V:
Telepathy 23 PED or
Bioregenesis 23 PED or
Electrokinesis 23 PED
Pesky ROCKtropia Beach Crab
Mission Name: I Got Crabs/ I Still Got Crabs/ Damn This Crabs
Mission Broker: Trey Chills
Stage I: (Kill 100) ??? Light Melee Weapons
Stage II: (Kill 500) ??? Melee Combat
Stage III: (Kill 1000) ??? Inflict Melee Damage
Mission Name: The Tale of Vampire LeCroix
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136221, 95034, 139, Waypoint]
Stage 1: Light Melee Weapons
Stage 2: ! Intelligence (Mission says the reward is Plasma Weaponry Technology but you are rewarded the Intelligence instead)
POP Dragons
Mission Name: Call of Duty
Mission Broker: SGT Willard right next to Ring of fire hunting lodge TP [Rocktropia, 134591, 85835, 374, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II:
Stage III: Combat Reflexes (21 PED ???)
Mission Name: 100 Pound Bench Press Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I:
Stage II: Combat Reflexes (??? PED)
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Mission Name: The Hunt for Captain Peter
Mission Broker: CPT Franic North of Daki Ridge TP : 137439,88997
Stage I: 2.0555 Handgun
Snakes (Green, Brown, Purple, Black, Coral)
Mission Names: (Type) Snake Hunting Contract
Mission Broker: Suzy McSnaketrader (Inside dragon head pub) [134369, 83503, 144]
- Green Snake: Combat Reflexes ?.?? PED
- Brown Snake: First Aid ?.?? PED
- Purple Snake: Perception ?.?? PED
- Black Snake:
- Coral Snake:
NOTE: Each mission is repeatable after a 1 hour wait
Steampunks Repeatable missions after 1 hour
Mission Name: Disruptive DJ
Mission Broker: Disruptive DJ (Inside dragon head pub) [134380, 83504, 144]
Stage I:
Dexterity or Longblades or Weap.Handling 12.75 PED or
Diagnosis 4.11 PED or
Alertness 8.23 PED
Mission Name: Punching Bag Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I: Athletics 0.95 PED
Mission Name: 5 Pound Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II: Aim ~0.27 PEDCombat Reflexes ~0.27 PEDWeapons Handling ~0.27 PEDInflict Ranged Damage ~0.13 PEDHandgun ~0.27 PED
Stage III: Aim ~0.53 PEDCombat Reflexes ~0.53 PEDWeapons Handling ~0.53 PEDInflict Ranged Damage ~0.38 PEDHandgun ~0.53 PED
Mission Name: The Rise of the Lycans
Mission Broker: Bartos the Lycan [Rocktropia, 133848, 86823, 304, Waypoint] West of Lemmy Castle TP along the path
Stage I:
Stage II: Anatomy ?.?? PED
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
18.5 PED Aim or
18.5 PED Weapons Handling
Vixen Shy
Mission Name: The Color of Envy
Mission Broker: Jealous Vixen [Rocktropia, 136134, 84986, 243, Waypoint] Behind Club Neverdie
Stage I: Aim, Blp Tech or Combat Reflexes 0.8 PED
Stage II:
Stage III: Perception, Longblades or Powerfirst
Mission Name: The History of Vampire Helena
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136220, 95027, 139, Waypoint]
Mission Name: Vampire Wars
Mission Broker: Vampire next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136210, 95014, 139, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II:
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Stage VI: *Repeatable
Aim 7.13 PED or
Weapons Handling 7.13 PED
Hyperplex TP: 135277, 88167, 107
noobs noobs noobs club SE if hyperplex TP
Speak to big boy
Speak to tipsy tony at end of line
Speak to lying larry inside pawnshop next door to club
Speak to big boy at club again
Speak to Gus at petrol station across the road and get gold coin
Go back to big boy
Go back to gus and get glam ingot
Give glam ingot to big boy and get next mission
Go to try east down the road. Mission locator will show the way
speak to boris the bum close to try. mission locator will show the way
Go to dumpster. mission locator will show the way
Go to boris and give smokes
Go to big boy and give rocktropia record
This gives you access to the club
Speak to Tiffany on dance floor for cocktail
Give Cynthia (on dance floor) the drink and , she will give you a cellphone
Mission Broker: LT Funk south of city of dreams : 136215,84726
Go to cave entrance : 136063,84818
Go to cave exit : 135723,84998
Go to Main road: 135420,85058
Follow the road north: 135128,85981
Continue down the road: 135426,87127
Get to the center of new harlm studios: 135462,87998
Get to the docks: 135844,88390
Cross the waters: Note the way point on the map is not correct instead go to 135756, 89245
Reach the coast of zomhatten: 136490, 90339
Follow the coast: 136587,92028
Keep going: 136773,92709
Head to BAMF HQ: 136449,93062
Speak to Drill SGT Breakerz: 136189,93056
This gives you the zombie mission chain Boot Camp. After finishing each kill count mission make sure you read the text as it tells you the next NPC to talk to, to receive the next kill count. Otherwise you just have to run around clicking on them all.
Boot Camp (Zombie) mission chain
Mission Name: Boot Camp 1 - Trail By Fire
Mission Broker: Drill Sgt.Breakerz - (136188, 93055)
Task: Kill 50 Zombies
Reward: Weapons Handling 0.06 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 2 - Bring The Pain
Mission Broker: Cpt.Gruber - (136201, 93143)
Task: Kill 100 Zombies
Reward: Alertness 0.09 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 3 - BioDome Defence
Mission Broker: Staff Sgt.Ortez - (136061, 93112)
Task: Kill 500 Zombies
Reward: Dexterity 0.64 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 4 - Hell Week
Mission Broker: Senior Drill Ins. Rufio - (136076, 93024)
Task: Kill 5,000 Zombies
Reward: Evade 2.65 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 5 - Graduation
Mission Broker: Cmd. Striker - (136325, 93101)
Task: Kill 10,000 Zombies
Reward: Dodge 5.29 PED; 1 B.A.M.F Tactical Radio
** Upon completing boot camp you can start the National Guard mission chain below:
National Guard (Zombie) mission chain
***Important note - ensure you have your BAMF Tactical Radio in your inventory before the last kill on each mission. some will try to update immediately after the last kill and others by sending you to an NPC that updates it. In each case, if you do not have the radio in your inventory (top level, not inside of a container) the mission will bug and you will have to abandon it and start it over.
Mission Name: Community Service
Mission Broker: National Guard Operations Officer [136287, 93000, 101]
***Important note If the NPC to start this next step does not give you the missions and tells you something along the lines of you must complete any missions you already have open, go to Mobile Mike to do a short mission to repair your radio. After the repair mission, you should be able to receive this mission.
***Important note about Mobile Mike: There is 2 mobile stands (1@Noobs Noobs Noobs TP and 2. near City of Dreams TP) and only Mobile Mike [136353, 84753, 237] @ City of Dreams gives Mobile Repair mission.
Mission Name: National Guard - Tryouts
Mission Broker: Sanchez - Sgt. BRAVO Company (136093, 94260)
Task: Kill 1000 Zombies
Reward: Weapons Handling 1.29 PED
Mission Name: National Guard - Support Recon
Mission Broker: Bruiser - Cpl. FOXTROT Company [Rocktropia, 135538, 95119, 123, Waypoint] **NOTE** You have to go to Cpt. ECHO Company first [Rocktropia, 137306, 95316, 112, Waypoint], then he sends you to tehe mission broker.
Task: Kill 3000 Zombies
Reward: Combat Reflexes 3.86 PED
Mission Name: National Guard - Search for Charlie Company
Location: Sgt. Bishop CHARLIE Company [Rocktropia, 137304, 94622, 373, Waypoint] Fly to top of building then go down 3 or so collapsed floors
Mission Task: Kill 5000 Zombies
Mission Name: National Guard - Power Grid Protection
Location: (NAME) (136599, 94267)
Task: Kill 10,000 Zombies
Reward: Aim 12.88 PED
Mission Name: National Guard - The Advance
Location: (NAME) (134899, 95813) Then Return to (135570, 94727)
Task: Kill 15,000 Zombies
Reward: Aim 19.31 PED
mission Broker: Antonia hatchet North of Tangerine TP : 134396, 83735
Head to tangerine TP : 134411, 83613
Head to building amongst shops: 134340,83450
Find the safe up stairs. Put any combination in. It does not matter anymore. Kill the cops and then it well send you to prison. Head to the entrance and they will get you started on the massive prison chain.
Once a prisoner, missions must be done in order. If you talk to the wrong NPC, interact with the wrong object, try to utilize the stairs from a floor/tier you are not yet on, or try to enter an area you do not have authorization for yet you will be killed. If you leave the prison during this entire mission chain you will be considered a snitch and incur an additional penalty mission requiring you to kill 200 prisoners before your normal prison mission will continue.
- Cellmate Politics (Santana) - Obj.: Kill 50 Inmates. Reward: Combat Reflexes
- Ox and Pals (Ox) - Obj.: Kill 20 Inmates. Reward: Aim
- Freaky Phong (Phong) - Obj.: Kill 1 player in PvP Reward: None
- Lights! Camera! Distraction! (Jimmy Lights) - Obj.: Kill 40 Prison Guards. Reward: Inflict Ranged Damage
- Show of Force (Freeman) - Obj.: Kill 5 players in PvP. Reward: None
- Sissy Situation (Brittany) - Obj.: Kill 50 Sissys Reward: Weapons Handling
- D Block Mafia Memory (Sal) - Obj.: Kill 30 Zomhatten St Boyz. Rewars: Light Melee Weapons
- 2 Timez Two Times (2-Timez) - Obj.: Kill 50 Zomhatten St Boyz - Reward: Wounding
- Crancked Out (Crank) - Obj.: kill 5 PvP players - Reward: None
- Crisis Intervention (Hector) - Obj.: kill 100 Inmates - Reward: Longblades
- Die Rat Die (Mouse) - Obj.: kill 40 Inmates - Reward: Melee Combat
- Tick Or Trotter (Trotter) - Obj.: kill 80 Northern Hitman - Reward: Shortblades
- Promotion Time (Tiny) - Obj.: kill 10 PvP players - Reward: 1 Rocktropia Gold Coin
- The Rico Act (Rico) - Obj.: Kill 100 Prison Guards. Reward: Rifle
- Chesters Pawn (Chester) - Obj.: kill 10 PvP players. Reward: 5 Rocktropia Gold Coin
- Make Your B-Roll (B-Roll) - Obj.: kill 100 Inmates. Reward: Power Fist
- Brixton Bass (Brixton) - Obj.: kill 200 Inmates. Reward: Handgun
- Moreno Moreno Moreno (Moreno) - Obj.: kill 200 Prison Guards. Reward: Diagnosis
- Pass the Soap (Bubbles) - Obj.: Kill 300 Inmates. Reward: Bioregenesis ~14 ped (From 2108.9x to 2126.0x)
- Dred The Pirate (Dred Mong) - Obj.:Kill 150 Inmates. Reward: Concentration ~2 ped (From 1912.4x to 1920.4x)
- The Damien Diamond Riot (Damien Diamond) - Obj.: Kill 500 Inmates. Reward: Dodge ~17 ped (From 3106.5x to 3122.1x)
- The Rob Report (Rob-D) - Obj.: Kill 20 Players. Reward: 5 ROCKtropia Gold Coin
- Corrupted C.O Sweep (Cesar) - Obj.: Kill 300 Prison Guards. Reward: Evade ~8 ped (From 5427.5x to 5430.8x)
- Smileys Product Run (Smiley) - Obj.: Kill 300 Inmates. Reward: Dexterity ~2 ped (From 5334.8x to 5342.0x)
- Snakebite I (Snake) - Obj.: Kill 200 Prison Guards. Reward: Alertness ~2 ped (From 3754.5x to 3780.7x)
- Jags and Jugulars (Jags) - Obj.: Kill 500 D-Block Mafia Members. Reward: Perception ~13 ped (From 4979.6x to 5013.0x); Inmates Severed Finger
- Playboys Painful Pleasure (Playboy) - Obj.: Kill 500 D-Block Mafia Members. Reward: Melee Combat (4647.60 to 4678.60) 2.43 peds
*NOTE: During the dialogue to obtain this mission you are given a choice of answers. If you select the wrong answer he calls you a snitch and you have to go to the prison yard to activate a kill any 50 prison mobs. Once done, return to him and he gives you his mission.
- Jokers Laugh (Joker) - Obj.: Kill 800 Prison Guards. Reward: Bioregenesis
- Hackers Hell (Hacker) - Obj.: Kill 1000 Zomhatten St Boyz. Reward: Handgun
- Bosco the Boss (Bosco) - Obj.: Kill 100 PvP Players. Reward: 50 Rocktropia Gold Coins
Whistlers Bite (Whistler)
Obj.: Kill 5000 inmates - Explosives (2200 -> 3100)
Zomhattan Boys Destruction (Jackson)
Obj.: Kill 5000 Zomhattan boys - reward Bravado 8.8 PED
Martinez Madness (General Martinez)
Obj.: Kill 5000 inmates - reward Coolness 9.76 PED
D-Block Finale (Chevnosky)
Obj.: Kill 5000 D-Block mafia - reward Melee Combat 22.15 PED
Sniper No Sniping (Sniper)
Obj.: Kill 5000 C.O's - reward Rifle 26.41 PED
The Downfall of Mr.X (Mr.X)
Obj.: kill 5000 Inmates - reward Combat Sense 15.57 PED
Mamba Mutiny (Mamba)
Take out the Rats Obj.:Kill 100 players then Kill 10000 inmates and avoid S.O.R.T officers (dont kill one)
+ after killing 10000 you have to find Captain Bosscerlli - reward Shortblade 25 PED; Silver keys
Enforcer (Enforcer)
Obj.: This guy seems to have no mission
Total kills: 40,000 for this tier
Exit the jail
Leave thru the main doors and you will commence the final escape mission
The Great Escape Begins
Get to the Wardens Office
Find the shed get thru undetected, you'll see Houdini near the shipping containers
Get to the Water Tower
Survive the fall and return to the Yard
Start a Riot - Obj.: Kill 10000 inmates or cops
Get to the Roof
Get to the Lighthouse
Signal a boat to the Island
Get to the Docks
Swim out to the Ocean
SHARK ATTACK! - Obj.: Kill 100 Crunk Sharks
Move location
Check out the Ocean Floor
SHARK ATTACK 2! - Obj.: Kill 100 Crunk Sharks
Swim to freedom - head to the small island
Look for the crate of supplies nearby on the beach
Enter the 4 digit code 5879 to disarm the device on the crate.
You receive 1 Strength + 3 Mystery items
Company cellphone
Set of keys
Top Secret Company files folder
(These allow you to start "The Company" mission chain)
Other missions in prison:
The Yard Missions (these can be done while doing the main missions)
NOTE: Certain prison mission progression must be met before theses open up. i do not have a compelte list but will add what is known after each
10lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 100 Inmates. Reward: 80 ROCKtropia Gold Coin
20lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 200 Inmates. Reward: 160 ROCKtropia Gold Coin
30lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 1000 Inmates. Reward: 85 hooch
40lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 2500 Inmates. Reward: 150 clicks teleman coin BP
50lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 3500 Inmates. Reward: 10 Rocktropia rollies
60lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 4000 Inmates. Reward: 160 hooch
70lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill (70 bugged so can't do it)
80lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 2500 Inmates. Reward: 20 Prison Hooch and 100 click Rolled Smokes BP
90lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 10000 Inmates. Reward: 200 clicks teleman coin
100lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 2000 Inmates. Reward: 100 clicks teleman coins
300lb Dumbell workout - Obj.: Kill 10000 Inmates. Reward: 75 ped Shotcallers shank, 100 click Teleman coin bp
100 lb Prison Bench Press - Obj.: Kill 1000 Zomhattan St Boyz. Reward: ??
Prison Curl Workout - Obj.: Kill 100 Guards. Reward: 50 Rocktropia Gold Coin (opens after final Tier 2 mission)
Hall missions:
- Prison Life (Inmate in Main Hall or Inmate between Main Hall and Shower) - Obj.: kill 50 Inmates Reward - enables new mission to be started
- No Way Out Maximum Security Prison (D Block Chow Officer or Solitary Confinement Officer(some of them)) - Obj.: kill 50 Inmates - Reward: enables new mission to be started.
How To Exit NWO Prison ( If you're not a prisoner)
You may die near the NWO prison LA and revive inside or just explore there and find yourself lost. There have been some rule changes over the years so there is a lot of confusion on what you can do to leave.
If you are just a "visitor" you are free to leave anytime. Lets assume that you are at one of the 2 revive stations, both of which are in the main hall. Jump down from your revival cell onto the main floor. Don't try to walk down the stairs, you will die. Dont try to talk to any npc's you will die.
If you have a flying vehicle, you can just go out to the main yard, spawn it and fly away.
Or there is a one way teleporter that you can find and go to any tp on planet.
Here's how to get to the TP: Face West, you will see the staircase, and also a bench press and a boxing heavy bag. Go towards the heavy bag, and pass by it just to the right and you will see a passageway behind the wall.
Take this passageway and go through the doors. Turn right and go down to end of room and you will see a doorway to the left. Go Through the doorway and go up staircase. Leave stairs when you get to 3d level ( next to last) and enter empty room. Turn left, then turn left again and you will see another staircase. Take this up and it winds around and you will come to the TP.
If you just want to spawn a vehicle outside , go East from the middle of main hall just passing South of some tables. When you come to the wall turn right then go through the doors into mess hall. Go Straight and you will come to another wall with tt, repair, crafting machine. Take the door on the right and go through hallway until you come to another room with a cage. Go Through the double doors and you will be out on the yard where you can spawn a vehicle.
Back in floor of the Main Hall, There is a guard by the main stairs. He is a televator, not an npc. You can take him down to level 0, there are a few prison cell shops. A few are active.
Company Mission "The Cure"
For those who finished the prison chain, There are some Company missions: There is a relatively new one called "The Cure"
NPC is Medical Officer inside Company Safe House. Mission is to kill 50k points of Intelligent Zombies: Prospects 1 pt, Enforcers 2 pts, Decomposing 3 pts, Nomads 4 pts, and Outlaws 5 pts.
Reward: Company Issued Zombie Vaccine which gives access to infected or contaminated zombies.
There is a "Rogue Trader" NPC in the penthouse of the Chelsea building that exchanges various items for loots. I went to him and exchanged the Zombie Vaccine and received a Mindkey. i gather this is used to start Virus Kong waves in Hell. My only problem is that this Mindkey is not tradeable, while the Zombie Vaccine is.
Note: You must have completed the Road to War (First mission in Zombie mission Chain above) mission to obtain this mission chain.
Police Academy I - Troll Removal Service
Mission Broker: Lt. Funk (136247, 84761)
Kill 50 Forum Troll
Reward: Aim (~0.05 PED TT)
Police Academy II - Soulshaker Invasion
Mission Broker: Sgt. Baker (36347, 84753)
Kill 100 Soul Shaker
Reward: Combat Reflexes (~0.05 PED TT)
Police Academy III - The Graduation Years
Mission Broker: Cpt. Shramsky (136190, 84619)
Kill 300 Soul Shaker
Reward: ROCKtropia Police Badge (~ PED TT), 1 ROCKtropia Police Radio (~ PED TT), Status: ROCKtropia Police Officer
Note: You must complete the police Academy mission and receive the Police Radio in your inventory to activate this missions. If you have done this and the missions are not activating then see Mobile Mike near ClubNeverdie (City of Dreams) to have your radio repaired.
Police Daily missions
Police Call 10-66 [135729, 83528, 199] 60 stereo jackers
Police Call 10-57 [136908, 83902, 258] 40 mulholland boys
Police Call 11-25 [Rocktropia, 136357, 84775, 237, Waypoint] 20 soulshakers
Police mission 10-88 [Rocktropia, 135852, 87905, 119, Waypoint] harlem hustlers
**Others as well but still pending details
Hell(accessible from drop down menu at TP from rock)
Demon hackers/ Code demons kill points mission
Mission Broker: Imprisoned demon: 39373,19750,110
Mission Name: Hackathon
Stage I (3200 kill points):
Laser Weapon Tech 10.2 PED
Plasma Weapon Tech 6.58 PED
Cryogenics 3.29 PED
Stage II (6400 kill points):
Rifle 20.40 PED
Inflict Ranged Damage 13.17 PED
Translocation 6.58 PED
Horny Little Devil :
Mission Broker: [39408, 19687, 110] (In Hell @club Hell Landing TP)
Mission Name: A Deal with the Horny Devil
Stage I (Kill 100):
Anatomy: 1.04 PED
Combat Reflexes: 1.04 PED
Dexterity: 1.04 PED
Stage II (Kill 500):
Aim: 5.19 PED
Weapons Handling: 5.19 PED
Courage: 3.31 PED
Stage III:
Bravado 3.31 PED
Translocation 3.31 PED
Inflict Ranged Damage 6.61 PED
Stage IV
Heavy Melee Weapons: 51.88 Ped
BLP weapon tech: 51.88 Ped
First Aid: 16.54 Ped
Stage V:
Evade 33.07 PED
Dodge 33.07 PED
Courage 66.15
Kongs Kill Point:
Mission Name: Duty Calls
Mission Broker: Walkie Talkie on table @[39393, 19782, 116]
Note** you cannot get this if The Great AI War is active so get it and the the AI War mission
Stage I (3200 kill points):
Stage II (6400 kill points):
Shortblades 16.40 PED
Inflict Ranged Damage 10.67 PED
Bioregenesis 5.33 PED
Stage III (12800 kill points):
Handgun 38.80 PED
Courage 21.33 PED
First Aid 10.67 PED
Stage IV (25600 Points):
Weapon Technology 65.60 PED or
Inflict Ranged Damage 42,67 PED or
Evade 21,33 PED
Stage V (51200 Points):
Dodge (42.67 PED)
First Aid (42.67 PED)
Diagnosis (42.67 PED)
Another Kongs Kill Point:
Mission Name: Destroy the Data Kongs
Mission Broker: Malfunctioning Databot @ [35094, 23941, 262]
Note** you must have a Green Hack Code (crafted instance key) on you for the NPC to interact with you
Stage I (3200 kill points):
Anatomy (8.2 PED)
Melee Damage (5.33 PED)
Electrokinesis (2.67 PED)
Virus Kongs:
Mission Name: The Great AI War
Mission Broker: Sgt Barriga [39393, 19782, 116]
Stage 1: 24 PED Evade or Dodge
Stage II:
Mining missions(also at club Hell)
Thiefs(skeletons) 39437,19746,110
Rocktropia access point(accessible from drop menu by going to hunt the thing)39097,20308,326
Mission Broker: Sgt Savagery: 39081,20343,329 (Near Camp Finale TP)
Kill point mission chain
Stage I:
Stage II:
combat reflexes 10.80 ped
athletics 7.07 ped
bravado 3.53 ped
Hunt the Thing: (accessible from drop menu by going to hunt the thing)
Video guides:
Part 1
Part 2
**Credit to Crusader Crue "Knight" for the videos
Zombie Anti-virus mission: Give access to Bio-dome (Where tamable vampire pet spawns)
**Credit to Kull for this write up
Gorilla Kill points:
Mission Broker: Archibald the monkey behind the bar inside Club Neverdie
Any gorilla type counts (island. mountain, kong, sacred kong)
Stage I:
Stage II (6400 Kill points)
Shortblades: 16.4 PED implant or
Inflict Ranged Damage: 10.67 PED or
Bioregenisis: 5.33 PED
Stage III (12800 Kill points)
Handgun 32.8 PED or
Courage 21.33 PED or
First Aid 10.67 PED
Stage IV: (25600 Kill points)
BLP Weapon Technology 65.6 PED or
Inflict Ranged Damage 42.67 PEDor
Evade 21.33 PED
Below missions found @ the ND 500 Raceway Market TP: 38221, 22350, 122 (Just NW of TP inside hut)
NOTE: These mission givers are currently broken.
Death Drake
Mountain Boar
Petit Papoo
Pirate Skeleton (Buccaneers do not count)
Shark (Great Whites do not count)
Snow Drake
Storm Drake
Village Boar
Vulcan Drake
Wild Boar
Mob Maps:
Click on the Map Name to access:Rocktropia mob map
New/Old Harlem mob map
Hell mob map
Secret Island mob map
RT Missions:
Mission Name: The AI War
Mission Broker: Sanctioned Weapons Dealer [Rocktropia, 136229, 85005, 238, Waypoint]
Prepaid Credit Card (2 PED TT)
Cheap A$$ Ammo (1 PED TT)
Paystub - 20 RockBucks Credit towards yearly payout (If you complete 260 missions in a year you can claim the RockBucks credited to your account) NOTE: With the change of RT from ND to MA I do not believe this is still in effect.
Mission Name: 120 Pound Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I:
Stage II:
Stage III: ??? PED First Aid
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Stage VI: 1 Stamina token and choice of 49 ped explosive, athletics, courage, or 25 ped first aid
Big Cats (Cougars, Panthers, Tigers, Cheetah, Leopards)
Mission Name: Catscepades
Mission Broker: SGT Cortiz South of Panta Ridge TP: [Rocktropia, 136217, 82087, 251, Waypoint]
Stage I: Athletics
Stage II:
Stage III:
City Wolves
Mission Name: Assisting Mahone
Mission Broker: Officer Mahone : 135365,87597,166
Stage I :
0.9 PED Aim or
0.9 PED Weapon Handling or
0.29 PED Melee Combat
Stage II:
1.8 PED Anatomy or
1.17 PED Athletics or
0.58 PED Bravado
Stage III:
3.60 PED Handgun or
2.33 PED Clubs or
1.17 PED Electrokinesis
Stage IV
7.20 PED Rifle or
4.67 PED Inflict Ranged Damage or
2.33 PED First Aid
Stage V:
4.67 PED Increase Cryogenics or
4.67 PED Electrokinesis or
4.67 PED First Aid skill
D-Block Mafia
Mission Name: Rocky Horror Mafia Show
Mission Broker: Escaped Boxer [136051, 84837, 237]
Stage I: Bioregenesis (6.21 PED) or Bravado (6.21 PED) or Concentration (6.33 PED)
Mission Name: 30 Pound Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I: First Aid~0.03 PED
Stage II: Dexterity ~0.29 PED
Stage III: Alertness ~0.43 PED
Stage IV: Courage ~2.05 PED
Stage V:
Elvis Dragons
Mission Name: Hauxleys Hound Dogs
Mission Broker: Commander Hauxley near Memphis Plains TP : 131966,83386
Mission Name: The Hatred of Vampire Stephano
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136210, 95014, 139, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II: 10 ROCKStar Dust
Stage III: 0.60 PED Evade
tage IV:
Stage V:
Garcia Dragons
Mission Name: The Will and Testament of Vampire Nostra
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136215, 95035, 139, Waypoint]]
Stage I: Alterness
Stage II:
Stage III:
Mission Name: Hating on Haters
Mission Broker: Kristi [135302, 89410, 100] have a ROCKTropia record on you or she will not give the mission
Stage I : ?
Stage II: ?
Stage III:
Clubs 1.72
Shortblade 2.63
Cryogenics 0.86
Hendrix Dragons
Mission Name: The Passions of Vampire Clarice
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136218, 95027, 139, Waypoint]
Mission Name: 200 Pound Bench Press Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I: Alertness 0.15 PED
Stage II:
Joplin Dragons
Mission Name: The Commission of Vampire LeRoux
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136217, 95035, 139, Waypoint]
Kool Kat:
Mission Name: The Lawn You Keep
Mission Broker: [135328, 82373, 108]
Stage I 3200 kill points
Aim 15.8 PED
Anatomy 15.8 PED
BLP Weapon Technology 15.81 PED
Stage II 6400 kill points
Combat Reflexes 31.6 PED
Dexterity 31.59 PED
Handgun 31.62 PED
Stage III 12800 kill points
Heavy melee weapons 63.20 PED
Laser weapon tech 63.24 PED
Longblade 63.24 PED
Stage IV 12800 kill points
Inflict range damage 82.40 PED
Athletics 82.37 PED
Alertness 82.48 PED
Stage V 25600 kill points - repeatable
Evade: 82.4 ped
Bioregenisis: 82.37ped
Melee combat: 82.48ped
Lemmy Dragon
Mission Name: Castle Passage
Mission Broker: Skull Statues in stone wall at 134236, 86020
Answer a series of question about Motorhead songs
Morrison Dragons
Mission Name: The Curse of Vampire Ciera
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136221, 95034, 139, Waypoint]
Motorhead Security and Royalty
Mission Name(s): Dominiques Domination (MH Security) and The Revenge of Montose (MH Royalty)
Mission Broker: Castle Gatekeepers (bound in pillars) [Rocktropia, 133948, 86658, 304, Waypoint] next to Lemmy's castle TP
Stage I:
Stage II: Alertness
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Stage I: Weapons Handling skill
Stage II: Shortblades
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
100 Stamina tokens AND
78.65 PED First aid or
157.29 PED Athletics or
157.29 PED Explosives Projectiles
Mission Name: NEVERDIE Dragon Control
Mission Broker: SGT Hendi 136380, 82661
Stage I: Telepathy (1.21 PED ???)
Stage II:
Stage III: Laser weaponry technology 30.5 PED
Old Wolves
Mission Broker: Diesel Rose 135257,84765,204
Mission Name: Diesel in Distress
Stage I:
Perception 5.4 PED or
Alertness 3.53 PED or
Telepathy 1.77 PED
Stage II:
Stage II:
Rifles 8.90 PED or
Clubs 5.75 PED or
Cryogenics 2.88 PED
Stage III:
Stage IV:
BLP Weapon Tech 35.6 PED or
Inflict Ranged Damage 23.0 PED or
Evade 11.5 PED
Stage V:
Telepathy 23 PED or
Bioregenesis 23 PED or
Electrokinesis 23 PED
Pesky ROCKtropia Beach Crab
Mission Name: I Got Crabs/ I Still Got Crabs/ Damn This Crabs
Mission Broker: Trey Chills
Stage I: (Kill 100) ??? Light Melee Weapons
Stage II: (Kill 500) ??? Melee Combat
Stage III: (Kill 1000) ??? Inflict Melee Damage
Mission Name: The Tale of Vampire LeCroix
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136221, 95034, 139, Waypoint]
Stage 1: Light Melee Weapons
Stage 2: ! Intelligence (Mission says the reward is Plasma Weaponry Technology but you are rewarded the Intelligence instead)
POP Dragons
Mission Name: Call of Duty
Mission Broker: SGT Willard right next to Ring of fire hunting lodge TP [Rocktropia, 134591, 85835, 374, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II:
Stage III: Combat Reflexes (21 PED ???)
Mission Name: 100 Pound Bench Press Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I:
Stage II: Combat Reflexes (??? PED)
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Mission Name: The Hunt for Captain Peter
Mission Broker: CPT Franic North of Daki Ridge TP : 137439,88997
Stage I: 2.0555 Handgun
Snakes (Green, Brown, Purple, Black, Coral)
Mission Names: (Type) Snake Hunting Contract
Mission Broker: Suzy McSnaketrader (Inside dragon head pub) [134369, 83503, 144]
- Green Snake: Combat Reflexes ?.?? PED
- Brown Snake: First Aid ?.?? PED
- Purple Snake: Perception ?.?? PED
- Black Snake:
- Coral Snake:
NOTE: Each mission is repeatable after a 1 hour wait
Steampunks Repeatable missions after 1 hour
Mission Name: Disruptive DJ
Mission Broker: Disruptive DJ (Inside dragon head pub) [134380, 83504, 144]
Stage I:
Dexterity or Longblades or Weap.Handling 12.75 PED or
Diagnosis 4.11 PED or
Alertness 8.23 PED
Mission Name: Punching Bag Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
***Note: If thieves mission from 5LB Dumbbells is open you cannot start this mission until thieves is complete.
Stage I: Athletics 0.95 PED
Mission Name: 5 Pound Workout
Mission Broker: various workout equipment at Muscle Beach park: [Rocktropia, 135759, 88073, 115, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II: Aim ~0.27 PEDCombat Reflexes ~0.27 PEDWeapons Handling ~0.27 PEDInflict Ranged Damage ~0.13 PEDHandgun ~0.27 PED
Stage III: Aim ~0.53 PEDCombat Reflexes ~0.53 PEDWeapons Handling ~0.53 PEDInflict Ranged Damage ~0.38 PEDHandgun ~0.53 PED
Mission Name: The Rise of the Lycans
Mission Broker: Bartos the Lycan [Rocktropia, 133848, 86823, 304, Waypoint] West of Lemmy Castle TP along the path
Stage I:
Stage II: Anatomy ?.?? PED
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
18.5 PED Aim or
18.5 PED Weapons Handling
Vixen Shy
Mission Name: The Color of Envy
Mission Broker: Jealous Vixen [Rocktropia, 136134, 84986, 243, Waypoint] Behind Club Neverdie
Stage I: Aim, Blp Tech or Combat Reflexes 0.8 PED
Stage II:
Stage III: Perception, Longblades or Powerfirst
Mission Name: The History of Vampire Helena
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136220, 95027, 139, Waypoint]
Mission Name: Vampire Wars
Mission Broker: Vampire next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136210, 95014, 139, Waypoint]
Stage I:
Stage II:
Stage III:
Stage IV:
Stage V:
Stage VI: *Repeatable
Aim 7.13 PED or
Weapons Handling 7.13 PED
Mobile Phone mission to unlock zombie chain and various repeatable missions:
Hyperplex TP: 135277, 88167, 107
noobs noobs noobs club SE if hyperplex TP
Speak to big boy
Speak to tipsy tony at end of line
Speak to lying larry inside pawnshop next door to club
Speak to big boy at club again
Speak to Gus at petrol station across the road and get gold coin
Go back to big boy
Go back to gus and get glam ingot
Give glam ingot to big boy and get next mission
Go to try east down the road. Mission locator will show the way
speak to boris the bum close to try. mission locator will show the way
Go to dumpster. mission locator will show the way
Go to boris and give smokes
Go to big boy and give rocktropia record
This gives you access to the club
Speak to Tiffany on dance floor for cocktail
Give Cynthia (on dance floor) the drink and , she will give you a cellphone
Zombie mission chain
Mission Name: The Road to WarMission Broker: LT Funk south of city of dreams : 136215,84726
Go to cave entrance : 136063,84818
Go to cave exit : 135723,84998
Go to Main road: 135420,85058
Follow the road north: 135128,85981
Continue down the road: 135426,87127
Get to the center of new harlm studios: 135462,87998
Get to the docks: 135844,88390
Cross the waters: Note the way point on the map is not correct instead go to 135756, 89245
Reach the coast of zomhatten: 136490, 90339
Follow the coast: 136587,92028
Keep going: 136773,92709
Head to BAMF HQ: 136449,93062
Speak to Drill SGT Breakerz: 136189,93056
This gives you the zombie mission chain Boot Camp. After finishing each kill count mission make sure you read the text as it tells you the next NPC to talk to, to receive the next kill count. Otherwise you just have to run around clicking on them all.
Boot Camp (Zombie) mission chain
Mission Name: Boot Camp 1 - Trail By Fire
Mission Broker: Drill Sgt.Breakerz - (136188, 93055)
Task: Kill 50 Zombies
Reward: Weapons Handling 0.06 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 2 - Bring The Pain
Mission Broker: Cpt.Gruber - (136201, 93143)
Task: Kill 100 Zombies
Reward: Alertness 0.09 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 3 - BioDome Defence
Mission Broker: Staff Sgt.Ortez - (136061, 93112)
Task: Kill 500 Zombies
Reward: Dexterity 0.64 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 4 - Hell Week
Mission Broker: Senior Drill Ins. Rufio - (136076, 93024)
Task: Kill 5,000 Zombies
Reward: Evade 2.65 PED
Mission Name: Boot Camp 5 - Graduation
Mission Broker: Cmd. Striker - (136325, 93101)
Task: Kill 10,000 Zombies
Reward: Dodge 5.29 PED; 1 B.A.M.F Tactical Radio
** Upon completing boot camp you can start the National Guard mission chain below:
National Guard (Zombie) mission chain
***Important note - ensure you have your BAMF Tactical Radio in your inventory before the last kill on each mission. some will try to update immediately after the last kill and others by sending you to an NPC that updates it. In each case, if you do not have the radio in your inventory (top level, not inside of a container) the mission will bug and you will have to abandon it and start it over.
Mission Name: Community Service
Mission Broker: National Guard Operations Officer [136287, 93000, 101]
***Important note If the NPC to start this next step does not give you the missions and tells you something along the lines of you must complete any missions you already have open, go to Mobile Mike to do a short mission to repair your radio. After the repair mission, you should be able to receive this mission.
***Important note about Mobile Mike: There is 2 mobile stands (1@Noobs Noobs Noobs TP and 2. near City of Dreams TP) and only Mobile Mike [136353, 84753, 237] @ City of Dreams gives Mobile Repair mission.
Mission Name: National Guard - Tryouts
Mission Broker: Sanchez - Sgt. BRAVO Company (136093, 94260)
Task: Kill 1000 Zombies
Reward: Weapons Handling 1.29 PED
Mission Name: National Guard - Support Recon
Mission Broker: Bruiser - Cpl. FOXTROT Company [Rocktropia, 135538, 95119, 123, Waypoint] **NOTE** You have to go to Cpt. ECHO Company first [Rocktropia, 137306, 95316, 112, Waypoint], then he sends you to tehe mission broker.
Task: Kill 3000 Zombies
Reward: Combat Reflexes 3.86 PED
Mission Name: National Guard - Search for Charlie Company
Location: Sgt. Bishop CHARLIE Company [Rocktropia, 137304, 94622, 373, Waypoint] Fly to top of building then go down 3 or so collapsed floors
Mission Task: Kill 5000 Zombies
Mission Name: National Guard - Power Grid Protection
Location: (NAME) (136599, 94267)
Task: Kill 10,000 Zombies
Reward: Aim 12.88 PED
Mission Name: National Guard - The Advance
Location: (NAME) (134899, 95813) Then Return to (135570, 94727)
Task: Kill 15,000 Zombies
Reward: Aim 19.31 PED
mission Broker: Antonia hatchet North of Tangerine TP : 134396, 83735
Prison mission chain
Get lockpick out of dumpster: 135427,88116 - You don't get a interactive symbol on cursor for the dumpster. Just click on it.Head to tangerine TP : 134411, 83613
Head to building amongst shops: 134340,83450
Find the safe up stairs. Put any combination in. It does not matter anymore. Kill the cops and then it well send you to prison. Head to the entrance and they will get you started on the massive prison chain.
Once a prisoner, missions must be done in order. If you talk to the wrong NPC, interact with the wrong object, try to utilize the stairs from a floor/tier you are not yet on, or try to enter an area you do not have authorization for yet you will be killed. If you leave the prison during this entire mission chain you will be considered a snitch and incur an additional penalty mission requiring you to kill 200 prisoners before your normal prison mission will continue.
- Cellmate Politics (Santana) - Obj.: Kill 50 Inmates. Reward: Combat Reflexes
- Ox and Pals (Ox) - Obj.: Kill 20 Inmates. Reward: Aim
- Freaky Phong (Phong) - Obj.: Kill 1 player in PvP Reward: None
- Lights! Camera! Distraction! (Jimmy Lights) - Obj.: Kill 40 Prison Guards. Reward: Inflict Ranged Damage
- Show of Force (Freeman) - Obj.: Kill 5 players in PvP. Reward: None
- Sissy Situation (Brittany) - Obj.: Kill 50 Sissys Reward: Weapons Handling
- D Block Mafia Memory (Sal) - Obj.: Kill 30 Zomhatten St Boyz. Rewars: Light Melee Weapons
- 2 Timez Two Times (2-Timez) - Obj.: Kill 50 Zomhatten St Boyz - Reward: Wounding
- Crancked Out (Crank) - Obj.: kill 5 PvP players - Reward: None
- Crisis Intervention (Hector) - Obj.: kill 100 Inmates - Reward: Longblades
- Die Rat Die (Mouse) - Obj.: kill 40 Inmates - Reward: Melee Combat
- Tick Or Trotter (Trotter) - Obj.: kill 80 Northern Hitman - Reward: Shortblades
- Promotion Time (Tiny) - Obj.: kill 10 PvP players - Reward: 1 Rocktropia Gold Coin
- The Rico Act (Rico) - Obj.: Kill 100 Prison Guards. Reward: Rifle
- Chesters Pawn (Chester) - Obj.: kill 10 PvP players. Reward: 5 Rocktropia Gold Coin
- Make Your B-Roll (B-Roll) - Obj.: kill 100 Inmates. Reward: Power Fist
- Brixton Bass (Brixton) - Obj.: kill 200 Inmates. Reward: Handgun
- Moreno Moreno Moreno (Moreno) - Obj.: kill 200 Prison Guards. Reward: Diagnosis
- Pass the Soap (Bubbles) - Obj.: Kill 300 Inmates. Reward: Bioregenesis ~14 ped (From 2108.9x to 2126.0x)
- Dred The Pirate (Dred Mong) - Obj.:Kill 150 Inmates. Reward: Concentration ~2 ped (From 1912.4x to 1920.4x)
- The Damien Diamond Riot (Damien Diamond) - Obj.: Kill 500 Inmates. Reward: Dodge ~17 ped (From 3106.5x to 3122.1x)
- The Rob Report (Rob-D) - Obj.: Kill 20 Players. Reward: 5 ROCKtropia Gold Coin
- Corrupted C.O Sweep (Cesar) - Obj.: Kill 300 Prison Guards. Reward: Evade ~8 ped (From 5427.5x to 5430.8x)
- Smileys Product Run (Smiley) - Obj.: Kill 300 Inmates. Reward: Dexterity ~2 ped (From 5334.8x to 5342.0x)
- Snakebite I (Snake) - Obj.: Kill 200 Prison Guards. Reward: Alertness ~2 ped (From 3754.5x to 3780.7x)
- Jags and Jugulars (Jags) - Obj.: Kill 500 D-Block Mafia Members. Reward: Perception ~13 ped (From 4979.6x to 5013.0x); Inmates Severed Finger
- Playboys Painful Pleasure (Playboy) - Obj.: Kill 500 D-Block Mafia Members. Reward: Melee Combat (4647.60 to 4678.60) 2.43 peds
*NOTE: During the dialogue to obtain this mission you are given a choice of answers. If you select the wrong answer he calls you a snitch and you have to go to the prison yard to activate a kill any 50 prison mobs. Once done, return to him and he gives you his mission.
- Jokers Laugh (Joker) - Obj.: Kill 800 Prison Guards. Reward: Bioregenesis
- Hackers Hell (Hacker) - Obj.: Kill 1000 Zomhatten St Boyz. Reward: Handgun
- Bosco the Boss (Bosco) - Obj.: Kill 100 PvP Players. Reward: 50 Rocktropia Gold Coins
Whistlers Bite (Whistler)
Obj.: Kill 5000 inmates - Explosives (2200 -> 3100)
Zomhattan Boys Destruction (Jackson)
Obj.: Kill 5000 Zomhattan boys - reward Bravado 8.8 PED
Martinez Madness (General Martinez)
Obj.: Kill 5000 inmates - reward Coolness 9.76 PED
D-Block Finale (Chevnosky)
Obj.: Kill 5000 D-Block mafia - reward Melee Combat 22.15 PED
Sniper No Sniping (Sniper)
Obj.: Kill 5000 C.O's - reward Rifle 26.41 PED
The Downfall of Mr.X (Mr.X)
Obj.: kill 5000 Inmates - reward Combat Sense 15.57 PED
Mamba Mutiny (Mamba)
Take out the Rats Obj.:Kill 100 players then Kill 10000 inmates and avoid S.O.R.T officers (dont kill one)
+ after killing 10000 you have to find Captain Bosscerlli - reward Shortblade 25 PED; Silver keys
Enforcer (Enforcer)
Obj.: This guy seems to have no mission
Total kills: 40,000 for this tier
Exit the jail
Leave thru the main doors and you will commence the final escape mission
The Great Escape Begins
Get to the Wardens Office
Find the shed get thru undetected, you'll see Houdini near the shipping containers
Get to the Water Tower
Survive the fall and return to the Yard
Start a Riot - Obj.: Kill 10000 inmates or cops
Get to the Roof
Get to the Lighthouse
Signal a boat to the Island
Get to the Docks
Swim out to the Ocean
SHARK ATTACK! - Obj.: Kill 100 Crunk Sharks
Move location
Check out the Ocean Floor
SHARK ATTACK 2! - Obj.: Kill 100 Crunk Sharks
Swim to freedom - head to the small island
Look for the crate of supplies nearby on the beach
Enter the 4 digit code 5879 to disarm the device on the crate.
You receive 1 Strength + 3 Mystery items
Company cellphone
Set of keys
Top Secret Company files folder
(These allow you to start "The Company" mission chain)
Other missions in prison:
The Yard Missions (these can be done while doing the main missions)
NOTE: Certain prison mission progression must be met before theses open up. i do not have a compelte list but will add what is known after each
10lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 100 Inmates. Reward: 80 ROCKtropia Gold Coin
20lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 200 Inmates. Reward: 160 ROCKtropia Gold Coin
30lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 1000 Inmates. Reward: 85 hooch
40lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 2500 Inmates. Reward: 150 clicks teleman coin BP
50lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 3500 Inmates. Reward: 10 Rocktropia rollies
60lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 4000 Inmates. Reward: 160 hooch
70lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill (70 bugged so can't do it)
80lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 2500 Inmates. Reward: 20 Prison Hooch and 100 click Rolled Smokes BP
90lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 10000 Inmates. Reward: 200 clicks teleman coin
100lb Dumbell Workout - Obj.: Kill 2000 Inmates. Reward: 100 clicks teleman coins
300lb Dumbell workout - Obj.: Kill 10000 Inmates. Reward: 75 ped Shotcallers shank, 100 click Teleman coin bp
100 lb Prison Bench Press - Obj.: Kill 1000 Zomhattan St Boyz. Reward: ??
Prison Curl Workout - Obj.: Kill 100 Guards. Reward: 50 Rocktropia Gold Coin (opens after final Tier 2 mission)
Hall missions:
- Prison Life (Inmate in Main Hall or Inmate between Main Hall and Shower) - Obj.: kill 50 Inmates Reward - enables new mission to be started
- No Way Out Maximum Security Prison (D Block Chow Officer or Solitary Confinement Officer(some of them)) - Obj.: kill 50 Inmates - Reward: enables new mission to be started.
How To Exit NWO Prison ( If you're not a prisoner)
You may die near the NWO prison LA and revive inside or just explore there and find yourself lost. There have been some rule changes over the years so there is a lot of confusion on what you can do to leave.
If you are just a "visitor" you are free to leave anytime. Lets assume that you are at one of the 2 revive stations, both of which are in the main hall. Jump down from your revival cell onto the main floor. Don't try to walk down the stairs, you will die. Dont try to talk to any npc's you will die.
If you have a flying vehicle, you can just go out to the main yard, spawn it and fly away.
Or there is a one way teleporter that you can find and go to any tp on planet.
Here's how to get to the TP: Face West, you will see the staircase, and also a bench press and a boxing heavy bag. Go towards the heavy bag, and pass by it just to the right and you will see a passageway behind the wall.
Take this passageway and go through the doors. Turn right and go down to end of room and you will see a doorway to the left. Go Through the doorway and go up staircase. Leave stairs when you get to 3d level ( next to last) and enter empty room. Turn left, then turn left again and you will see another staircase. Take this up and it winds around and you will come to the TP.
If you just want to spawn a vehicle outside , go East from the middle of main hall just passing South of some tables. When you come to the wall turn right then go through the doors into mess hall. Go Straight and you will come to another wall with tt, repair, crafting machine. Take the door on the right and go through hallway until you come to another room with a cage. Go Through the double doors and you will be out on the yard where you can spawn a vehicle.
Back in floor of the Main Hall, There is a guard by the main stairs. He is a televator, not an npc. You can take him down to level 0, there are a few prison cell shops. A few are active.
Company Missions
Company Mission "The Cure"
For those who finished the prison chain, There are some Company missions: There is a relatively new one called "The Cure"
NPC is Medical Officer inside Company Safe House. Mission is to kill 50k points of Intelligent Zombies: Prospects 1 pt, Enforcers 2 pts, Decomposing 3 pts, Nomads 4 pts, and Outlaws 5 pts.
Reward: Company Issued Zombie Vaccine which gives access to infected or contaminated zombies.
There is a "Rogue Trader" NPC in the penthouse of the Chelsea building that exchanges various items for loots. I went to him and exchanged the Zombie Vaccine and received a Mindkey. i gather this is used to start Virus Kong waves in Hell. My only problem is that this Mindkey is not tradeable, while the Zombie Vaccine is.
Police Academy
Note: You must have completed the Road to War (First mission in Zombie mission Chain above) mission to obtain this mission chain.
Police Academy I - Troll Removal Service
Mission Broker: Lt. Funk (136247, 84761)
Kill 50 Forum Troll
Reward: Aim (~0.05 PED TT)
Police Academy II - Soulshaker Invasion
Mission Broker: Sgt. Baker (36347, 84753)
Kill 100 Soul Shaker
Reward: Combat Reflexes (~0.05 PED TT)
Police Academy III - The Graduation Years
Mission Broker: Cpt. Shramsky (136190, 84619)
Kill 300 Soul Shaker
Reward: ROCKtropia Police Badge (~ PED TT), 1 ROCKtropia Police Radio (~ PED TT), Status: ROCKtropia Police Officer
Note: You must complete the police Academy mission and receive the Police Radio in your inventory to activate this missions. If you have done this and the missions are not activating then see Mobile Mike near ClubNeverdie (City of Dreams) to have your radio repaired.
Police Daily missions
Police Call 10-66 [135729, 83528, 199] 60 stereo jackers
Police Call 10-57 [136908, 83902, 258] 40 mulholland boys
Police Call 11-25 [Rocktropia, 136357, 84775, 237, Waypoint] 20 soulshakers
Police mission 10-88 [Rocktropia, 135852, 87905, 119, Waypoint] harlem hustlers
**Others as well but still pending details
Hell Missions:
Hell(accessible from drop down menu at TP from rock)
Demon hackers/ Code demons kill points mission
Mission Broker: Imprisoned demon: 39373,19750,110
Mission Name: Hackathon
Stage I (3200 kill points):
Laser Weapon Tech 10.2 PED
Plasma Weapon Tech 6.58 PED
Cryogenics 3.29 PED
Stage II (6400 kill points):
Rifle 20.40 PED
Inflict Ranged Damage 13.17 PED
Translocation 6.58 PED
Horny Little Devil :
Mission Broker: [39408, 19687, 110] (In Hell @club Hell Landing TP)
Mission Name: A Deal with the Horny Devil
Stage I (Kill 100):
Anatomy: 1.04 PED
Combat Reflexes: 1.04 PED
Dexterity: 1.04 PED
Stage II (Kill 500):
Aim: 5.19 PED
Weapons Handling: 5.19 PED
Courage: 3.31 PED
Stage III:
Bravado 3.31 PED
Translocation 3.31 PED
Inflict Ranged Damage 6.61 PED
Stage IV
Heavy Melee Weapons: 51.88 Ped
BLP weapon tech: 51.88 Ped
First Aid: 16.54 Ped
Stage V:
Evade 33.07 PED
Dodge 33.07 PED
Courage 66.15
Kongs Kill Point:
Mission Name: Duty Calls
Mission Broker: Walkie Talkie on table @[39393, 19782, 116]
Note** you cannot get this if The Great AI War is active so get it and the the AI War mission
Stage I (3200 kill points):
Stage II (6400 kill points):
Shortblades 16.40 PED
Inflict Ranged Damage 10.67 PED
Bioregenesis 5.33 PED
Stage III (12800 kill points):
Handgun 38.80 PED
Courage 21.33 PED
First Aid 10.67 PED
Stage IV (25600 Points):
Weapon Technology 65.60 PED or
Inflict Ranged Damage 42,67 PED or
Evade 21,33 PED
Stage V (51200 Points):
Dodge (42.67 PED)
First Aid (42.67 PED)
Diagnosis (42.67 PED)
Another Kongs Kill Point:
Mission Name: Destroy the Data Kongs
Mission Broker: Malfunctioning Databot @ [35094, 23941, 262]
Note** you must have a Green Hack Code (crafted instance key) on you for the NPC to interact with you
Stage I (3200 kill points):
Anatomy (8.2 PED)
Melee Damage (5.33 PED)
Electrokinesis (2.67 PED)
Virus Kongs:
Mission Name: The Great AI War
Mission Broker: Sgt Barriga [39393, 19782, 116]
Stage 1: 24 PED Evade or Dodge
Stage II:
Mining missions(also at club Hell)
Thiefs(skeletons) 39437,19746,110
HTT Missions:
Rocktropia access point(accessible from drop menu by going to hunt the thing)39097,20308,326
Mission Broker: Sgt Savagery: 39081,20343,329 (Near Camp Finale TP)
Kill point mission chain
Stage I:
Stage II:
combat reflexes 10.80 ped
athletics 7.07 ped
bravado 3.53 ped
Hunt the Thing: (accessible from drop menu by going to hunt the thing)
Video guides:
Part 1
Secret Island Missions:
Zombie Anti-virus mission: Give access to Bio-dome (Where tamable vampire pet spawns)
**Credit to Kull for this write up
Gorilla Kill points:
Mission Broker: Archibald the monkey behind the bar inside Club Neverdie
Any gorilla type counts (island. mountain, kong, sacred kong)
Stage I:
Stage II (6400 Kill points)
Shortblades: 16.4 PED implant or
Inflict Ranged Damage: 10.67 PED or
Bioregenisis: 5.33 PED
Stage III (12800 Kill points)
Handgun 32.8 PED or
Courage 21.33 PED or
First Aid 10.67 PED
Stage IV: (25600 Kill points)
BLP Weapon Technology 65.6 PED or
Inflict Ranged Damage 42.67 PEDor
Evade 21.33 PED
Below missions found @ the ND 500 Raceway Market TP: 38221, 22350, 122 (Just NW of TP inside hut)
NOTE: These mission givers are currently broken.
Death Drake
Mountain Boar
Petit Papoo
Pirate Skeleton (Buccaneers do not count)
Shark (Great Whites do not count)
Snow Drake
Storm Drake
Village Boar
Vulcan Drake
Wild Boar
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